vibrating mechanism


  • The vibrating mechanism of surfacing for repair welding of shaft is developed ; the frequency and amplitude of electrode vibration can be altered .

    设计了用轴类零件修复的频率和振幅均可调的 堆焊 机构

  • The DLS magnetic separator is mainly composed of high frequency vibrating mechanism ring exiting coils upper and lower yoke and varies ore buckets water supplying devices .

    磁选机主要由高频 振动 机构、转环、励磁线圈、上下铁轭及各种矿斗、供水装置等组成。

  • After a brief description of the inertia vibrating mechanism with twin axles the analysis and optimization method of dynamic model with two degrees freedom .

    本文概要论述了双轴惯性 振动 机构,两自由度动态模型的分析和优化方法。

  • If vibrating screen and weighing systems mixing cylinders are installed on frame structure we can use the lifting mechanism to complete the whole block . Then we install the plant on the Special frame in order to achieve fast converting field .

    若将 振动筛、称量系统、搅拌缸等单元共同安装于楼架结构上,利用举升 机构可完成整体架设,再将搅拌楼装于专用车架上可实现快速转场。

  • Vibrating Character of Compacting Mechanism of Paver The Model Selecting and Complete-set Forming of the Asphalt Road-surface Paving and Compacting Machines

    摊铺机压实 装置 振动特性沥青路面摊铺压实机械的选型配套

  • According to the vibrating mechanism of the magnetic lapper this paper has probed into its operation principle and characteristic and calculated the electromagnetic force on the vibrating mechanism of the electromagnetic power type and polarity electromagnetic power type .

    本文针对磁力研磨机中的 振动 机构,探讨了其工作原理及特性,并对电磁动力型和极化电磁型振动机构的电磁力进行了计算。

  • The four-bar linkage mechanism is widely used in the vibrating mechanism of the crystallizer of the conticaster .

    在连铸机结晶器 振动 机构中,四连杆机构被广泛应用。

  • Through theory analysis and experimental research on the eliminating methods of vibrating mixing the optimization of mixing mechanism and double-row blades the influence of these methods on mixing quality and efficiency were analyzed .

    通过对 振动搅拌法、工作 装置参数优化法和双排搅拌叶片结构法的理论分析和试验研究,分析了不同的低效区消除方法对混凝土搅拌质量和效率的影响。

  • The thesis introduces the Structure and working principle of the experimental spiral vibrating machine and discusses in detail the design of adjustableparameter mechanism .

    介绍了试验机的结构和工作原理,并对 参数调整 机构的设计作了详细论述。

  • A vibrating bottom mechanism was developed to overcome the piled grain on the bottom of the air suction pipe .

    为解决气吸式割前摘脱装置的气流吸运管路底板上偶尔产生物料积存的问题,设计了一种底板 振动 装置

  • Four-Bar Linkage Vibrating Mechanism for Crystallizer of Conticaster and Analysis of Vibration Error

    连铸机结晶器四连杆 振动 机构及其振动误差分析

  • Study on the Vibrating Mechanism of the Magnetic Lapper

    磁力研磨机 振动 机构研究

  • Starting off from angle of mechanism this paper has derived the computation formulae of locus deviation of movement of single leaf spring vibrating mechanism set up the mathematical model of parameter optimum design and developed corresponding computation programs .

    从机构学角度导出了单板簧 振动 装置 机构运动轨迹偏差的计算公式,建立起该 机构参数优化设计的数学模型,编制成相应的计算程序。

  • Flow visualization is applied to flow in a piezoelectric vibrating mixer and velocity pictures of flow field are obtained by correlation method used in image analysis . At last these results are applied to analyzing the process of mixing and the mixed mechanism of liquid in the mixer .

    对压电 振动搅拌器中的流动进行了可视化,并用相关法图像解析获得了搅拌器中流场的速度矢量图,用这些结果对搅拌过程及搅拌器中液体的混合 机制进行了分析。

  • Optimal Design on Single Leaf Spring Vibrating Mechanism of Small Square Blank Continuous Caster

    小方坯连铸机单板簧 振动 装置 机构优化设计

  • Application of Non-round Gear in Vibrating Mechanism of Slab Continuous Caster Mould

    非圆齿轮在板坯连铸机结晶器 振动 装置中的应用

  • Study on vibrating tillage mechanism

    振动深松 机理的探讨

  • Research and Design of Efficient Multi-dimensional Vibrating Screen Based on Parallel Mechanism

    基于并联 机构的高效多维 振动筛设计与研究

  • The vibrating mechanism of the diagonal ties is analyzed and measures and methods to restrain the vibration are proposed in the paper .

    文中分析了斜拉索的 振动 机制,提出了抑振措施和方法。

  • The Optimal Design of Vibrating Mechanism

    振动 机械的优化设计

  • The paper establishes the motor coupling mathematical model of electric double-head vibrator and firstly verified the self-synchronizing characteristics of this kind of vibrating mechanism from the point of quantity .

    建立双振头激振器的机电耦合数学模型,首次从定量角度证实了该类 振动 机械的机电耦合自同步特性。

  • The author generally analysed the vibrating mechanism of the systems and the vertical vibrating model and do some comparisons for traditional track beds and elastic ones .

    本文作者分析了轮轨系统的 振动 机理和垂向振动模型;对传统道床和浮置板弹性道床进行了分析比较;