vibration indicator

[vaɪˈbreʃən ˈɪndɪˌketɚ][vaɪˈbreɪʃən ˈɪndɪˌkeɪtə]


  • The torque torsional vibration and so on as the basic load forms of the various mechanical transmission shaft is an important indicator of power output parameters in mechanical transmission equipment operation .

    而扭矩、扭 等作为各种机械传动轴的基本载荷形式,是机械传动设备运行中动力输出的重要 指标参数。

  • To measure the performance of the motor and even the performance of wheel drive system we have to take the level of vibration and noise into account because it is an important indicator .

    而电机的 振动和噪声水平是衡量电机性能乃至轮毂驱动系统性能的一项重要 指标

  • Catenary-pantograph vibration state is a key indicator to evaluate the relationship between catenary and pantograph .

    弓网的 振动状态是评价弓网关系的重要 指标 之一

  • With the improvement of environmental protection requirements vibration and noise of the vehicle motor has been used as an important indicator of motor performance evaluation .

    随着环保要求的提高,车用电机 振动和噪声已经作为评价电机性能的重要 指标

  • Engine vibration engine performance evaluation information is an important indicator manufacture use and maintenance departments need a great deal of engine performance test .

    发动机的 振动信息是评价发动机性能的重要 指标,制造使用和维修部门都需要进行大量发动机性能检测。

  • The speed test has train ride index and body vibration acceleration as the speed an important indicator to judge the requirements to achieve excellent standard .

    提速试验将列车平稳性指标及车体 振动加速度做为铁路提速重要 指标来评判且要求达到优的标准。

  • Vibration of ball mill is a reflection of an important indicator about the load .

    而球磨机的 振动是反映球磨机负荷的重要 指标