vertical boiler

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˈbɔɪlɚ][ˈvə:tikəl ˈbɔɪlə]


  • Discussion on the foot ring of vertical boiler based on a boiler explosion accident

    从一起爆炸事故谈 立式 锅炉下脚圈

  • Comparison between Horizontal and Vertical Boiler for Hollow Rotary Kiln

    水泥厂中空回转窑卧式和 立式 锅炉的比较

  • Application of the Vertical Atmospheric Pressure Hot Water Boiler in the Productivity Construction at Ansai Oilfield

    工业 立式常压热水 锅炉在安塞油田产能建设中的应用

  • Numerical Study of the Effect of Reverse Tangential Tertiary Air on the Isotherms of Three Administer of Vertical Cyclone-type Boiler Tertiary Air Orifice

    反切风对三维空间四角射流等温流场影响的数值研究 立式旋风 三次风口治理的研究

  • Complete System frame mounted with the necessary controls in a vertical design to save valuable boiler room space .

    煤器主要用于 热量回收系统,具有以下特点:完整的系统框架,节省宝贵的 锅炉房空间。

  • The Approach to the Strength Calculation of the Growing Circle Bore of Small Scale Vertical Boiler

    小型 立式 锅炉长圆孔强度计算探讨

  • Research on hydrodynamic adjustment of vertical water wall once-through boiler

    垂直管屏式直流 锅炉水动力调整方法研究

  • Development of Parametric CAD Software for Atmospheric - Pressure Vertical Oil-Burned Boiler

    常压 立式 油炉参数化CAD软件研制

  • Design and Semi & industrial Test for a 50 kg / h Vertical Boiler

    50公斤/时 立式 锅炉设计及半工业性试验

  • The structure and fundermental theory of the Smokeless combustion of the new type vertical coal fired are presented boiler .

    文章论述了老式小型立式燃煤锅炉存在的问题,并提出一种新型 立式燃煤 锅炉无烟化燃烧的原理和结构。

  • His peper gives a brief description of the water circulation test performed on a 180 t / h vertical topping pulverized coal-fired cyclone boiler .

    本文论述了在180t/h前置 立式煤粉旋风 上所作的水循环试验。

  • Administer of Vertical Cyclone - type Boiler Tertiary Air Orifice

    立式旋风 三次风口治理的研究

  • Adaptive Control of Burning Process of the Stand Vertical - burning Boiler

    立式旋风 锅炉的燃烧自适应控制

  • Vertical oil-fired straight water tube boiler

    立式直水管燃油 锅炉

  • Main girder is the main bearing member of boiler steel structure which bears all of the vertical loads of boiler .

    锅炉钢结构大板梁是电厂钢结构中的主要受力构件,承担所有 吊起 锅炉 竖向荷载。

  • As result of incrustation accumulated seriously on internal surface of vertical boiler pipes the external surface are overburnt the wall of pipes are becoming thinner and thinner visibly because of oxidation corrosion under high temperature .

    立式 锅炉排管由于管内的水垢严重积累,造成管子顶部外壁过烧,严重的高温氧化腐蚀使管壁显著减薄;

  • Key Points of Nondestructive Testing on Vertical Boiler

    立式 锅炉无损检测的重点

  • Improvement of Clinker Removal Plant for Vertical Cyclone Boiler

    立式旋风 除渣装置的改进

  • Dual Layer Coal - gasified Non - smoke - fired Vertical Atmospheric Hot Water Boiler

    双层煤气化无烟燃烧 立式常压热水 锅炉

  • Analysis of tube failure at vertical outlet section of boiler reheater

    锅炉再热器出口 直立管段的爆管分析

  • The Design and Investigation of the Vertical Pyroligneous Boiler

    略论 立式焦炭 锅炉的设计与开发

  • A New - Type of Normal Pressure Vertical Boiler

    一种新型常压 立式 锅炉

  • The paper discussed the strength calculation of the growing circle bure of small scale vertical boiler and put forward his opinion according its stress .

    就小型 立式 锅炉长圆孔开孔强度计算进行了探讨,根据长圆孔的应力状态,提出了自己的看法。

  • Vertical oil-fired straight water tube boiler fuel filling and transfer line

    立式直水管燃油 锅炉燃油注入和输送管路

  • Application of Vertical Shaft Boiler Room Water Supply System Frequency in Nanshan Mine

    南山矿 立井 锅炉房供水系统变频器的应用

  • It is suitable especially for the vertical cyclone boiler of high ratio resistance .

    它特别适用于 立式旋风 等具有高比电阻特性的 烟气 除尘

  • Monitored Control System for a Vertical Blasting Type Coal-burning Boiler

    旋风流渣式燃煤 锅炉的微机监控系统

  • High pressure vertical fire tube boiler of the synthesis section leaked the boiler water leaked into the synthesis gas and finally entered the ammonia product . Measures were taken to ensure the purity of ammonia and keep the ammonia plant operating continuously .

    合成工段高压 立式火管式 锅炉泄漏,锅炉水漏入合成气进入产品氨中,采取措施,确保氨纯度,维持合成氨装置连续运行不停车。

  • A New Design and Development of vertical Bent Water-Tube Boiler with Double-Deck Grates

    新型 立式弯水管双层炉排 锅炉的研制

  • Vertical Water-pipe Fuel-oil Steam Boiler

    立式水管燃油蒸气 锅炉