Smooth - Smooths out a mesh by moving each vertex towards the barycenter of the linked vertices .
光滑-通过向连接顶点的重心移动每个 顶点来光滑一个网格物体。
I vertex you ! This monkey isn 't a head to pump water and forbid him to jump !
我 顶你!这个猴子是不是脑袋抽水了,不许他去跳!
The three vertices of the iron triangle collapse into one vertex of the Agile triangle called constraints .
传统铁三角的三个顶点转变为“敏捷三角形”的一个 顶点,被称为约束。
A star is defined as the set of edges incident to a vertex .
一个星形定义为关联于某个 顶点的边的集合。
Semi-structured data represented by XML can be perceived as a labeled directed graph containing one root vertex .
用XML表示的半结构化数据可以理解为,一个带标签的、包含一个根 顶点的方向图。
Pick the edge with the lowest weight and add this edge and its destination vertex to the tree .
找出权值最小的边,把它和它所到达的 顶点 放入树的 集合中。
An angle formed by three or more planes intersecting at a common point ( the vertex ) .
三个或三个以上的平面相交于一个共同的点( 顶点)而形成的角。
An articulation point is a vertex of a connected graph which can be split to yield an unconnected graph .
如果一个连通图的一个 顶点能被分割,从而使这图成为一个不连通图,则这个 顶点 称为断点。
Finally the approximation algorithm for the minimum weak vertex cover set is analyzed based on the maximal flow partition .
进一步分析了求解基于最大流划分的最小弱 顶点覆盖集的近似算法。
Angle has one vertex and two sides .
角由一个 顶点和两条边组成。
A polyhedron having a polygonal base and triangular sides with a common vertex .
有一个多边形底面和有一个共同 顶点的三角形侧面的多面体。
Point of the triangle is the vertex of each area and the sum can be calculated .
则分别以点为三角形 顶点计算面积并求和即可。
Split edges and move points interactively with the Add Vertex Tool .
分割边缘和移动点交互与添加 顶点工具。
Clears all vertex data and all triangle indices .
清空所有 顶点数据和所有三角形索引。
Middle-click a vertex of the current polygon to remove it .
中键单击 顶点当前多边形将其删除。
Now let 's see how these registers and instructions are typically used in the vertex shader ALU .
现在让我们来看看在 顶点着色运算器中这些寄存器和指令如何被典型的运用。
The algebraic sum of the through variables associated with the edges incident to any vertex is zero .
关联于任一 顶点的各边所附带的流通变量的代数和为零。
Let us label each vertex with a 4 or 3 accordingly .
我们给每一个 顶点相应地标上4或3。
A transition is a relationship between a source state vertex and a target state vertex .
转换是源状态 顶点和目标状态顶点之间的关系。
It is used to draw a very simple triangle with the help of a vertex and fragment shaders .
它是用来画一个非常简单的三角形在一个 顶点和碎片着色器的帮助下。
Goal - The default goal weight for all vertices when no Vertex Group is assigned .
目标-没有 顶点组被分配时,默认的目标权重是为所有的顶点。
The space enclosed by three or more planes that intersect in a vertex .
相交于一 点的三个或更多的平面围绕而成的空间。
This paper mainly studies a complex network vertex weight calculation method .
文章主要研究了复杂网络 中点权的计算方法。
Create a new Vertex Group and set Weight to 0 . Select all vertices and press Assign .
创建一个新的 顶点组,和设置权重到0.选择所有的顶点,点击分配。
A graph is regular if every vertex has the same degree .
如果一个图的每个 顶点都具有相同的度数,则称它是正则图。
Two graphs are isomorphic if there is a correspondence between their vertex sets that preserves adjacency .
如果在两个 图之间存在一个保持邻接性的 1-1对应,则这两个图是同构的。
The adjacent vertex distinguishing total chromatic number is obtained for the flower graph .
得到了花图的 邻 点 可区别全色数。
This includes the ability to define and use vertex and fragment shaders using the GLSL language .
这包括定义和使用 顶点和碎片着色器使用GLSL语言的能力。
Represents a custom vertex format structure that contains position and color information .
表示包含位置和颜色信息的自定义 顶点格式结构。