



  • Chemist Walter McCrone identified the substance as a combination of red ochre and vermilion tempera paint ;

    化学家沃尔特认定物质是由赭色和 红色的蛋彩画颜料涂上去;

  • Vermilion inkpad is very popular inkpad . It is the best inkpad .


  • East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye .

    东印度的一种乔木,花多且密集,丝绒质地,呈 红色,可产一种黄色染料。

  • Behind the vermilion gates meat and wine go to waste while out on the road lie the bones of those frozen to death . vodka and beef bouillon or consomme .

    朱门 酒肉 ,路有冻死骨。由伏特加酒和牛肉汤或肉煮的清汤制成的酒。

  • Words fail to describe those brilliant vermilion rooms floors paved with gold windows bright as snow and palaces of jade to say nothing of the delectable fairy flowers rare plants and fragrant herbs .

    “说不尽那光 金铺地,雪照琼窗玉作宫.更见仙花馥郁,异草芬芳”

  • Henry is over his head in gambling debts . In the Corporeal Body Hall of Wannian Temple is the mummy of monk Wu Xia wearing a lotus-flower-shaped crown and a vermilion kasaya .

    亨利背着一身赌债。在万年寺肉身殿中,供奉有明代无瑕和尚肉身木乃伊一尊,他头戴莲花宝冠,身披 朱红轻裟。

  • Bartlett Beatrice S. The Vermilion Brush : The Grand Council Communications System and Central Government Decision-Making in Mid-Ch'ing China Ph.D.Dissertation Yale University 1980 .

    白彬菊:《 朱笔:清代军机处奏折制度和中央政府的决策过程》,耶鲁大学博士论文,1980年。

  • May I enquire should the central pillar be painted in vermilion or ink black ?

    还要 请旨殿中 柱是 漆丹朱,还是 墨?

  • There are different kinds of cloth shoes . We have cloth shoe-soles and plastic shoe-soles with vermilion or white colours which one do you prefer ?

    这里有很多种布鞋,有布底布鞋和 塑料底 布鞋,白塑料底布鞋,你喜欢哪一种呢?

  • Application of A-T Skin Flap in Repair of Vermilion Defect of Lower Lip

    A-T皮瓣在修复下唇 缺损中的应用

  • The yurikamome gull has a vermilion bill and legs .

    赤色鸥有 红色的细嘴和双腿。

  • That 's Jules Wallace the spiritualist . The vermilion gates and windows better highlight the wealth and rank of her family .

    他叫朱尔斯-华莱士,是个招魂专家。 朱漆的门窗更能突显她家的荣华富贵。

  • As the months and years went by and the vermilion pearl plant imbibed the essences of heaven and earth and the nourishment of rain and dew it cast off its plant nature and took human form albeit only that of a girl .

    “后来既受天地精华,复得雨露滋养,遂得脱却草胎木质,得换人形,仅 修成个女体”

  • Conclusion : The perfusate made of gelatin vermilion and starch is ideal for artery perfusion in Virtual Chinese Human .

    结论:明胶+砂+粉是数字化虚拟人体较理想的动脉显示 填充剂

  • The vermilion gates and windows better highlight the wealth and rank of her family . Zhu Cheng : A Travel From A Sculptor To Public Sculptor Zhu Cheng


  • Against the peaceful landscape the pale decaying tints of the copses the blue air of the horizon and the lichened stile-boards these staring vermilion words shone forth .

    映衬着宁静的风景、矮树林灰白的枯黄色调、天边的蔚蓝色空气和长满苔藓的栅栏木板,那些 鲜红的大字闪闪发光。

  • His new sporte car is bright vermilion .

    他那辆新跑车是 红色的。

  • Take this vermilion and put it on her forehead .

    拿着这 朱砂,将它抹在她的额上。

  • Methods Applied elongation of the oral fissure combined with vermilion mucosal flap translated in59 cases .

    方法:对59例小口畸形病例,采用口角开大术及 红唇粘膜瓣转移 再造口角

  • New Developments in the Research of Colour changes in Red Lead Vermilion and Hematite

    铅丹 朱砂和土红变色研究的新进展

  • Elephants may be created equal but after a vigorous wallow in mud the Tsavo breed of South-East Kenya are ablaze in the colours of terracotta vermilion and claret .

    大象可能生来是平等的,但在泥泞中大肆翻滚之后,肯尼亚东南的察沃的大象便一身闪亮的赤土、 朱红和深紫红色。

  • Results Ten cases of the 181 lip carcinoma ( 5.5 % ) had concomitant discoid lupus erythematosus ( DLE ) of the vermilion border of the lower lip .

    结果181例 癌患者中10例(5?5%)癌变来自盘状红斑狼疮。

  • The colors in the roof start with vermilion red at the entrance and gradually shade to gold at the departure gates .

    从入口到登机口,屋顶的颜色由 朱红渐 变成 金黄

  • The late summer was as cool as autumn and the setting sun stained the paving stones vermilion . The day was fresh with a lively spring wind full of dust .

    夏末简直和秋天一样凉爽, 黄昏 以前的太阳染在马路上,使那些铺路的石块都 变成 红色。凉爽的天,春风习习,尘埃弥漫。

  • The spectacular vermilion orange span of the Golden Gate Bridge .

    这是橙红色金门大桥横跨 海上的壮观 场面

  • Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose ;

    也不赞美玫瑰花的 绯红 浓艳

  • An orange woolen jacket with vermilion stripes flaring vents 2 w_122 and sleeves makes a romantic look .

    夹带 红色条纹的橙色羊毛夹克衫,花哨的上衣 下部和袖子营造出浪漫的效果。

  • The furniture on it is glossy vermilion .

    上面的家具 色彩 鲜红,富有光泽。

  • Best quality stainless steel embedded technology well matched with vermilion redoubles its elegance and romance .

    优质不锈钢镶嵌工艺与 朱砂配衬,倍添优雅气质和浪漫气息。