violation of privacy

[ˌvaɪəˈleʃən ʌv ˈpraɪvəsi][ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃən ɔv ˈpraivəsi]

[法] 妨害私事, 侵入或闯入私室

  • Justice Scalia said the case did not require the court to decide if electronic monitoring without trespassing onto someone 's property is also a violation of privacy .

    斯卡利亚表示,这一案件并不需要法院裁决在不侵入他人财产的情况下进行电子监控是否也是 侵犯 隐私

  • The violation of students ' privacy has the following features .

    目前 侵犯学生 个人 隐私的表现主要有几个特点。

  • An egregious violation of privacy .

    严重 违法了宪法 保护 隐私 规定

  • Concerns should be raised that witnesses may be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to guilty verdicts . And that would be a violation of privacy .

    应当注意的是,在法庭上,面对有罪判决,目击者可能因此受到鼓励来将故事情节夸大。而且雇佣报料也可能会 侵犯 个人 隐私

  • In the name of safety the legal violation of individual privacy by the country is constantly intensified because of the anti-terrorism . Privacy freedom and safety launch repeated trial of strength .

    反恐斗争使国家在安全名义下 个人 隐私的合法 侵犯不断加剧,隐私、自由与安全反复较量。

  • Dashboard cameras for instance are banned in Germany where the sharing of footage is seen as a violation of other road users ' privacy .

    举个例子,仪表盘摄像头在德国是被禁止的,在德国,分享道路行驶的视频画面构成对其他道路使用者 隐私 侵犯

  • We strongly condemn acts of mass electronic surveillance and data collection of individuals all over the world as well as violation of the sovereignty of States and of human rights in particular the right to privacy .

    我们强烈谴责在全球范围内实施的大规模电子监控和个人数据搜集行为,以及 侵犯国家主权和人权,特别是 隐私权的 行径

  • Note Do not use this procedure in a production environment to allow unauthorized access to user data in violation of corporate policies regarding privacy and security .

    小心请不要在生产环境中使用此过程允许未经授权的用户访问用户数据。这样做可能会 违反 公司的 隐私和安全政策。

  • There is no reason for anyone to see those photos which are a huge violation of privacy .

    人们没有理由去看这些严重 侵犯 个人 隐私的照片。

  • Few men risk so blatant a violation of a woman 's first right in Egyptian society : privacy .

    即使一位男性走上车厢,看到情况也会自动退出来,没有男人能无耻到敢于 侵犯埃及女性的最重要的 隐私

  • The violation of the privacy of public persons in the process of the broadcasting is a very difficult and constantly met issue .

    新闻传播过程中媒体对公众人物 隐私 侵害是一个 司法实践中经常遇到而又较难解决的问题。

  • So taking their pictures would be a serious violation of their right to privacy .

    如果对着他们拍照,那就是对 隐私的极大 冒犯

  • Because the present ways to protect privacy are indirect incomplete and flawed we can often see the violation of privacy .

    由于我国现阶段采用的间接保护隐私权的方法不完备、不周密,人们的 隐私 常常遭到 侵害

  • In April he sued for violation of privacy and defamation seeking about $ 20 in damages .

    4月份,他就 侵犯 隐私 以及诽谤提起诉讼,要求赔偿2万美金。

  • On Violation of the Right of Privacy

    学校 披露 学生 成绩是否 侵犯 隐私权?&兼论我国 隐私 法律 保护

  • Although the accuracy is lower than that of iris and fingerprint recognition face recognition has become the most acceptable biometric recognition method because of its no violation of privacy and intuition .

    虽然人脸识别的准确性要低于虹膜、指纹等生物特征的识别,但由于它的无 侵害性和 用户最自然、最直观的方式,使人脸识别成为最容易被接受的生物特征识别方式。

  • In our country personal information protection system is not perfect ; it will inevitably be a violation of personal information privacy right of citizens .

    在我国个人信息保护制度不健全的情况下,这样难免会 侵犯公民的个人信息 隐私权。

  • The school district is now under fire for what many are deeming a violation of the students ' civil rights and an invasion of privacy .

    现在该学区正受到强烈批评,许多人认为此举 侵犯了学生的公民权利,并侵犯了 隐私

  • Practice violations of online privacy incidents in particular a violation of the privacy of personal information frequent occurrence of the event making the network environment the legal protection of privacy of personal information can not be ignored as an issue .

    实践中侵犯网络隐私的事件,尤其是 侵犯个人信息 隐私的事件频繁发生,使得网络环境下个人信息隐私的法律保护成为不容忽视的一个问题。

  • We stand aligned that these kinds of attacks are deeply disturbing and strongly believe that the violation of user privacy is something that we as internet pioneers must all oppose .

    我们也认为,这些攻击令人深切不安,我们坚信, 侵犯用户 隐私是我们作为互联网先驱都必须反对的 行为

  • The second part mainly describes the privacy laws identifying invasion of privacy in this case as well as the cognizance of the legal responsibility of violation of privacy .

    第二部分主要叙述了隐私权的法律认定、侵犯隐私权在本案中的认定以及 侵犯 隐私 的法律责任的认定。

  • On Definition of Violation of Business Privacy

    侵犯商业 秘密 之界定

  • With the popularity of network and e-commerce development more and more economic trade through the network to complete . the transmission of the personal data on the network has become a violation of a privacy risk .

    随着网络的普及和电子商务的发展,越来越多的经济活动通过网络来完成,个人数据在网络上的大量传输成了 侵犯网络 隐私 的一大隐患。

  • The data including names grades and Social Security numbers left thousands of individuals exposed to the threat of identity theft not to mention the violation of their privacy .

    这些数据种包含学生的名字,年纪以及个人社会安全码,它们将导致数千人处在身份窃贼的威胁之中,更不用说他们那 侵犯 隐私了。

  • Germany last month became the first country to declare this software an illegal violation of privacy .

    上月,德国成为首个宣布该软件非法 侵犯 个人 隐私的国家。