virial theorem


  • Scaling of Hydrogenic Impurity Binding Energy and Virial Theorem in Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Wires

    半导体量子阱和量子线中杂质束缚能的度规法则与 定理

  • Discussion on one of the problem of the Virial theorem

    关于 定理中一个问题的讨论

  • The effect of adjacent solitons interaction on the transmission property of solitons is studied in the nonlinear optical communication dispersion compensation system by using variational method and virial theorem .

    采用变分原理与 定理研究了非线性光通信系统色散补偿方案中,相邻孤子之间的相互作用对孤子传输特性的影响。

  • Many of these appear to be fairly uniform so by the virial theorem the total kinetic energy should be half the total gravitational binding energy of the galaxies .

    多数这些好象是很统一,因此靠 法则总动能应该是星系总引力聚合能的一半。

  • Based on the virial theorem and the similarity assumption a new equation of state for detonation products VLW EOS has been proposed .


  • A method for generalizing virial theorem and Applications

    一个推广 Virial 定理 数学方法和应用

  • Experimentally however it is found to be much greater : in particular stars far from the center of galaxies have much higher velocities than predicted by the virial theorem .

    然而用实验方法发现比这更大:尤其远离星系中心的恒星具有比通过 法则预计的速度要高得多。

  • Applications about virial theorem


  • A typical ultrarelativistic system ( the Lund model ) is solved exactly and a new virial theorem is proved these are to show the influence of the form of kinetic energy to the energy spectra .

    从给出一个典型的极端相对论系统(Lund模型)的精确解及证明一个新的 定理这两方面来演示了动能形式对能谱的影响。

  • We prove the relativistic virial theorem which gives simple criteria for the absence of embedded eigenvalues in certain regions of the continuous spectrum .

    我们证明相对论 定理,这 定理对于连续谱空间里本征值的缺乏给出了简单的标准。