

[计] 虚拟化的

  • Is a virtualized application running in a cloud group .

    是在云组中运行的 虚拟 应用程序。

  • Amazon EC2 is playing a role as the IaaS in these layers and provides users virtualized hosts .

    AmazonEC2在这些层中作为IaaS,向用户提供 虚拟的主机。

  • Each virtual machine has private virtualized hardware such as a network card disk graphics adapter etc.

    每个虚拟机都有各自的 虚拟硬件,比如网卡、磁盘和图形适配器等。

  • For these tests the WebSphere tier was virtualized but the application database remained on physical hardware .

    在这些测试中,对WebSphere层进行了 虚拟 ,而应用程序数据库则使用了物理硬件。

  • These are not the only granularity levels that can be virtualized however .

    然而这并不是可进行 虚拟 的唯一粒度级别。

  • Now you have two copies of a system running the same kernel virtualized on the same machine .

    现在您拥有了一个系统的两个副本,它们运行相同内核,在同一台机器上被 虚拟

  • This permits multiple processors and other resources to be virtualized for a number of guest operating systems .

    这样,多个处理器和其他资源就可以在多个客户操作系统上被 虚拟

  • An ESB can provide virtualized services that can effectively wrap existing application logic with a standards-based service interface .

    ESB可以提供 虚拟服务,以便能够通过基于标准的服务接口来有效地包装现有的应用程序逻辑。

  • This means not only virtualized computers with guaranteed processing power but reserved bandwidth for storage and Internet access .

    这意味着 虚拟计算机不仅具有有保证的处理能力,而且为存储和Internet访问预留了带宽。

  • Application workload partitions : Do not provide the highly virtualized system environment offered by system WPARs .

    应用程序工作负载分区:它们并不提供系统WPAR那样的高度 虚拟 的系统环境。

  • NPartition & This is a hard partition and not a virtualized environment .

    nPartition&这是一种硬分区,不是一个 虚拟 环境。

  • A virtualized desktop infrastructure often employs a company 's LDAP directory for authentication purposes .


  • As you walk through building the example the various virtualized and application directories are explained .

    在您构建示例的过程中,本文解释了各种 虚拟 目录和应用程序目录。

  • There are a large number of services hardware and software that can be virtualized .

    有大量的服务,硬件,软件可以被“ 虚拟 ”。

  • Instead the consumer provides a VM image that is invoked on one or more virtualized servers .

    客户提供一个VM镜像,该镜像在一个或多个 虚拟服务器上被调用。

  • Virtualized servers demand more network bandwidth and connections to more networks and storage .

    虚拟 服务器需要更大网络带宽,需要连接更多网络和存储。

  • IBM fully supports its products deployed in virtualized environments .

    IBM为其部署在 虚拟 环境中的产品提供了全面支持。

  • In a badly managed virtualized environment virtual machines can share the host 's resources indiscriminately .

    在管理糟糕的 虚拟 环境中,虚拟机可任意地共享主机的资源。

  • In a virtualized desktop infrastructure availability of the user 's desktop is a high priority .


  • This local queue can itself come from a virtualized environment ( a local cloud ) .

    本地队列本身可以来自 虚拟环境(本地云)。

  • Automation combined with integrated monitoring and virtualized infrastructure helps with dynamic adjustment and scaling of computing resources .

    自动化(与集成的监视和 虚拟 的基础架构相结合)有助于对计算资源执行动态调整和扩展。

  • It is not a real-file system but rather a virtualized view of the running kernel and environment .

    它不是一个真实的文件系统,而是运行内核和环境的 虚拟 视图。

  • It consolidates the networking components needed to support a fully virtualized networking infrastructure .

    NFV整合了必要的网络组件,以便为全面 虚拟 的网络基础架构提供支持。

  • Application WPARs are real lightweight versions of virtualized OS environments .

    应用程序WPAR是 虚拟 OS环境的真正的轻量级版本。

  • One of the more challenging tasks in a virtualized environment is monitoring and alerting .

    虚拟 环境中,比较有挑战性的任务之一是监视和警报。

  • These building blocks must have SOI capabilities that support automated provisioning and the concept of virtualized appliances .

    这些构建单元必须具有支持自动供给和 虚拟 设施概念的SOI能力。

  • However we insist that the virtualized infrastructure be properly managed and monitored .

    但是,我们坚信 虚拟 的基础架构可适当地进行管理和监视。

  • In this way a virtualized environment can provide increased security over a traditional desktop solution .

    按照这种方式, 虚拟 环境可以提供比传统桌面解决方案更好的安全性。