


  • An adult male person who has a manly character ( virile and courageous competent ) .

    具有男子气概特征( 精力充沛、勇敢而有能力)的成年男性。

  • What are the lessons to be learned from the recent spate of virile viruses ?

    我们可以从最近的这 几种病毒 肆虐得到什么教训呢?

  • She likes her men young and virile .

    她喜欢她男朋友们年轻 阳刚

  • A virile bourgeoisie contributes to a nation 's prosperity .

    强有力的 中产阶级促进国家的繁荣。

  • He wanted his sons to become strong virile and athletic like himself .

    他希望他的儿子们能 得像他一样强壮、 阳刚 而又 健美

  • Song Lian 's essay possesses not only feminine and mild beauty but also powerful sublime robust and solemn virile beauty .

    宋濂散文不但有 温柔敦厚”、“中和 雅正”的阴柔之美,也 雄浑、崇高、劲健、 阳刚之气

  • Now hair transplants for the face are growing in popularity cosmetic surgeons and tourism agencies say with men from the Middle East Europe and Asia coming to Istanbul seeking a virile addition for the upper lip .

    据整容医生和旅行社说,胡须移植现在越来越受欢迎,中东、欧洲和亚洲的男性 纷纷来到伊斯坦布尔,希望在 上唇上增加一些 男子

  • A man who is virile and sexually active .

    男子 气概、性感活跃的男子。

  • If you have got lots of wives you have to keep healthy and virile .

    如果你有很多妻子,你就得保持健康和 阳刚 活力

  • His style of singing is very virile .

    他演唱的风格 浑厚 有力

  • It is horrible to see this once strong virile man reduced to this condition and like the brave tough Major Leaguer he is try to fight it with all the strength left in him .

    他正在竭尽余力与癌症拼斗,他表现得那么勇敢无畏, 坚韧不拔,如同他当年参加美国职业棒球大联盟比赛时一样。

  • He was rangy leathery sun-baked and virile .

    他又高又瘦,皮肤坚韧,饱受风霜,而且强健 有力

  • Babbitt was expansive and virile .

    巴比特兴高采烈, 男子 气概 十足

  • Inevitably entrepreneurs have attempted to capitalize on royal jelly by creating jelly-infused dietary supplements that supposedly make people stronger and more virile .

    必然地,企业家们试图利用蜂王浆牟利。他们大量制作注入浆状物的营养保健品,大概能使人的身体更强壮和更有 男子 气概

  • His voice had a clear virile ring .

    他的嗓音有一种清脆, 精力充沛的回响。

  • Strong and healthy . virile . a new generation .

    健康 强壮,新的一代人。

  • The sword image shows his ideal and leads to virile solemn and stirring style .

    剑意象抒发了 词人的理想, 成就船山 沉郁 遒劲苍凉悲壮的风格。

  • She loved the virile young swimmer .

    她爱上了那个 男子 气概的年轻游泳运动员。

  • After experiencing flight from woman grotesque pleasure and feminization of the virile body the queers choose death to make their dreams come true .

    同性恋者们在经历了逃离女性、畸形的 欢愉和躲避不了的女性化后,选择了死亡来达成欲望。

  • On the Virile Style in Song Lian 's Essay

    宋濂散文 阳刚风格论

  • He is described as the most courageous the most manly the most virile and later Socrates admits that he has always been full of wonder at the nature of the two brothers .

    他被形容成是最勇敢的人,最有男子气概的人,最 刚健的人,稍后苏格拉底承认,他对两位兄弟的特质,总是充满惊奇。

  • She is both virile and feminine .

    她既 男子 气概,又 女性的娇柔。

  • Farmers with less schooling have high probability removing to further places and more schooling closer places . The population labor force and virile labors of a family are more and the distances of out-migrating for work are further .

    农户家庭中人口越多、劳动力越多、 男性劳动力越多,越趋向于到较远的地方打工。

  • I 'm a very virile man .

    我是一个很 男子 气概的人。

  • Elevation of building is adhered by light epidermis light epidermis reveal virile and body-building architecture style .

    建筑立面由轻表皮附着而成,轻表皮所流露 出来的建筑 气质 阳刚而健美。