visiting professor


  • He is visiting professor at the Royal Academy of Music London .

    他是位于伦敦的皇家音乐学院的 客座 教授

  • John Smith who teaches American literature in an American university has been invited to be a visiting professor in our college .

    约翰·史密斯在美国一所大学教美国文学,他已被聘为我们学院的 客座 教授

  • Both the visiting professor and his students lack a common ground in each other 's cultures some concept of what is already in the minds of American students is required for the foreign professor .

    由于在 访问 外教和他的学生之间相互缺少文化上的共同点,对美国学生头脑中已经具有的观念,就要求外籍教授也要具备其中的一些。

  • At various times he has been a visiting professor at MIT Berkeley and Yale .

    多年来他数次在麻省理工学院,加州大学伯克利分校和耶鲁大学做 访问 学者

  • A visiting professor has a job at one school but works at another for a period of time .

    客座 教授就职于某校,但有一段时间为另一个学校工作。

  • It was a bestseller in the US where Lao She was a visiting professor .

    这是一个畅销,在美国如老舍是一个 客座 教授

  • She 's here as a visiting professor .

    她来这儿 作客 教授

  • Zhang Wei-Wei is a professor at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations and visiting professor at Tsinghua and Fudan Universities in China .

    张萎萎是日内瓦学校的外交和国际关系学 教授,现在在清华和复旦做 访问 学者

  • He is the visiting professor of Literature Institute of Shanghai University .

    上海大学文学院 客座 教授

  • He currently resides and works in Hangzhou both as an artist and Professor at China Academy of Fine Arts and as a visiting Professor in the department of art at Anhui University .

    现生活和工作在杭州,任中国美术学院的艺术家和教授,安徽大学艺术系 客座 教授

  • I 'll be visiting professor Li at2 this afternoon .

    今天下午2点我将 拜访教授

  • Visiting Professor Beijing Foreign Studies University English Dept.

    北京外国语大学,英语系, 访问 学者

  • He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Jordan .

    他是约旦大学的地质学 客座 教授

  • The visiting professor preferred giving lectures to being invited to meeting at times .

    来访 教授宁愿给学生作报告也不愿时常被邀请去开会。

  • After his lecture the visiting professor invited questions .

    访问 教授作完讲座就请大家提问题。

  • In1960 I was a visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to which I returned after a year at Northwestern University and where I have remained ever since .

    1960年,我成为马萨诸塞理工学院的 访问 教授,以后,除了抽出一年的时间去西北大学外,一直到现在我都呆在那里。

  • It was conducted with colleagues at the University of Cagliari in Sardinia where he is a Visiting Professor .

    该研究是他在撒丁岛卡利亚里大学 做客教授时和那里的同事一起进行的。

  • Xu is also a visiting professor at the Fudan University in shanghai where the research is going on .

    许田也是上海复旦大学的 访问 教授,该大学的研究正在进行当中。

  • Yesterday Johnson very honored to be invited as the visiting professor of the university .

    昨天,约翰逊非常荣幸的被邀请为这所大学的 客座 教授

  • 1999-2000 Visiting Professor in Fine Art Theory Chosun University Kwangju ;

    1999年至2000年,任光州朝鲜大学美术理论 客座 教授

  • Visiting professor at the School of Shaoyang .

    邵阳学院 客座 教授

  • He is also a permanent visiting professor at china 's two premier maritime universities : dalian Maritime University and Shanghai Maritime university .

    他也是中国两个最高海事学府的终身 客座 教授:大连海事大学和上海海事大学。

  • I also want to thank Tianjin Business University for conferring the honor of naming me as a visiting professor .

    我还要谢谢天津商业大学授予我 客座 教授的荣誉称号。

  • The research was conducted by a team from the UNSW School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences led by Visiting Professor James Lawson and is published in the British Journal of Cancer .

    该项研究由UNSW生物技术与生物分子科学学校的研究小组指导下, 访问 教授JamesLawson领导完成的,并发表于英国癌症杂志上。

  • The visiting professor was cocktailed partied and dined .

    来访 教授举行了鸡尾酒会、晚会和晚宴。

  • Now she is visiting professor Li who is teaching in the University of Chinese Traditional Medicine .

    现在他正 拜访在中医药大学任教的李 教授

  • Mr tuckett is Leverhulme research fellow and visiting professor in psychoanalysis at UCL .

    塔克特是leverhulme基金会研究员、伦敦大学学院(ucl)心理分析学 访问 教授

  • During the same time he was lecturer and visiting professor at universities in Belgrade and Novi Sad Yugoslavia as well as in Harare Zimbabwe .

    与此同时,他也是大学的讲师和 客座 教授(在南斯拉夫的贝尔格莱德和诺维萨德以及在津巴布韦的哈拉雷)。

  • Being worried about his exam result he was not in the least attentive to the visiting professor 's lecture .

    他正在为他的考试结果担忧,因此他对 访问 教授的讲课毫不在意。