Species Composition and Vertical Distribution of Soil Seed Bank in Picea schrenkiana Forest
天山云杉林土壤种子 库物种组成及其 垂直空间分布
3-D Analytic Computational Method of Pollutant Mixing Zone for Reservoir with Vertical Bank
水库 铅 垂 岸地形污染混合区的三维解析计算方法
Species composition and vertical distribution of soil seed bank within the depth of 0-10 cm in Picea schrenkiana forest were studied by means of germination in greenhouse in this paper . The study region lied in Middle Tianshan Mountains with altitudes of 1 800 to 2 210 m.
采用萌发法对天山中部海拔 1800~2210m天山云杉林下0~10cm深度的土壤种子 库的物种组成及其 垂直空间分布进行了研究。
The maximum vertical displacement ( 7cm ) occurs at the middle of reservoir and the maximum horizontal displacement ( 0.6cm ) at the bank ;
垂直位移在库中心最大(7cm),而水平位移在 库岸边最大(0.5cm);
Taking the soil seed bank of the first year after the seed age as the object storage and vertical distribution of soil seed bank within the depth of 0 ~ 10 cm of Picea schrenkiana Fisch . et Mey . forest were studied by using greenhouse germination methods .
以天山云杉种子年后第一年的土壤种子库为对象,采用萌发法对天山中部海拔1800~2210m天山云杉林下0~10cm深度的土壤种子 库的种子储量及其 垂直空间分布进行了研究。
Numerical Study on Bank Effects for a Ship Sailing along a Vertical Bank
在近海内航行的权利。船舶近 垂直 岸壁航行时的岸壁效应数值研究
The present paper develops a method for identifying the vertical vibration of Auto bank unit of helicopter using artificial neural networks .
文中提出基于BP神经网络方法对直升机自动 倾斜器 竖向振动进行识别及评估。
The weed seed bank was also surveyed in paddy fields of Jiangsu province in order to explore the weed species the seed number of species and the vertical distribution in soil and the effect of soil water content on the weed seeds for germination in seed bank .
同时从另一角度种子库着手,明确了江苏省稻田杂草种子库的 垂直分布特点,规模组成,数量及水分因子对杂草种子 库的影响等内容。
At present the application of creeper in our province is concentrated on urban afforestation mainly used in vertical greening and protection of bank and road .
目前,爬山虎的应用在我省主要集中在城市园林绿化方面,大多用于 垂直绿化和 护坡护路。
As for the vertical distribution of soil seed bank the amount of seed raises firstly then decreases . The amount of seed reaches peak in 2 ~ 4cm and get 32.2 % .
在 垂直空间分布上,自上而下 种子数量先增加后降低,2~4cm深度的种子数量最多,达到总量的32.2%。
He seemed to suggest that the purpose of vertical was to help bank of America hedge its mortgage risks .
他似乎暗示, vertical的目的,是帮助美国 银行对冲其抵押贷款风险。
Application of Shallow Mining Method in Vertical Well Supporting of Shougang Moving Engineering Technology of High Pressure with Water and Cement through a Single Rolling Tube for the Silo on North Bank of Yellow River in the Project of Yellow River Crossing Tunnel of South-to-North Water Diversion Middle Route
浅埋暗挖法在首钢搬迁工程 竖井支护中的应用南水北调中线穿黄工程 北岸竖井单管法高喷封底加固施工
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