The research object of this paper is the focused crawler in the vertical search engine .
本文的研究对象是 垂直搜索 引擎中的聚焦网络爬虫。
Research and Implementation of Subject-oriented Vertical Search Engine on Basic Educational Resources
面向学科的基础教育资源 垂直搜索 引擎的研究与实现
The Crawling System of Vertical Search Engine : Based on network spider technology
垂直搜索 引擎的抓取系统&基于网络蜘蛛技术
Designing and implementing the filter of vertical search engine
垂直搜索 引擎中过滤器的设计与实现
Amazon is a vertical search engine focused on helping users find products .
亚马逊是一个主要关注如何帮助用户寻找产品的 垂直搜索 引擎。
Finally the thesis realizes a hardware-oriented vertical search engine prototype system based on the framework of Nutch .
最后采用Nutch框架,实现了一个面向五金的 垂直搜索 引擎原型系统。
The Research and Design on Vertical Search Engine Based on Lucene
基于Lucene 垂直搜索 引擎的研究与实现
Research on Data Cleaning and Ranking Algorithm in Vertical Search Engine
垂直 搜索中的数据清洗和排序算法研究
Design and Implementation of Deep Web Vertical Search Engine
deepweb 垂直搜索 引擎设计与实现
Much experience of Wood Vertical Search Engine researching and developing was summed up and the system foreground was indicated .
总结了木材 垂直搜索 引擎的研究和开发经验,并展望了 垂直搜索的应用前景。
The Design and Realization of the Vertical Search Engine on the Basis of Java
基于Java的 垂直搜索 引擎的设计与实现
The agriculture information vertical search engine design based on Internet
基于Internet的农业信息 垂直搜索 引擎的设计
Finishes the requirement analysis of the system following the standard software engineering process proposes the system architecture of the used car trade information vertical search engine finishes the unification of the system data and database design .
遵循软件工程的标准方法,对系统进行了需求分析,构建了二手汽车交易信息 垂直搜索 引擎的系统架构,完成了系统的数据统一和数据库设计。
Topical crawler is an important part of a vertical search engine .
主题爬虫是 垂直搜索 引擎中的重要组成部分。
Research and Implementation of Vertical Search Engine of Blog Oriented
面向博客领域的 垂直搜索 引擎的研究与实现
Research on the Policy of Vertical Search Engine Application & An Example of 12580 Search Engine
垂直搜索 引擎应用中的若干策略探讨&以12580餐饮垂直搜索为例
Then paper introduce the basic working principle and introduce the system components of vertical search engine and the key technologies of vertical engine .
其次介绍了 垂直搜索 引擎的基本工作原理、系统构成和关键技术。
Then we designed and accomplished a Wood Vertical Search Engine provided the diagram of system Construction .
接着,设计并实现了一个木材 垂直搜索 引擎,给出了系统的总体结构图。
Integration Search of Hybrid Information in Vertical Search Engine : Research and Practice ; The fusion algorithm for speaker recognition
垂直搜索 引擎中的多元化信息融合检索研究说话人识别中的多系统得分融合策略
Research and Application of Vertical Search Engine Key Technologies Based on the Lucene
基于Lucene的 垂直搜索 引擎关键技术的研究应用
Research on Information Extraction Based on Vertical Search Engine
基于 垂直搜索 引擎信息抽取技术的研究
Research on Deep Web Vertical Search Engine
deepweb 垂直搜索 引擎研究
Vertical Search Engine for Crawling the Web Page Design and Implementation
面向 垂直搜索 引擎的网页抓取器的设计和实现
Application of Technique of Vertical Search Engine of Weave Based on Nutch
基于Nutch的分布式纺织 垂直搜索 引擎研究
This text mainly studies and analyzes the spread characteristic of the vertical search engine and current application situations in the field of information search service of the books .
本文从要研讨和剖析 垂 曲搜索 引擎的传布特征及其反在图书信做搜索效劳范畴的当用现状。
Research and Design of Vertical Search Engine Based on Semantic Expansion of Keywords
基于关键词语义扩展的 垂直搜索 引擎研究与设计
Finally took the vertical search engine for testing and experimental to prove its stability and effectiveness .
最后,通过对于 垂直搜索 引擎的测试和实验,证明了它的稳定性和有效性。
美[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˈɛndʒɪn]英[ˈvə:tikəl ˈendʒin]