Specially the design of the vertical bar steel is weaker which is the main member of the metal silo .
金属筒仓 中立 筋的内力计算正确与否,是筒仓设计的关键环节。
The sample template uses a vertical bar for page navigation .
这个样例模版用一个 竖线进行页面导航。
Point to the vertical bar between the Address and City column headers and double-click .
指向地址和城市列标头之间的 垂直 条,然后双击。
It would also be nice if Rich doesn 't reserve the vertical bar for anything so we can keep it as part of our core DSL for conditional probability notation .
如果Rich不保留 竖线也挺好,这样我们可以将它作为我们核心DSL的一部分,用来作为条件概率记号。
The $ I and $ j variables are counters that control the addition of a vertical bar ( | ) which is an OR symbol in the HTK format .
$i和$j变量是计数器,控制 垂直 竖线()的添加,这个竖线是HTK格式中的一个OR符号。
The regex operator | ( vertical bar ) is the alternation so this | that matches either the string this or the string that .
regex操作符( 竖线)表示备选项,因此thisthat匹配字符串this或字符串that。
Drag the vertical bar at the right edge of the Address column header to the left until the column is about a half inch wide .
将地址列标头右边缘的 垂直 条向左拖动,直到该列的宽度约为半英寸。
Move the pointer over the vertical bar to the right of the Folder List .
把指针移过 条形 杆,移至文件夹清单之右。
The utility model applies locking or unlocking of the bolt to fixedly lock a front fork vertical bar and the handgrip and adjust the angle of the handgrip which is very convenient .
本实用新型借助螺杆的锁紧或松放,即可锁紧固定前叉 竖 杆与把手并能调整把手角度,调整便捷。
Here Columns is used as the vertical bar chart for the car sales .
在这里,“列”被用做 竖 形 条形图,用于表示汽车销售。
You can also put two or more statements on a single line by separating them with a vertical bar
通过使用 竖线做分隔符,可以将两个或更多个语句放在单个行中
Armstrong had rigged up a strap around a vertical bar so that it formed a hammock for his feet .
阿姆斯特朗草草地把一根绳索绕在一根 竖 杆上,给双脚造了一张吊床。
Default delimiter is a vertical bar ( | ) .
默认的分隔符是 竖线()。
That is the vertical bar in Vimscript is equivalent to a semicolon in most other programming languages .
也就是说,Vimscript中的 竖线相当于其他大多数编程语言中的分号。
You can also force an overwrite at any time using the > | ( a greater-than symbol followed by a vertical bar ) redirection operator .
您还可以在任何时候使用>(一个小于号加上一个 竖线)重定向操作符强制进行覆盖。