voluntary law

[ˈvɑlənˌtɛri lɔ][ˈvɔləntəri lɔ:]

[法] 意志法

  • The aim of the paper is to make voluntary service career develop well under law environment and bring more benefits for human .

    以求使 志愿服务事业在 法治环境下得到更好的发展,为人类带来更多的益处。

  • On Procedural Safeguards Mechanism of Voluntary Confession : From the Perspective of Comparative Law

    自白 任意性的程序保障机制研究&从比较 的视角考察

  • The privilege against self-incrimination and encourage voluntary confession : ' it does not compel self incrimination in the law at the same time and should encourage voluntary confession .

    不得强迫自证其罪与鼓励 自愿供述: 法律 规定不得强迫自证其罪的同时,应当鼓励自愿供述。

  • Business operators may through fair competition and voluntary association concentrate themselves according to law expand the scale of business operations and enhance market competitiveness .

    经营者可以通过公平竞争、 自愿联合, 依法实施集中,扩大经营规模,提高市场竞争能力。

  • Simultaneity it can adjust the voluntary actions between the members of all municipality to observe disciplines and law to keep the inner stabilization and implement national autonomy .

    同时能调节自治区域成员间遵纪 守法 自觉行为,使其内部保持稳定,实现民族自治。

  • Voluntary compliance is the key to the implementation of any tax law .

    自觉遵守是 税法实现的关键。

  • The people 's courts in all their activities educate citizens in loyalty to their socialist motherland and voluntary observance of the Constitution and the law .

    人民法院用它的全部活动教育公民忠于社会主义祖国, 自觉地遵守宪法和 法律

  • For engagement is run on a voluntary basis it should has law force .

    既然婚约是由双方当事人 自愿订立,当然应该有其 法律效力,只是其效力的范围不及人身而已。

  • The fifth chapter builds up the legal relationship of the administrative compensation for the voluntary service in public law on the ground of the former four chapters .

    第五章在上述四章的基础上构建 公法 管理之行政补偿制度,这种行政补偿是一种行政法债务关系,其与 民法上债务关系不同。

  • Accreditation is often a voluntary process in which organizations choose to participate rather than one required by law and regulation .

    认证通常是 自愿的,机构可自行选择参加与否,而非由 法律或规章强制进行。

  • The transfer of land use rights must proceed on the basis of voluntary participation and compensation and in accordance with the law .

    土地承包经营权流转必须坚持依法 自愿有偿的 原则

  • Demonstration in simulated court voluntary law service and teaching practice are three ways of judicial practice .

    为加深对法律的理解和认识,实现法的价值和 法学教育的服务功能,我们应认真组织好模拟法庭演习、 法律 义务救助服务和 法律教育实习。

  • Right existed in social life with a voluntary form before country and law came into being . The original form of right is a primitive conventional right .

    权利在没有国家和 法律以前就以一种 自发的形式存在于社会生活中,它的最初形式就是原始习惯权利。

  • After that the author talks about the basic theory of the competition law . As an typical unfair-competition action the commercial bribe interferes principles of voluntary equality justice and honesty of the competition law .

    然后笔者从竞争法基础理论的角度阐述了商业贿赂行为践踏了竞争 自愿、平等、公平和诚信四大基础原则,是一种典型的不正当竞争行为。

  • Voluntary obedience is linked with agreement on and selection of the objective law with the authoritative objectivity while the closed system is to assign the authority series determined by the range of influence .

    自愿服从是与权威主客体双方对于事物客观 规律的认同和选择联系在一起的,而其闭合系统则从外延上规定了权威以其影响力所及范围而构成的权威系。

  • At present voluntary services not yet a national law and regulations .

    目前,我国 志愿服务领域尚未有一部全国性 法律法规。