The overall exchange value of the Hong Kong dollar as measured by the trade-weighted Effective Exchange Rate Index ( EERI ) was predominantly affected by the exchange rate of the US dollar vis - à - vis other major currencies .
以贸易加权港汇指数计算的港元整体 汇价主要受美元兑 其他货币的汇率影响。
It follows that if a regional currency arrangement will be established in East Asia regional currencies should have stable linkages with each other and should be stable vis - à - vis not a single major currency but a currency basket .
如果东亚建立了以货币篮、而不是以某种 重要货币为中心的区域货币制度安排,那么区域内各货币间将会有稳定的联系,其 币值本身也将更为稳定。
美[vis ˈmedʒɚ]英[vis ˈmeidʒə]