video tape

[ˈvɪdiˌo tep][ˈvidiəu teip]


  • Broadcast video tape recorders methods of measurement Part 1 : Mechanical measurements

    GB/T17277-1998广播 磁带录像机测量方法第1部分:机械测量

  • I would video tape each action and word .

    我会 刻录下你的动作和言语。

  • I would video tape each action and word so I could play them back day after day .

    我会 摄录的每一个动作和言词,以便能日复一日地回放。

  • 6-millimetre film was used because it offered clearer freeze frames than video tape .

    采用6毫米胶片是因为它的定格图像要比 录像 更加清晰。

  • He was caught with his pants down on video tape showing him accepting the money .

    他在接受钱的时候被人 录像 了下来,当场抓住。

  • GEORGE : I was almost finished watching a video tape .

    我正准备看完我的 录像

  • ( television ) showing again some action ( especially sports action ) that has been recorded on video tape .

    (电视)重新播放 录象 已经记录过的动作(尤其是体育动作)。

  • Have you got the video tape home alone .

    你这儿有《小鬼当家》的 录像

  • Who has good memory ? Pupils watch video tape and answer questions . T : How old is * ?

    通过观看 录像,回忆一下今天是谁过几岁生日,他的朋友们都对他说了什么?

  • Video Tape Recorder ( VTR ) is a sort of video recording equipment using magnetic tape .


  • The recording and exchange of television programmes on 25.4mm video tape

    GB3176-198225.4毫米电视节目 磁带的录制和交换

  • But we eh Sebastian tell us about this video tape here .

    但我们,呃,塞巴斯蒂安,给我们讲讲关于这个的 录像

  • You can 't take the video tape home .

    你不能把 录像 回家。

  • Los Angeles police and the FBI are investigating a video tape beating .

    洛杉矶警方和美国联邦调查局正在调查一 打人 录像

  • Earlier today the Pentagon released this video tape .

    今天早些时候五角大楼公布了这份 录像

  • Reliability requirements and testing methods for non-broadcast video tape recorders

    GB/T15524-1995非广播 磁带录像机可靠性要求和试验方法

  • This video tape was filmed from a surveillance camera in one of Lorne 's many brothels .


  • He was about to repair electric cooker video tape recorder and electric light which is so convenient .

    他会修电饭煲、 录像机、电灯, 事情交给他很方便。

  • A technician loads a video tape into one of the machines

    一名技师把一 录影带 进其中一台机器。

  • Are we done with all the asking questions now ?( Allen ) Yeah you 've got to get your beauty sleep so we can video tape tomorrow !

    我们现在问完问题了吗?(Allen)是的,你得去睡美容觉了,这样我们明天就能 视频了!

  • The event was recorded on video tape and transferred to film .

    这事件被录在 录像 上,尔后又 转录到胶卷上。

  • How about my pencil case and my video tape ?

    那么我的铅笔盒和 录影带呢?

  • Measuring methods for non-broadcast video tape recorder

    GB/T7397-1995非广播 磁带录像机测量方法

  • The analogue signals from the video tape are converted into digital code .

    采自该 录像 的模拟信号被转换成数字代码。

  • An equipment that corrects the time base errors in video tape recorders .

    一种校正 视频 磁带记录器中时基误差的设备。

  • Non-segmented helical-scan video tape recorder

    非分段式螺旋扫描 磁带 录像机

  • The video tape rewinds to the beginning and the video is then captured automatically .

    录像 倒回开始处,然后自动捕获视频。

  • We have brought a video tape for Yon-sama this time .

    这次我们为勇样带来了一个 录影带