A brief analysis of the religious influences on the traditional shifting agricultural economy and the villatic community system of the Yunnan Yao people in the modern times
试析近代以来云南瑶族传统 游耕经济和 村社制度中的宗教因素云南 麻栗坡 县 猛 硐瑶族 乡农业人口 早婚状况调查
Through illustration of a bid-won project this article is to put forward the emphasis on ecological humanitarian artistic and cultural integration in the waterside villatic village landscape designing in the new era .
以一个设计中标 别墅小区景观规划方案为例,文章探讨了在新时期水景楼盘的景观实践中,关注 本土文化,注重 住区景观的生态性、生活性、艺术性和文化性。