view integration

[vju ˌɪntɪˈɡreʃən][vju: ˌɪntɪˈgreɪʃən]


  • From the view of integration this paper explores some issues on higher education for visually impaired students .

    本文从 一体化教育的 角度探讨了视障学生在普通高校实施 一体化教育所面临的问题。

  • With the view of integration and development this thesis starts with the subject of literary creation and addresses to the two major aspects : the psychology in the creation of verse and the cultural character of verse .

    本文以 联系发展的 眼光,从创作主体论起,涉及韵文创作心态、韵文文化性格两大方面;

  • Through the research of the relations between the Confucianist ideology and culture and inhabitation culture in China this paper reveals Confucian aesthetic view of integration of moral and beauty . With the illustration of folk residence decoration it expounds the influences of Confucianism on inhabitation culture .

    介绍了儒家思想文化与中国居住文化的关系,揭示了儒家美善 乐的美学 观点,并 结合民居建筑装饰语言,来诠释儒家思想对居家文化的影响。

  • ClearCase then creates the view for the integration stream .

    ClearCase将会为 集成流创建 视图

  • Study on Reforms of Paid Circulation System of Land Contract and Management Right & Based on the View of Integration between Urban and Rural

    农地使用权有偿流转制度创新研究&城乡 一体化 视角

  • Finally systematic putting forward the guiding ideology strategic positioning and the specific development of countermeasures of the regional tourism cooperation of Fujian and Taiwan in view of integration .

    最后, 闽台二 一体 高度,系统提出闽台区域旅游合作的指导思想、战略定位和具体发展对策。

  • The function of the brain is understood in the view of integration rather than the view of the division of labour between the left and right brain .

    从左右脑分工到用 观点认识脑功能。

  • The need feasibility and approach of integration of DRP & CRM for distribution network MIS are discussed from three points of view such as integration of information consolidation of system functions and business process reengineering .

    在此基础上,论述了建立基于DRP与CPM 集成的分销网络管理信息系统的必要性,并 结合信息系统 集成 理论从信息 集成、功能整合及业务流程 融合三个方面论证了二者集成可行性和途径。

  • For the requirments of information integration in CIMS enviroments we design an object oriented view model I VIEW with integration functions for the information integration platform in this paper .

    为了满足CIMS环境中信息集成的需求,本文为信息集成平台设计了一种具有 集成功能的面向对象视图模型I-VIEW.I- VIEW对OO模型进行了扩充,定义了虚属性、虚对象的概念;

  • In the view of system integration system structure of information management is designed and realized with software which provides a data basis for product reclaiming and total life cycle management .

    从系统 集成 角度,设计了该信息管理系统的体系结构并加以软件实现,为产品的回收再生和全生命周期管理提供数据基础。

  • From the view of integration with legislation and practice it points out the main problems existing in subject circumstance and procedures .

    试图从立法与实践 结合 角度,指出现有的规定在退股权的主体、行使条件和程序上的问题。

  • From the view of integration management and the characteristic of the project the importance of implementing integrated risk management of BOT financing project is proved .

    从项目管理的 集成 和项目自身特点 出发,论证了BOT融资项目实行集成化风险管理的意义。

  • Object _oriented view integration mechanism on ODMG-93 standard

    基于ODMG&93标准的面向对象 视图 集成机制

  • According the view of integration of space and system : Structure determines function entity is great than the sum of the parts integration layout is conducive to the generate economies of scale .

    按照空间 一体化和系统论的 观点,结构决定功能,整体大于部分之和,一体化布局发展有利于产生规模经济。

  • By analyzing advantages and weaknesses of Data Warehouse the federal database and data integration middleware program finally we determines creating a virtual view data integration layer ( VVDIL ) in SOA reference to middleware architecture with real-time data integration and scalability advantages .

    分析数据仓库、联邦数据库和中间件数据集成方案的优缺点,最后参考中间件体系结构的数据集成方案实时性和可扩展性的优势,确定在基础SOA中设计虚拟 视图数据 集成层(VVDIL)。

  • Preliminary Study on the Depth Development of Rural Tourism under the View of Integration Agriculture

    集成农业 视域下的乡村旅游深度开发初探

  • In the research of restenosis after CABG we must abide by the scientific view of integration and balance .

    CABG术后RS的研究需要遵循 综合、全面、均衡的科学 理念

  • This paper introduces a few main technologies and their relationships in the procedure of informatization creation in telecom enterprise from the view of system integration .

    本文从电信企业的需要 出发,从进行系统建设及 整合角度,阐述了信息化建设过程中会涉及到的几种主要技术,并阐述了相互间的关系。

  • The first part should be made to understand the audience database to build an audience the audience all the information management point of view integration .

    该部分内容中首先提出了应该了解受众,建立受众数据库,将受众的所有信息 整合管理的 观点

  • Chinese Network Catchwords as the new language variety as well as the new study material in linguistics can be explored from the cognitive point of view with Conceptual Integration Theory .

    中国网络流行语作为一种新的语言变体或新的语言学研究对象也可以利用概念 整合理论 其进行认知研究。

  • To complexity and specificity in numerical control machining of the tool of cross wedge rolling the numerical control programming system for the tool of cross wedge rolling was developed from the points of view of system integration .

    针对楔横轧模具数控加工的复杂性和特殊性,从系统 集成 角度,研究开发了楔横轧模具数控编程系统。

  • Starting from point of view of integration of CAD / CAPP / CAM this paper expounded in detail the designing thoughts of JW-CAD feature modeling system and described its overall structure .

    从CAD/CAPP/CAM 集成 角度出发,详细阐述了JW-CAD特征造型系统的设计思想,描述了JW-CAD的总体结构。

  • The proposed of the introduction studies from a regional point of view of integration theoretical and practical significance leads to the framework and structure of ideas .

    引言部分提出了从经济 一体化 角度两岸 经济 合作的理论意义和实践意义,并引出了论文研究思路。

  • This section also discusses the three main methods of integration : original reading new knowledge view of integration and inquiry reading .

    并在该部分中提出了整合的三个主要途径:原汁原味阅读、新型知识 整合、探究性阅读。

  • Based on the above illustration this paper finally states the modern ideal personality with the view of the integration of humanities science and technology .

    在此基础上,本文从人文、科学、技术三者 融合 角度论述了现代理想人格的内涵。

  • This paper studies the ecological migration from the view of resource integration because the essence of the ecological migration is the process of reintegration of different resources from the perspective of resource allocation in economics .

    本论文是从资源 整合 视角对裕固族的生态移民进行研究,因为,从经济学中资源配置的角度来看,生态移民的实质就是对不同的资源进行重新整合的过程。

  • A View on Integration of Resource & Capability : A New Strategic Forming View for Firms ' Competitive Advantage

    资源和能力的 整合:一种新的企业竞争优势形成

  • From the point of view of integration portals do offer the perfect framework to enable the enterprise to present a unified face to the demanding user community .

    集成 观点 来看,门户确实提供了一种完美的框架,使企业能够在要求苛刻的用户群体面前展示统一的形象。