view text file

[vju tɛkst faɪl][vju: tekst fail]


  • To download and view the contents of a text file .

    下载并 查看一个 文本 文件的内容。

  • This is very important so that you can view the results and the informational messages in one window and save the output to a text file .

    这是非常重要的,它使您可以在一个窗口中 查看结果和信息性消息,并将输出保存到 文本 文件中。

  • Use less to view a text file with the ability to scroll up and down through the document and search for text patterns .

    less 命令也是用来 查看 文件,但是它支持上下滚屏以及在文档中进行 文本搜索。