viewing field

[ˈvjuɪŋ fild][ˈvju:iŋ fi:ld]


  • A. Russia in speed element methods of speed training and system of organization . Thus the coacher 's viewing field can be expanded in choosing the methods and means of speed training .

    通过比较中、美、俄3国 田径教材中发展速度的方法,分析3国教材在速度构成、速度训练方法及体系安排等方面的 差异,为教练员选择短跑速度训练方法和手段扩大 视野

  • Three-dimensional video enables viewers to freely choose an arbitrary view-point and viewing direction and provides three-dimensional visual perception to viewers . It can find wide applications in three-dimensional television entertainments video phone video surveillance exhibition education medical care and military field .

    三维视频使用户能够自由选择观看的视点与 视角,并体验三维视觉感知,可广泛应用于三维电视、娱乐、视频通话、视频监控、艺术展览、教育、医疗和军事等各个 领域

  • A study of problems of image correction and detection viewing field of GPR GPR

    关于探地雷达影像校正和探测 视场问题的研究

  • Image measuring technology based on computer vision theory has such advantages as non-contact full viewing field and low cost . And information fusion technology could coordinate several sensors ' information from different time space or type to get characteristics of a unified expression .

    基于计算机视觉理论的图像测量技术具有非接触、全 视场、成本低等优点,信息融合技术能将不同时间、不同空间、不同类型的传感器信息协调成统一的特征表达。

  • Describes the basic principle of the intersection measurement system with two line array CCDs then analyzes the relationships among the effective viewing field the coordinate measurement error and the structural parameters in this system .

    介绍了由两个线阵CCD所组成的交汇测量系统的基本原理,分析了有效 视场、坐标测量误差和系统结构参数之间的关系。

  • Viewing the differences of the verb attribute between Chinese and Mongolian from the attribute field in Contemporary Chinese Grammatical Knowledge Base

    《现代汉语语法信息词典》的属性 字段设置看汉蒙两种语言动词属性差异

  • This technology will have great potential application in the areas such as cell viewing microcircuit examination grain size analysis experimental stress analysis 3-D objects deformation measurement transparent field measurement etc.

    在细胞培养 观测、微电路检测、粒子场分析、力学测量、形貌和变形测量、透明 测量等方面,数字全息术能充分发挥其特点和优势,具有广泛的应用前景。

  • Since the sixties of this century the night viewing technigue has made very rapid progress in two directions : using reflective radiation of natural low light in the night and using heat radiation of target in the view field .

    自本世纪60年代以来 夜视技术在利用夜天自然微光的反射和利用 场景中目标本身的热辐射两个方向上取得异常迅速的进展。

  • Light-spot positioning system with large viewing field and high precision

    基于线阵CCD的大 视场高精度三维实时定位系统

  • Multi-view stereo videos which are of great adaptability to the viewing environment and with realistic visual effects are getting more and more attentions and therefore have become one of the research focuses in the field of video research .

    具有对 观看环境适应性强以及逼真视觉效果的多视点立体视频获得了越来越多的来自学术界以及工业界的关注,也因此成为视频研究 领域的热点之一。

  • Theoretic Research on Measurement Resolution and Effective Viewing Field of Two CCD Vision Sensor

    双CCD视觉传感器测量分辨率和有效 视场的理论研究

  • Computation of Angle of Viewing Field of Track Field Shape Cold Shield with Monte Carlo Method and MATLAB

    用蒙特卡罗方法和MATLAB计算田径场形冷屏的 视场

  • The Splitting Angle and Light Intensity Splitting Ratio of 90 ° Polarization Splitting Prism within its Viewing Field Angle

    90°分束偏光镜 视场角内的分束角和光强分束比

  • The Label field contains the text that the user will see when viewing the parameters field in the user interface ( here : Test ) .

    这个Label区域包括用户在 浏览用户界面中的参数 区域时可以看到的文本(这里是:Test)。

  • The tissue microarray were arranged in order and stained clearly and there were good viewing field for judge .

    芯片中组织微阵列排列整齐,各样本组织染色清晰,组织 定位良好 判断性强。

  • By contrast a calibration method of using integral sphere has compact structure and large energy can be used to achieve the calibration of total system aperture and part viewing field .

    经过分析对比,后者结构紧凑、光能量大,可实现全系统、全口径、部分 视场定标。

  • Registration and fusion of 3D range data calculated in different view point When applied to wide viewing field or complex objects vision coordinate measuring system can 't cover whole surface in single measuring process .

    不同视点三维测量数据的拼接融合。视觉坐标测量系统在对大 视场范围的 场景或表面复杂的物体进行测量时,单次测量常常不能完整准确的采集整个表面。

  • The device with a fisheye lens is able to obtain larger viewing angle . So larger field can be obtained with less fisheye cameras than the normal camera . And the image acquisition process is simplified and the hardware resources is saved as well .

    采用鱼眼镜头的图像采集设备能够获取比一般采集设备更大的 视角,因此能够用更少的带有鱼眼镜头的采集设备获得更大 范围的景物,从而简化图像采集过程,节约硬件资源。

  • The u.s.spectator thus finds himself viewing two discrete events : what is actually taking place on the playing field and the translation of it into detailed and minute statistics .

    美国的观众发现他们在 观赏两个不同的事件:什么是在 球场上真实发生的,以及这些是如何被转换成详细的记录与统计数字。

  • China 's Road of New Industrialization Viewing from Worldwide Field of Vision

    从世界的 视野 我国新型工业化道路

  • The collaborative viewing and markup becomes an important research field in the collaborative technology and facing a increasingly demand to support the heterogeneous product design platform .

    协同 浏览与批注 技术作为协同技术的重要组成部分,对产品设计平台异构性支持的需求越来越迫切。

  • Also it is difficult to find sufficient reference stars in the small viewing field of a single CCD observation .

    在CCD小 视场观测情况 时常难以找到足够数量的定标星。

  • So this thesis try to draw support from cultivation theory to study function of television viewing to children in order to broaden category of cultivation analysis and provide a new theoretical field of vision .

    因此,笔者尝试借助涵化理论来研究 电视对儿童的作用,以期拓宽涵化理论的研究范畴,为儿童与电视研究提供新的理论 视野

  • For radiation flux calibration based on double-monochromator in order to overcome the faults of small viewing field and small aperture of trap detector a radiation flux calibration method with a one-diode detector in stead of trap detector is proposed .

    在基于双单色仪的辐射通量定标中,为了克服陷阱探测器 视场小、孔径小的缺点,提出了采用单片式探测器替代陷阱探测器进行辐射通量定标的方法。

  • In the research of the high-quality stereogram display system large scale and large viewing field stereograms have always been in the leading edge .

    在高质量合成立体显示的研究中,大幅面大 视场的合成全息图一直是研究的前沿和 热点

  • The relation between the camera placing attitude and the effective viewing field of the binocular sensor is analyzed .

    综合分析了摄象机摆放姿态与双目传感器有效 视场的关系。

  • The Co - construction Relations between History and Aesthetics & Caudwell Goldman and Eagleton in the social criticize viewing field of 1900s

    审美与历史的同构&20世纪社会批评 视野中的考德威尔、戈德曼和伊格尔顿

  • This paper points out a new technique of Spectral-splitting on the condition of common viewing field to simplify remote sensing system and analyses its advantages and disadvantages .

    文章提出在共同 视场条件的一种新型分光模式来简化遥感器系统,并分析了该分光方案的优点和存在的问题,给出了采用此分光模式获得热红外图像。