video amplifier

[ˈvɪdiˌo ˈæmpləˌfaɪɚ][ˈvidiəu ˈæmpləˌfaɪə]


  • A video amplifier in 5 w_536 is used as an example for comparison and the results show that our diagnosis equation and algorithm are novel .

    最后以文献5w_560中的一个 视频 放大器为例进行比较,结果表明本文的诊断方程及算法效果优异。

  • Computer Aided Optimizing Design of Video Amplifier in TV set

    电视机 末级CAD优化设计

  • MP4 audio / video chip processes wide bandwidth of audio / video signal but in the chip the voltage pattern amplifier bandwidth is limited by the gain therefore the research on the wideband current feedback operational amplifier has the practical significance .

    MP4音视频芯片中由于要处理的音 视频信号频带很宽,而芯片中电压模式的 放大器的频带受增益的限制,所以研究宽频带的电流反馈运算放大器具有实际意义。

  • The circuit realizes I V conversion and adder ′ s function with only a single stage of video frequency operational amplifier .

    该电路实现I-V转换和相加器功能仅用1级 视频 运放

  • A video amplifier circuit for HDTV

    一种适用于HDTV的 电路

  • The design and development of a large volume low noise video amplifier are described in the paper .

    本文介绍了SH320大闭塞量低噪声 视频 放大器的设计和研制。

  • Video amplifier with synchronous leveling horizontal sync pedestal

    带同步电平 视频 放大器水平同步脉冲基底电平

  • A large dynamic range video log amplifier is presented . The design of the circuit is described and test results is provided .

    介绍了一种大动态范围 视频对数 放大器的设计,并给出了研制结果。

  • The Computer Aided Optimum Select Compensation Inductances for Video Amplifier in a TV Receiver

    电视机 末级补偿电感的机辅最优选择

  • Data Mining-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Video Amplifier Circuit

    基于数据挖掘的 视频 放大电路故障字典建立优化技术

  • A method of adjusting the high frequency compensated circuit of a video amplifier

    视频 放大器里高频补偿的一种调节方法

  • Research on a method of circuit of a video amplifier fault knowledge acquisition based on PSPICE

    基于PSPICE的 视频 放大电路故障知识获取方法研究

  • Dual High Output Video Amplifier .

    双,产量高, 视频 放大器

  • A special video amplifier incorporates high gain large dynamic range and low noise in-to one module and processes complex signals .

    专用 视频 放大器模块集高增益、大动态、低噪声于一体,而且处理的信号比较复杂,在设计上具有相当难度。

  • Also the designing process of pulse modulator intermediate frequency amplifier video frequency amplifier and analog filter is introduced in the dissertation .

    并根据研制过程重点介绍了脉冲调制器、中频放大器、 视频 放大器、滤波器等几个关键系统部件的设计及研制情况。

  • This video log amplifier is based on a monolithic IC which is fabricated using PN junction isolation bipolar process by SISC and all peripheral devices are integrated using hybrid IC process .

    视频对数 放大器是在自制单片IC基础上混合集成,单片IC采用PN结隔离双极工艺制作。

  • Here an example of color TV set with multi difficult breakdowns in power scanning video - frequency amplifier and decoder circuits has been put out to examine and repair and their causes is analyzed .

    检修一例电源、扫描、 、解码等电路发生多重疑难故障的彩色电视机,分析故障发生的原因。

  • Design of video signal compensation amplifier

    视频信号补偿 放大器的设计

  • In this paper the computer aided optimizing design of the video amplifier in TV set is described .

    本文论述了应用最优化算法机辅设计电视接收机 末级 放大器的方法。

  • Video Amplifier and Its Time Order Gain Control Circuit

    视频 放大器及其时序增益控制电路

  • The automatic optimal design system is based on the circuit analysis software-PSPICE . In application a video log amplifier is designed and the results are presented .

    介绍基于PSPICE电路分析程序的自动优化设计系统及其在对数 视频 放大器设计中的应用和实验结果。

  • A Large Blocking Volume Low-Noise Video Amplifier

    SH320大闭塞量低噪声 视频 放大器

  • The Design of a Special Video Amplifier Module

    专用 视频 放大器模块的设计原理

  • A Video Cable Equalization Amplifier with High Performance Price Ratio

    一种高性价比的 视频电缆均衡补偿 放大器

  • Design of a Large Dynamic Range Video Logarithmic Amplifier

    一种大动态 视频对数 放大器的设计