


  • Synthesis of Verbenone via Catalytic Oxidation of α - Pinene straw green epoxy polyvinyl butyral enamel

    由α-蒎烯催化氧化制 马鞭 草绿环氧聚乙烯醇丁缩醛磁漆

  • Theoretical study on electronic structure and electronic spectrum of verbenone derivatives

    马鞭 衍生物电子结构与电子光谱的量子 化学研究

  • While the conversion is 98.50 % and the selectivity of verbenone is up to 51.00 % in DMF .

    当选用DMF为溶剂,且不加催化剂的条件下,在温度为303K反应时,原料的转化率高达98.50%,主产物 马鞭 的选择性高达51.00%。

  • The results of field test indicated that verbenone is a distinct repellant and other components increase the number of beetles trapped obviously .

    野外 试验表明,与 对照 比较 马鞭 是一种明显驱避剂,其它成分均增加对照诱捕量。

  • Verbenone and cis-verbenol appear to be multifunctional pheromones which regulate the interspecific competition .

    而雌虫释放的 马鞭 与顺式马鞭 烯醇可能是调控种内竞争的多功能信息素物质。