


  • In the book she speaks of his “ social ineptitude ” and says he verbally abused her

    她在书中提到他“缺乏社交技能”,并且说他曾经对她 出言不逊

  • You may answer either verbally or in writing .


  • They can be the valuable tool for communicating with group members who have hard time expressing themselves verbally .

    对于 言语表达自己困难的成员, 绘画可以成为他们沟通的有效工具。

  • The ability to effectively communicate both verbally and in writing .

    良好的中英文书面 口头交流与沟通能力。

  • I will batter you unrecognizable if you verbally abuse him .

    如果你 辱骂他的话,我会把你打的认不出来。

  • Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane .

    我有的时候真的认为讲英语的人都是 疯子

  • I will communicate your views verbally to the members of the commitee .

    我将把你的观点 口头传达给委员会成员。

  • He had a habit of using nouns verbally .

    他习惯于把名词 当作 动词

  • I think Jerry has an invisible baton that he need not verbally tell us to sing with him .

    我想Jerry有个隐形指挥棒,他根本不需要 开口告诉我们和他一起唱。

  • I see all this very clearly not verbally but actually-it is a fact .

    我看得很清楚,不是 言词 的而是实际看到的&那是个事实。

  • In simple civil cases the plaintiff may indict verbally .

    对简单的民事案件,原告可以 口头起诉。

  • Maria is very good at expressing herself verbally .

    玛莉亚很善于 口头表达自己的 感情

  • Ashamed was he to admit that he had attacked at her physically and verbally .

    他惭愧地承认曾经对她进行过 言语和人身攻击。

  • Manager different departmental colleagues shift supervisor and others both verbally and written .

    与经理,不同部门的同事,操作监督以及其他 有关 人员 口头与书面 沟通

  • I overreacted then . 'sorry'can never make up for how much verbally I hurt you .

    这三个字基本也无法弥补我对你造成的 语言 的伤害。

  • They agree to the term verbally and then start to draft the contract .

    他们 口头 同意了条件,然后起草合同。

  • User speech recognition to verbally guide users through the steps of a task .

    用户语音识别,以 口头 方式,引导用户通过该步骤的一项任务。

  • Men are very action motivated they don 't express their feelings verbally .

    男生的行动力都很强,他们不会 语言表达情感。

  • Understand that this does not mean verbally attack the other person .

    要明白说 实话并不意味着对对方进行 语言攻击。

  • I have verbally translated this article .

    我已经 逐字翻译了这篇文章。

  • Talk to yourself : Pick one hour a day to verbally discuss anything and everything with yourself .

    和自己说话:每天 一小时和自己讨论,什么事都可以。

  • Attack verbally in speech or writing .

    口头 演讲中或写作攻击。

  • Information is given to the patient verbally and in writing .


  • The intent is to get the individual practitioners to verbally commit and be held accountable for the work .

    他的目的是对单个项目参与者进行 口头 事项委托,并对工作保持一定的责任。

  • When you have trouble clicking with someone verbally try matching their body position physically .

    如果在和别人 交谈 你有问题,试着从身体的姿势上配合他们。

  • It is very important for family members to verbally compliment and encourage one another .

    这是非常重要的家庭成员以 口头表扬和鼓励对方。

  • He alleged that he was verbally abused by other soldiers .

    他宣称自己遭到其他士兵的 辱骂

  • Ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing .

    能够进行有效的 口头和书面沟通。