verbal understanding

[ˈvɚbəl ˌʌndɚˈstændɪŋ][ˈvə:bəl ˌʌndəˈstændiŋ]


  • Verbal understanding is in tact a inferential process in which the listener uses his existing knowledge in mind to process the incoming information ;

    释义过程的 实质是听者运用头脑中原有的信息与听到的新信息共同组成前提进行推理的过程;

  • Meanwhile the formation of verbal evidence all includes three processes the understanding memory maintaining and testifying of fact .

    而言 证据的形成均包括人对案件事实的 认识过程,记忆保持,证明过程三个步骤。

  • 3-year-olds ' overt verbal deception ( lying ) significantly correlated with their false belief understanding ;

    3岁儿童 语言上的外显欺骗(说谎)和错误信念 理解显著相关;

  • Verbal communication is an interactive process involving utterance production by the speaker and utterance understanding by the hearer with the latter being a key point in successful communication .

    语言交际是交际双方的互动过程,涉及发话者的话语产生和受话者的话语 理解,而话语 理解 交际成功至关重要。

  • This paper views interactional listening as being involved in two main aspects of the communicative processes : verbal understanding and respond of understanding .

    交互式听力理解的过程包括 释义和应答两个部分。

  • The intelligence test is an attempt to assess the general ability of any child to think reason judge analyse and syntiesize by presenting him with situations both verbal and practical which arewithin his range of competence and understanding .

    智力测验是一种评价儿童思考、推理、判断、分析和综合能力的尝试,给他提供一些情景,有 文字,也有实际运用的,而这些情景要在他能胜任和 理解的范围之内。

  • A good translator needs field specific knowledge in addition to good verbal skills for understanding the source language and writing the target language .

    为了 理解原文和书写译文,一个好的译者不仅需要有好的 文字技能,还需要有专业领域知识。

  • All of our research for a purpose which is to let people on the verbal communication in the expression and perception has a rational understanding in order to better carry out the activities of verbal communication .

    我们所有的研究都为了一个目的,就是让人们对 言语交际中的表达与感知有一个理性的 认识,以便人们更好地进行言语交际活动,使人与人之间的关系更为融洽。

  • And the analyzing cases of humor are from short sketch in the Spring Festival Gala Evening over the past ten years . Cooperative Principle and Relevance Theory are two important theories in pragmatics which has powerful explanatory to verbal understanding .

    合作原则和关联理论是语用学最常见的两个重要理论,它们对 言语幽默都具有较强的解释力。

  • And the expressions of metaphor verbal and verbo-pictorial in this paper show the creative ideas of the ad creators and help the audience build up conceptual integration networks in their mind while understanding the metaphors .

    而广告中的隐喻表达既反映了广告 创作者对信息概念的独特创造性思维,也为广告信息受众对隐喻表达做出概念整合达到 理解目的提供帮助。

  • In a WISC-R analytic study three component factors were found i.e. perceptual organization verbal understanding and inference and manual operative factors .

    因子分析结果表明,韦氏儿童智力量表12个分测验测量的公因子有三个,即知觉组织因素, 言语 理解推理因素和动手操作因素。

  • Verbal irony as a distinctive and important way of human communication is pervasively used in daily life . A good command and employment of verbal irony not only helps expressing our thoughts but also facilitates processing and understanding ironic utterances .

    言语反讽( verbalirony),作为一种人类独特且重要的交际方式,在日常交流中几乎无处不在,对其正确的使用和理解有利于我们更好地表达自己的思想和 理解他人的话语。

  • The course of verbal communication is the cognitive course of transmiting and understanding the communication intention through the words information in fact .

    言语交际的过程从实质上是通过话语信息传递与 理解交际意图认知过程。

  • In fact while one is imparting information in the course of conversation verbal behavior and nonverbal ones function as a pair of instruments for the shared understanding .

    事实上,当人们在谈话过程中输入信息时, 言语和非言语行为同是交流 理解的重要工具。

  • According to Relevance Theory the search for an optimally relevant interpretation covers the processing of verbal humor understanding and the derivation of humorous effects .

    据此关联理论,寻求最佳关联的 理解包括对 言语幽默的处理和幽默效果的获得。

  • Verbal communication leads to understanding of each other therefore it is an art worth studying .

    交谈促进 理解,所以它是一门值得研究的艺术。

  • We will be concerned in this work to develop a conception of verbal art as performance based upon an understanding of performance as a mode of speaking .

    我们将 口头艺术看作是表演的这项研究,是建立在将表演 理解成一种言语方式的基础上。

  • This article explores with examples the interrelationship between context and verbal communication : the understanding of utterances is determined by the context and the context in turn influences the verbal communication between people .

    通过举例来论述语境与 言语交际之间的相互关系:言语的 理解依靠语境,而语境反过来又影响人们之间的言语交际。

  • In verbal communication language redundancy can eliminate ambiguity and help understanding the sentence meaning .

    它在英语 口语交际中起到消除歧义、帮助 理解等作用。

  • However most of these theories are concerned with the comprehension of irony . The production of verbal irony which is half of the picture and equally important to a comprehensive understanding of verbal irony has been left almost unexplored .

    但是这些理论中的绝大多数都只关心 言语反讽的 理解过程,而对于同样重要的 言语反讽的产生过程,却很少触及。

  • The General Theory of Verbal Humor has achieved prominence as an encompassing and formalized way of understanding humor .

    文字幽默总论以一种广泛且正式的 理解幽默方式而突出。

  • By presenting him with situations both verbal and practical which are within his range of competence and understanding .

    通过向儿童提供在其能力和 理解 范围内的 口述和实际的情景方式进行的。

  • In verbal communication which word can be understood how communication accurate clear vivid and appropriate how make the language more convincing and infectivity requires the host language understanding and consideration .

    言语交际中选择哪些词合适,能够被理解,如何准确的、清晰的、生动和合适的使用语言,使语言更富有说服力和感染力,就需要主持人对语言进行 把握和斟酌。

  • It proves that the conceptual integration theory has powerful force on verbal humor which facilitates a better understanding of this theory .

    另一方面证明了概念合成理论对 幽默的生成机制有很强的阐释力,同时也有助于 人们对概念合成 理解 进一步 了解

  • This thesis is based on relevance theory which has interpreted the process of verbal humor production and understanding .

    本论文以关联理论为基础,从 认知的角度分析 言语幽默产生和 理解的过程。