vital organs


  • Other vital organs inside the abdominal cavity include the liver the kidneys the pancreas and the spleen .

    其他的 重要 器官还包括肝脏、肾脏、胰脏以及脾脏。

  • If not treated promptly with effective medicines malaria can kill by infecting and destroying red blood cells and by clogging the capillaries that carry blood to the brain or other vital organs .

    如不用有效药物给予及时治疗,疟疾可通过感染和摧毁红血球以及阻塞将血液输送到大脑或其它 重要 器官的毛细血管引起死亡。

  • If we can get this diagnosis and treatment can avoid the irreversible damage to vital organs more can avoid physical growth intelligent development backwardness and even death .

    若此时能及早得到诊断及治疗,可避免新生儿 重要 脏器的不可逆性损害,更能避免体格生长、智能发育落后,甚至死亡。

  • The bacteria infest the bone marrow lymph glands vital organs and the central nervous system .

    细菌大批出没于骨头髓,淋巴腺, 重要 器官和中央的神经系统。

  • Small as it is the sparrow has all the vital organs .

    麻雀虽小, 五脏 俱全

  • Hypertension is the ultimate stealth condition . You 'd never know you have it without having your blood pressure measured & or until high blood pressure begins to damage vital organs .

    血压升高是一个隐蔽性的疾病。你永远不会知道自己血压是否升高,除非实际去测量一下,或者等血压升高到损害 身体 致命 器官时才被发现。

  • The heart is one of the body 's vital organs .

    心脏是人体的 重要 器官之一。

  • Because they didn 't hit any vital organs .

    所以他们说我很快 就能 康复

  • No vital organs were penetrated .

    没有 重要 器官被刺穿。

  • He says theoretically at the rate our understanding is increasing nanotechnologies capable of replacing many of our vital organs could be available in20 years time .

    他认为从理论上讲,以我们现在对研究认识的增长速度,纳米技术产品可以在20年内替代我们体内的很多 重要 器官

  • The second stent is placed to re-expand the compressed blood vessel and restore flow to all of the vital organs below .

    第二个支架植入再扩张受压迫的血管恢复所有 重要 器官血流。

  • Detailed history and understand the health status of the body to complete the vital organs function checks to see if there are drug allergy history and past surgical history .

    详细询问病史并了解全身健康状况,完成 重要 器官功能的检查,了解是否有药物过敏史和既往手术史。

  • They 're saying the shot didn 't hit any of his vital organs .

    他们说子弹没有伤及 致命 器官

  • Vital organs ; blood and other vital fluids ; the loss of vital heat in shock ; a vital spot .

    重要 器官;血和其他的必需体液;休克中失去了生死攸关的热量;基本点。

  • The approach may be particularly useful for people with cancers that are inoperable because they are close to vital organs such as the brain or lungs .

    这种方法尤其适用于那些因肿瘤紧邻脑或肺等 重要 器官而不能进行手术的病人。

  • The research found smokers lost muscle mass which gave them the appearance of being thinner but the fat instead was stored around their vital organs .

    研究发现吸烟使人的肌肉群减少,让烟民们看上去很瘦,但实际上脂肪已经储存在 重要 生命 器官周围了。

  • Shock reduces the flow of blood to the body 's vital organs often damaging them beyond repair .

    休克减少了身体内 重要 器官的血流量,往往使这些 器官发生不可修复的损伤。

  • That 's because the wrestlers ' fat is primarily stored under the skin not streaking throughout their vital organs and muscles .

    这是因为相扑选手的脂肪主要储存在皮下组织,而不是在他们的 内脏 器官和肌肉中。

  • If not treated malaria can quickly become life-threatening by disrupting the blood supply to vital organs .

    如不治疗,疟疾可能中断对 维持生命的 重要 器官的供血,从而迅速威胁生命。

  • Fungi have a way of turning nasty & seeping into the bloodstream and invading vital organs .

    真菌具有转变成十分令人憎恶的方式的能力&渗入血流、侵入 重要 器官

  • Now we will find out how effective this genetic toxic payload is in preventing further spread of the cancer to other vital organs .

    现在我们将研究这种遗传毒性负荷在预防癌症进一步向其他 重要 器官扩散中的效果。

  • Doctors said the husky teenager survived because none of the bullets punctured vital organs .

    医生说这个强壮的少年因没有被子弹打中 重要 器官而幸存下来。

  • You don 't have to catch all the Sparrows and dissect them before you can prove the fact that small as it is the sparrow has all the vital organs .

    不要把所有的麻雀统统提来解剖,然后才证明“麻雀虽小,肝胆 俱全”。

  • They include the fact that the body has enough oxygen to keep vital organs working for a few minutes .

    他们列出了这样的事实:机体有足够的氧气维持 重要 器官工作数分钟。

  • It flushes toxins from the vital organs carries nutrients to cells provides a moist environment for ear nose and throat tissues and eliminates waste .

    水能疏散 重要 器官中的毒素,将营养运输到细胞里,为耳部、鼻部和咽喉组织提供湿润健康的生态环境,还能排泄废物。

  • Reducing radiation exposure to healthy normal tissue and other vital organs helps prevent once common side effects such as urinary frequency and diarrhea .

    减少对健康正常组织和其它 重要 器官的照射防止了以往很常见的如尿频和腹泻等副作用。

  • Most vital organs gradually become less efficient with age .

    随着年龄的增长,许多 重要 器官工作效率降低。

  • Tales abound in troll culture however of those blessed by the loa with extraordinary regenerative abilities such as the ability to regrow limbs and even vital organs lost in battle .

    而在巨魔的许多传说中,被LOA祝福的巨魔具有非凡的再生能力,比如断肢或 要害 器官再生。

  • The breastplate of righteousness likewise protects the vital organs & the inner life the heart .

    义的护甲同样也保护我们的 生命 器官-我们内里的生命,内里的心。