vital interests


  • Because demarcate and concern the sovereignty and vital interests of home of every country concerned in the ocean we should adhere to this basic position of fair principle .

    由于海洋划界关系到各当事国家的主权和 切身 利益,应当坚持公平原则这个根本立场。

  • Article 4 Where an invention-creation for which a patent is applied for relates to the security or other vital interests of the State and is required to be kept secret the application shall be treated in accordance with the relevant prescriptions of the State .

    第四条申请专利的发明创造涉及国家安全或者 重大 利益需要保密的,按照国家有关规定办理。

  • Second we constantly kept in mind the vital interests of the people and worked hard to solve practical problems facing the needy in their work and daily life .

    二是始终关心人民群众的 切身 利益,特别是努力解决困难群众生产生活中的实际问题。

  • Our Taiwan compatriots may keep their way of life unchanged and their vital interests will be fully guaranteed . They will enjoy a lasting peace .

    台湾同胞的生活方式不变,他们的 切身 利益将得到充分保障,永享太平。

  • Today Western moves against what Russia sees as its vital interests will bring very severe retaliation indeed .

    今天,如果西方的行动触及俄罗斯的 切身 利益,确实会招致非常严厉的报复。

  • All kinds of forces are brought into play when a nation 's vital interests are threatened .

    当一个国家的 切身 利益受到威胁时,它就会动用一切力量。

  • Labor Contract Law because of the vital interests of tens of thousands of workers and directly related to social harmony and stability .

    《劳动合同法》由于千千万万劳动者的 切身 利益,并直接关系到社会和谐、稳定。

  • These vital interests can 't mix well .

    这些 重要 利害 关系没法协调。

  • Seriously solving protruding problems related to agriculture rural areas and farmers and protecting the vital interests of the masses of people .

    第四,认真解决三农(农业、农村、农民)、就业等突出问题,保护广大人民群众的 切身 利益

  • We also agree we must find ways to manage our differences with Russia where they persist and stand firm where our principles or our vital interests are at stake .

    我们还一致认为,我们必须寻求管理我们同俄罗斯之间长期不能解决的不同,在涉及原则和 重要 利益的时候,我们立场坚定。

  • The price of urban housing concerns every urbanite 's vital interests especially in reality .

    而在现实中城市住房价格更是关系到每一个城市居民的 切身 利益

  • At present as a bus passenger 's largest public transport safety and comfort has a bearing on the vital interests of the majority of the people .

    公交车作为目前国内客运量最大的公共交通工具,其安全性和舒适性关系到大多数人的 切身 利益

  • Fourth many problems affecting the vital interests of the people have yet to be satisfactorily solved .

    四是涉及群众 切身 利益的不少问题还没有得到很好解决。

  • In a dangerous and uncertain world the strengthening of national defence is the best guarantee of a nation 's vital interests .

    在危机四伏,动荡不安的世界里,巩固国防是一个国家的 根本 利益的最好保证。

  • As a legal surveying the result of real estate surveying is an important basis for house ownership register it directly relates to the people 's vital interests .

    统一登记是不动产物权登记制度发展的必然结果,构建不动产统一登记簿是完善统一登记制度的 重要内容之一。

  • Social security between urban and rural relations to citizens ' vital interests social justice and social harmony .

    城乡统筹社会保障关系到公民的 切身 利益,社会的公平正义和社会和谐。

  • Directly related to the vital interests of both the buyers and the sellers the transfer of goods ownership is crucial in international businesses .

    在国际货物买卖中,货物所有权转移是直接关系买卖双方 切身 利益的重要问题。

  • Social insurance administration is directly related to the vital interests of the people and the development of social insurance .

    社会保险经办管理直接关系 百姓的 切身 利益关系 社会保险事业的发展。

  • Europe 's tectonic plates are moving and Britain 's vital interests are in play .

    欧洲地质板块正在移动而英国的 切身 利益也受到波及。

  • Instead the west should seek to create with Russia the kind of relationship that the US has sought with some success with China : one based on respect for both sides ' vital interests with a common commitment to the stability of the world economy .

    相反,西方应当设法与俄罗斯建立这样一种关系:以尊重双方的 切身 利益为基础,承担全球经济稳定的共同义务。美国在寻求与中国建立这种关系方面,已经取得了一定的成果。

  • Under these rules the authorities are supposed to make public any information involving the vital interests of citizens .

    在这些规定下,政府被期望给予公众任何有关“公民 切身 利益”的信息。

  • He has proposed that the president should not hesitate to use force unilaterally if American vital interests are attacked or threatened .

    他主张在美国 利益受到打击的时候,总统应该采取 单方面地行动。

  • Actually the overwhelming majority of the population are totally uniformde about the provisions of the law which affect their vital interests .

    事实上,绝大多数的人根本不知道那些影响他们 实际 利益的法律条款。

  • Excessive gap in income distribution not only deviates from social fairness and justice but also directly infringes the vital interests of the people .

    摘要收入分配过大不仅背离了社会公平和正义,而且直接侵害了人民群众的 切身 利益

  • More work needs to be done to resolve problems affecting the vital interests of the people .

    涉及群众 切身 利益的问题有待进一步解决。

  • According to the forestry authorities farmers universally welcome the policy of returning farmland to forests as it takes full consideration of their vital interests .

    据林业部门介绍,由于充分考虑到农民的 切身 利益,退耕还林政策在各地普遍受到欢迎。

  • The processing is needed to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another person and the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent ;

    数据处理需要保护数据主体或其他人的 重大 利益,而数据主体在身体上或法律上不能够给予允诺。

  • Paying close attention to solving problems related to the vital interests of the people

    高度重视解决涉及群众 切身 利益的问题