visual cells

[医] 视细胞

  • Also some studies have indicated that the some colored sensitive nervous cells exist in the rats ' visual cortex using functional magnetic resonance technology . We have confirmed that these cells have the ability to distinguish between the different colored stimulation .

    也有研究表明在大鼠 皮层V1区存在对颜色敏感的神经细胞,通过功能性的磁共振技术证实这些 细胞具有对不同颜色刺激的分辨能力。

  • Through simulate the activities of nerve cells in visual cortex the simulation of nerve cells in mammalian visual cortex activity and the establishment of the neural network model Simulation of mammals then establish the neural network model it is the simplification and approximation of real neurons .

    脉冲耦合神经网络作为第三代 人工神经网络,有着 生物学背景,是通过模拟哺乳动物 视觉皮层神经细胞活动而建立的神经网络模型,是对真实神经元的简化与近似。

  • Aging and Sex Associated Functional Degradation of Visual Cortical Cells in Rats

    年龄及性别相关的大鼠 皮层 细胞的功能衰退

  • Moving sinusoidal grating of various orientations controlled with a computer ( IBM-XT ) were used as visual stimuli . Responses of cells in the region of 17 / 18 border were recorded with tungsten microelectrodes then fed into the computer and processed on line .

    用IBM-XT微机控制产生各种取向的可移动正弦光栅作为 视觉刺激,用金属微电极在猫皮层一侧17/18区边界附近进行 外记录,神经信号由微机实时采集并进行数据处理;

  • The pathomechanism of Hyperopia amblyopia may be because the central visual had damaged and retinal ganglion cells were abnormal in particular the X-cells were damaged significantly which were responsible for the spatial resolution . 5 .

    远视性弱视发生的原因主要是 皮质中枢出现损害,可能视网膜神经节 细胞也有异常,尤其是负责空间分辨的X型细胞受损明显。

  • The technology can analysis linear or non-linear components of the visual system . Through it we can acknowledge different layers of visual functions ( such as sensitive cells of retina and ganglion cells ) .

    这种技术可分析视觉系统的线性成分和非线性成分,从而可以分别了解 视觉功能的不同层次(如视网膜感光 细胞层和神经节细胞层)的功能。

  • The content of AR in the retina of all rats were quantified after 30 and 90 d the ultrastructure of retinal visual cells were observed by transmission electron microscope 90 d after injection .

    并在第90天时取视网膜行透射电镜观察 细胞超微结构。

  • The sparse coding algorithm was originally developed as a neural model for natural images in order to simulate the visual processing of simple cells in the primary visual cortex ( area V1 ) of mammals .

    稀疏编码算法最初是作为自然图像的神经编码模型而提出的,主要用于模拟哺乳类生物视觉系统初级视皮层V1区简单 细胞 视觉加工过程。

  • Using the good local performance of wavelet transformation a wavelet network visual servo controller is designed by using wavelet functions as its nerve cells ' activations function .

    利用小波变换局部特性好的特性,采用小波基函数作为 神经元的激活函数,设计了一种小波神经网络 视觉控制器。

  • As mentioned above the change of visual cells was not obvious .


  • In the visual cells of 90 d diabetic rats the membrane disc was in disorder membrane disc spaces was enlarged and the mitochondria of inner segments was swollen and even denatured .

    糖尿病90天大鼠视网膜的 细胞外节膜盘排列紊乱,间隙扩大,内节线粒体水肿,有的空泡化;

  • Results : The membrane disc of visual cells was swollen and in disorder .

    结果:缺血再灌注组大鼠视网膜 细胞外节膜盘肿胀,排列紊乱;

  • The ratio of the visual cells to the ganglion cells is about 2 . 5:1 . This study shows that the histological structure of retina in Chinese Alligator is related to the visual in dark .


  • Its mechanism is probably through various channels to improve microcirculation increase optic nutrition retina regulating the body syndrome thereby reducing the visual response threshold activate idle nerve cells .

    其作用机制可能是通过多种途径改善视网膜微循环,增加视神经营养,调节全身证候,从而降低 视觉反应域值,激活闲置的神经 细胞有关。

  • The quantity of AR in the retina of diabetic rats treated with Aminoguanidine was lower than diabetic rats . In the 90 d diabetic rats treated with Aminoguanidine the membrane disc of visual cells was partly in disorder and the mitochondria of inner segments was normal .

    AG治疗组大鼠视网膜AR含量明显低于糖尿病未治疗组,糖尿病90天大鼠视网膜 细胞外节膜盘少量排列紊乱,内节线粒体正常。

  • This result further suggests that enhanced visual adaptation of visual cortical cells in the old brain may result from burst firing frequency changes that might be mediated by a decreased inhibition at cortical and subcortical levels .

    这一结果表明,在衰老过程中, 皮层 细胞对视觉刺激的适应性增强可能是由于皮层和皮层下神经抑制水平的下降导致簇发放频率的改变引起的。

  • Each tissue was observed 4 to 6 visual fields randomly and the percentage of DPCs in every 100 lung cells was counted . All the data were analyzed by the SPSS 11.0.2 .

    每例标本观察时镜下随机选择4~6个 视野,计数100个肺 细胞,得出每百个细胞内DPCs百分率,采用SPSS11.0统计软件包对数据进行分析。

  • As a result cells in one group might be mostly those responding to male faces while in a different part of the visual cortex female-responding cells dominate .

    结果,细胞群内被激活的大部分是那些同辨别男性面孔相关的神经 细胞,而 视觉皮质的另一部分被激活的大部分是可辨别女性面孔的 神经 细胞

  • To investigate the changes of cellular configuration and polarized characteristic of visual pigment during the development of rod cells of neonatal calf in vitro .

    明确新生小牛视网膜视杆 细胞体外发育过程中细胞形态及 色素分子分布的变化规律。

  • Visual loss is a result of progressive loss of light sensitive cells at the back of the eye due to damage from abnormal leaking blood vessels .

    失明导致的原因是眼底变异,血管渗漏,使感光 细胞丢失。

  • As the reason of unremitting decrease of visual perception in RP is degeneration and apoptosis of photoreceptor cells which could not be regenerated transplantation of healthy retina tissue or cells has become the most perspective treatment strategy currently .

    由于RP 患者 视力持续性下降的原因是感光细胞的变性和凋亡,而感光 细胞不能再生,移植健康的视网膜组织或者细胞,已经成为目前最具前景的治疗策略1w_2698。

  • Visual response properties of nucleus rotundus cells of the thalamus in the pigeon

    鸽子丘脑圆核 细胞 视觉反应

  • Based on the result of visual cortex simple cells physiological experiment biological structure and function of visual cortex simple cells is elaborated .

    皮层简单 细胞生理实验结果为基础,阐述了视皮层简单细胞的生理结构和功能。

  • Quantitative analysis of some response characteristics of visual cortical cells to moving bar stimuli in the cat

    皮层 细胞对运动光棒刺激的反应特性的定量分析

  • Correlation between ultrastructural changes of visual cells and aldose reductase in retina of early diabetic rats and protection of Aminoguanidine on them

    糖尿病早期大鼠视网膜 细胞超微结构改变与醛糖还原酶的相关性及氨基胍的保护作用

  • The most direct pathway of visual information is pass from the photoreceptors through bipolar cells to ganglion cells .

    视觉信息最为直接的通路是由光感受器通过双极 细胞至神经节细胞的传递。

  • Retina encodes the visual stimulus by converting the light signals into the spike trains of ganglion cells .

    视网膜通过将光刺激信号转化为神经节 细胞的放电序列,实现对 视觉刺激信息的编码。

  • Objective To explore the law of pathologic changes in retinal capillaries and visual cells ( visual receptors ) in rats with diabetes .

    目的探讨大鼠糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)早期视网膜毛细血管及 细胞(视感受器)的病变规律。

  • Curative Effects of Cerebral Palsy Combined with Severe Visual Disability in Children Treated by Human Neural Stem Cells Transplantation

    人神经干 细胞移植治疗脑性瘫痪并重度 视觉障碍患儿的疗效