visibility list

[ˌvɪzəˈbɪlɪti lɪst][ˌvɪzəˈbɪlɪti: list]

[计] 可见度表

  • That means that they should include the abstract keyword optionally a visibility modifier the function keyword and an optional list of arguments in parentheses .

    这意味着,抽象方法应包括abstract关键字、可选的 可见度修改符、function关键字,以及圆括号内可选的参数 列表

  • LBAC can be used to enforce Siebel access control based on records visibility for a user that is based on organization position and a membership to a list or group .

    根据 列表或组的结构、位置或从属关系,LBAC可用于增强对用户 可见记录的Siebel访问控制。