This gives you some clear visual feedback on how the tool is reacting .
这给你一些关于如何反应的工具是明确的 视觉 反馈。
To avoid such problems it is often advisable to offer visual feedback in form of a progress bar that moves according to the progress of the running task .
为避免这样的问题,通常可取的办法是提供一个进度工具条形式的 可视 反馈,这个工具条根据运行着的任务来移动。
Dual DSP-based embedded visual feedback control system for mobile welding robots
移动式修焊机器人双DSP嵌入式 视觉 反馈控制系统
By extracting data and providing visual feedback such as graphics that depict server load or response time evolution developers become aware of what is actually going on in a running system .
通过获取数据和提供 可视化 的 反馈,例如描述服务器负载或响应时间的图表,会逐渐影响开发人员开始关注运行中的系统的状况。
As discussed the key to successful direct manipulation is rich visual feedback .
我们讨论过,成功的直接操作的关键是丰富的 视觉 反馈。
These provide good visual feedback allow users to adjust multiple parameters from a single control and support more expressive gestural user interactions .
它们具有很好的 视觉 反馈,允许在一个控件中调节多个参数,并支持更具表现力的用户界面。
This photo shows smoke generators at work providing visual feedback to researchers about airflow over the X-Plane .
这张照片显示了在工作烟雾发生器,提供 视觉 反馈,不要过度的X-平面气流研究员。
Rich visual feedback is the key to successful direct manipulation .
丰富的 视觉 交互是直接操作成功的关键。
Note : You can use onstart and oncomplete to give the user visual feedback that the service is fetching suggestions for example .
注意:例如,您可以使用onstart和oncomplete来给用户提供服务正在获取推荐的 可视化 反馈。
However be careful : While enriching the visual feedback you must be careful not to create an interface that is hopelessly cluttered .
然而一定要小心,在保证丰富 视觉 反馈的同时要避免创建混乱的界面。
If a clerk enters something erroneous he needs to be informed of it via both auditory and visual feedback .
如果输入了一些错误数据,他需要通过听觉和 视觉两种 反馈获得信息。
A control system based on machine vision is presented the structure of the control system is introduced and the visual feedback model and the system implement are expounded in detail .
本文针对高速流水线上的机械手特点设计了一种高精度的视觉伺服运动控制系统,详细介绍了控制系统结构,描述了 视觉 伺服模型的建立以及系统的具体实现。
Also take care to support the user ( for example with visual feedback such as progress bars ) while the interface loads or content is updated .
另外,在加载界面或更新内容时,我们还需要关心如何为用户提供支持(例如,使用诸如进度条之类的 可视化 反馈技术)。
The Closed-loop Networked Control System Based on Internet and Visual Feedback
基于Internet与 视觉 反馈的闭环网络控制系统
FMRI observation of the effect of visual feedback gain on force production
视觉 反馈增益对力量输出影响的fMRI研究
Object Manipulation of a Humanoid Robot Based on Visual Feedforward and Visual Feedback
基于视觉前馈和 视觉 反馈的仿人机器人抓取操作
Second because it can provide visual feedback on the files being copied it can be a more comforting method of copying the files across to the new system .
其次,因为它能够提供关于复制的文件的 可视化 反馈 信息,所以使用它将文件复制到新的系统会更加方便。
A vital step at this point is visual feedback that the operation has occurred .
在这一点上,重要的步骤是 视觉 反馈能反映操作已经发生完毕。
We need no visual feedback to smile .
我们不需要 视觉 反馈去微笑。
The mirror was giving visual feedback that the sensory cortex was interpreting as a real hand .
镜子提供的 视觉 回馈 信号被感觉皮层解读为真正的手。
Trajectory Tracking Control for Four-wheeled Robot Based on Visual Feedback
视觉 反馈四轮移动机器人轨迹跟踪控制
The tar tool can be a slower alternative but it is more reliable when transferring other file types and provides more visual feedback about the copy process .
tar工具可能是一种速度较慢的替代方法,但是在传输其他类型的文件时,它更加可靠并且提供了关于复制过程的更加 可视化 的 反馈 信息。
To provide rich visual feedback the entry field could change colors to reflect its estimate of the validity of the entered data .
为了提供丰富的 视觉 反馈,可以改变输入字段的颜色来反映对输入数据有效性的判断。
The importance of giving users visual feedback such as progress indicators has been well researched and documented .
给予用户 视觉上的 反馈(比如进度提示)的重要性,已经经过了很详尽的论证。
To interact with a computer solely by voice is much more difficult work t than using various hardware input devices and monitoring the computer state with visual feedback .
只通过语音与计算机交互相比起使用各种硬件输入设备和利用 可视 反馈监视计算机状态来说,是一项更为艰难的工作。
Visual Feedback and Localization of Micro-Manipulation System Oriented Complex Task
面向复杂作业的微操作机器人系统 视觉 反馈与定位研究
From a user 's perspective the windows provide visual feedback that the client Java application is either in the launching process or in the update process .
从用户的观点来看,该窗口提供了该Java应用程序是在启动过程还是在更新过程的 可视化 反馈。
A Force Visual Feedback Method Based on Spring Model
一种基于弹簧模型的作用力 视觉 反馈方法
Those with pain lacked this visual feedback system and showed no activity in the sensory or motor cortex .
感觉到疼痛的人却没有这样的 视觉 回馈系统,而且在感觉和运动皮层都没有活动。
美[ˈvɪʒuəl ˈfidˌbæk]英[ˈviʒuəl ˈfi:dbæk]