


  • In addition the quantities of tissue ratio of wood moleculars of indi - vidual tree species were determined .

    此外还 测量树种木材分子的组织 比量

  • Construction of the pre-school Teacher Qualification System is an important means to promote the pre-school education career development and teachers ' indi vidual professional growth .

    幼儿教师资格制度建设是推进学前教育事业发展和促进教师 个体专业成长的重要手段。

  • During the process of production socialization cooperation system is an effective form transforming workers ' indi - vidual ownership to society 's ownership and developing market economy and consummating cooperation system are an internal power to push forward the development of production socialization .

    在生产社会化的发展过程中,合作制是 劳动者 个人所有制向社会所有制转变的一种有效形式;发展市场经济和完善合作制都是推动生产社会化发展的内在力量。

  • The focus of the construction of China 's pension insurance system is to vigorously develop the corporate annuity system and establish a 3-pillar social security system composed of basic social pension insurance corporate annuity and indi - vidual savings .

    大力发展企业年金制度,建立以社会基本养老保险、企业年金和 个人储蓄为三支柱的养老保障体系,是我国今后一段时间内养老保险制度建设的重点。

  • The indi - vidual in conflict with himself and his frontier environment . He was a paradox .

    主人公是一个 自相矛盾与他的拓荒环境 矛盾的 人物。他是个自相矛盾的人。

  • The vidual perception and memory in deaf children from China and the United States

    中、美耳聋儿童的 知觉和记忆

  • Dynamic studies of the hydrogenation of α & methyl styrene in a three-phase slurry reactor showed that catalytic reduction temperature appreciably affects indi - vidual values of adsorption equilibrium constants adsorption rate coefficients and surface reaction rate coefficients .

    α-甲基 苯乙烯在三相浆化反应器中加氢的动态研究表明,催化剂还原温度对吸附平衡常数、吸附和表面反应速率系数有明显的影响。