video sensing

[电] 影像感应

  • Today digital video has been widely applied in many areas such as business education and entertainment etc. Video compressed sensing reconstruction is a research focus in communication .

    当今数字视频已经渗透到商业、教育以及娱乐等各个方面,压缩 传感 视频重构技术成为信号处理领域一个研究热点。

  • Image mosaic technology has been widely used in space exploration video compression and transmission virtual reality technology remote sensing image analysis medical image processing and other fields .

    目前,图像拼接相关技术已经广泛用于空间探索、 视频压缩和传输、虚拟现实技术、 遥感图像分析、医学图像处理等领域。

  • Given the severe resource constraints on individual video sensors and the redundant visual information among video sensors we adopt a divide-and-conquer method to partition a sensing task among highly correlated ones .

    考虑到 视频传感器节点的有限资源和相邻节点间冗余视觉信息,采用协作思想将同一场景的 视觉 监测任务分配到相关度较大的多个视频传感器节点上。

  • Recently with the appearance of novel video sensor networks their distinct characteristics with directional sensing ability and a large amount of image / video data make that many methods for conventional sensor networks are not suitable for video sensor networks .

    近年来,随着新型 视频传感器网络的出现,其节点方向性感 和媒体大数据量等显著特点,现有方法不能有效适用。

  • Video sampling based on compressive sensing can sample and compress signal at the same time and the samples needed are far fewer than that of the conventional method . As a result it can greatly save up sampling resources .

    而基于压缩 感知理论的 视频采集方法避免了这一点,它能够在采样的同时进行压缩,而且所需的采样点数远小于传统方法的要求,因此能够大大节省采样资源。

  • For the problem of integrity authentication about compressed video streams this paper proposed a video watermarking algorithm based on Compressive Sensing ( CS ) .

    针对压缩域视频流的完整性认证问题,提出了一种基于压缩 传感(CS)的 视频水印算法。

  • The objective evaluation is given to the processed video at last . Experimental results show that the algorithm has a strong applicability and it can be further used for many applications such as outdoor surveillance remote sensing and intelligent vehicles .

    本文在最后对 视频 图像的去雾结果进行了客观评价,实验结果表明,该算法具有较强的适用性,可以进一步应用于户外监控、 遥感和智能交通等方面。

  • It takes a single low resolution image or multi low resolution images as input uses signal processing technology to generate a higher resolution image . It plays an important role in video remote sensing medical and military field .

    它以单幅或多幅低分辨率图像为输入,通过信号处理技术生成一幅高分辨率图像,在 视频遥感、医学和军事等领域都有重要应用。

  • Different from conventional sensor networks video sensor networks are distinctly characterized by their immense information and directional sensing models .

    视频传感器网络的大数据量和方向性 传感两个显著特点使其有别于其他传统的传感器网络。

  • For example using the state-of-the-art video camera we can record the picture in atomy level given people a sensing cognition .

    比如说,用当今最先进的 摄影机,我们可以记录下原子水平的图像,给人以 感官上的清楚认识。

  • The advantage of the technique is that it cost less and the existing low resolution system can still be used . Super resolution reconstruction has many applications such as video medical and remote sensing image .

    该技术的优点是成本低,现存的低分辨率成像系统仍可以使用,在 视频、医学、 遥感图像等领域中有着广泛的应用前景。

  • Parallel-Perspective Stereo Mosaics of Video Images from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing System

    基于平行-透视投影的无人机 遥感系统 视频图像的立体镶嵌

  • Road detection is one of the key technologies of the autonomous vehicle navigation system and the frames captured from the video are important sources of road detection in sensing the environment .

    其中,道路检测是自主导航系统的关键技术之一,采集的 视频 图像是自主导航系统 感知外界环境进行道路检测的重要来源。

  • Panoramic vision system has been widely used in robot navigation Mars exploration video surveillance fire rescue virtual reality environmental sensing technology and many other areas of civilian or military for its characteristics of large angle of view .

    全景视觉系统具有视场范围大的特点,当前已经广泛地应用在机器人导航、空间探测、 视频监控、火险救灾、虚拟现实、环境 感知技术等民用或军用领域,而且系统结构种类繁多,各有特色。