volatility coefficient

[化] 挥发系数

  • Some numerical examples are presented for European option pricing problems and the computational results accurately reflect the relationships among option pricing with the volatility un-risk interest rate expiration price exercise price and correlation coefficient of underling assets .

    计算结果正确反映了标的资产 波动 、无风险利率、资产当期价格和成交价格及资产间的协相关 系数对期权定价的影响。

  • Valuation of Some Game-Type Option with Nonconstant Volatility Numerical Calculation of Aerodynamic Force Coefficient and Dynamic Stability Derivatives on Unsteady Supersonic Wing with Sideslip Angles

    波动 非常数时一类博弈期权的定价非定常超音速侧滑机翼的气动力 系数及动导数的数值计算

  • The strategy is sensitive to the manager ′ s risk tolerance the asset volatility rate and the liquidity coefficient but it is insensitive to the security excess return rate .

    最优策略对管理者的风险厌恶程度、资产 波动率和流动性 系数较为敏感,而对证券超额收益率敏感程度较低。

  • The exchange volatility has a significant positive coefficient indicating that depreciation in Egyptian Pound against the currencies of its partners stimulates agricultural exports .

    交易 波动 系数为正且影响显著,说明埃及镑贬值不利于通过其合作国的货币流通及 利率 传递来激励农业出口。

  • The imitating outcomes using adaptive belief model agree with the real phenomenon with volatility clustering and the imitating coefficient of skewness and kurtosis are close to actual market data .

    模型模拟产生的 波动集聚现象与实际相符,收益 偏度和峰度与实际市场数据接近。

  • The measurement of overall economic capital contains asset volatility avail volatility method the coefficient method .

    总体经济资本的计量方法有资产波动法、收益 波动法、 系数法。

  • The Volatility in Stock Return and the Time - Varying Beta Coefficient

    股票收益 波动与Beta 系数的时变性

  • In light of market risk there are sensitivity measurement method and volatility measurement method as well as the concepts about risk measurement such as Variance Duration 3 - coefficient 5 - coefficient and Value at Risk .

    其中,针对市场风险度量的方法包括灵敏度测量风险方法和 波动 测量风险方法,与之相关的风险度量概念有方差、持续期、β 系数、δ类系数和在险价值;