


  • He was a vociferous opponent of Conservatism


  • In time this should help create a more vociferous constituency of businesses in favour of concerted international action .

    假以时日,这应当有助于形成一个支持国际协调行动的更加 敢言的企业群体。

  • QE2 was followed by surging commodity prices and vociferous condemnation at home and abroad extinguishing much of the Fed 's enthusiasm for an encore .

    第二轮的加大货币发行量,已然引起了物价 飞涨 来自国内国外 大量指责,极大的打消了美联储再行一轮的热情。

  • And one by one encouraged by vociferous applause speaking with fire and enthusiasm and excited gestures they replied to the attack .

    他们一 个个 受到 喧闹的欢呼鼓掌的鼓励,怀着火焰和激情, 打着激动的手势,回答了对他们的攻击。

  • The basketball team never lacked vociferous supporters but they rarely responded to this show of enthusiasm .

    文中 黑体 they 若是高声 呼叫的支持 ,则与 后面的意思(对这种热情很少作出响应) 不合。因此 they只能指球队队员。

  • A strident voice . Something clamorous is both vociferous and sustained : The concerts go on for days and all the best bands play .

    刺耳的嗓音。同时 表示 叫嚣的和持续的:音乐会持续数日,所有最好的乐队都参加演出。

  • Nor will much progress be made while China persists with its vociferous claims on north-east Indian territory .

    而如果中国坚持 大声宣称印度东北部地区是中国领土, 双方 关系也不可能出现多大进展。

  • And this started a vociferous debate among the French .

    这在法国人当中引发了一场 热闹的讨论。

  • My chief difference with Mr Stiglitz is that I think his confidence that inequality will eventually lead to a vociferous political reaction against wealthy financial elites in America is misplaced .

    我与斯蒂格利茨最大的区别在于,他自信美国这种财富 机会 分配的不公终究会导致 大量的政治上的回应,来反对富有的金融精英,而我认为他的这种自信是不恰当的。

  • Vociferous protests against the new motorway .

    反对那条新的高速公路的 强烈抗议。

  • Local activist groups have become increasingly vociferous as the volume of traffic passing through the village has grown .

    随着经过该村子的交通流量增大,当地的活跃组织已经 抱怨 越来越

  • We are assured by vociferous economists that economic growth would be higher in the U.S. and unemployment lower if only the government would run even bigger deficits and / or the Fed would print even more money .


  • Many scientists have long been vociferous advocates of gene therapy saying it promises cures for a range of diseases but previous research has been fraught with controversy and safety concerns .

    许多科学家长期以来 极力倡导基因治疗并称其有望治愈大量疾病,但是前期研究充斥着争议和安全问题。

  • Since then increasingly vociferous outbursts against the ills of immigration have become commonplace & and toxic .

    从那时起,针对移民弊端的 反对 越来越 ,成为了社会的 主流&同时也是毒瘤。

  • The bill had to be withdrawn in response to vociferous and widespread objection .

    在一 鼎沸的反对 中,这个法案只得 了回去。

  • The EBA stress tests and the capital deficits the regulator identified have triggered vociferous complaints from banks .

    欧盟银行管理局的压力测试及所发现的资本缺口,引发了银行的 大声抱怨。

  • Theatre lobbies were filled with a vociferous crowd during the intermission .

    幕间休息时,剧场游说者总是充斥在 嘈杂的人群中。

  • They always prefer the silent elegant solution to a vociferous performance .

    他们总是喜欢沉默,优雅的解决一个 响亮的性能。

  • A vociferous opponent of gay rights he is well-known for his rightwing views .

    他是一名 同性恋权利的 公开反对者,以右翼观点而闻名。

  • He boarded the boat for America and reached New York with its vociferous welcome .

    他登上开往美国的轮船,到达纽约时 受到 喧闹的欢迎。

  • The vociferous calls from some member states for cuts in the budget may be popular but they are largely economically unsound .

    某些成员国发出的预算削减 呼声可能很受欢迎,但是从经济 层面 来看这些 提法是站不住脚的。

  • His resentment of her behaviour was becoming more vociferous .

    他越来越 大声 表达对她行为的 厌恶

  • The game was played in front of a vociferous crowd with a packed press box and seven TV camera crews present .

    这场比赛 涌入 大量观众,记者席上也挤满了,有七个电视摄影工作人员在场。

  • A smaller programme ensures that less vociferous students do not get left behind .

    小班授课保证了那些 声音不那么 的学生不会被落下。

  • 20 . Vociferous / Voracious

    20. 喊叫的, 喧嚷的/贪婪的,贪吃的

  • These days he 's a vociferous campaigner against racism and supports FIFA 's zero-tolerance policy on this global problem .

    现在,他成为了反种族主义的积极的 活动家,并且是国际足联关于种族主义“零妥协”政策的支持者。

  • With the Chinese economy and real estate market slowing dramatically and a vociferous anti-corruption campaign in full swing at home Chinese buyers have been scrambling in the past few years to buy real estate abroad .

    随着中国经济和房地产市场大幅放缓,同时 声势浩大的反腐败运动 不断深入,近年中国买家竞相在国外购买房地产。

  • Facebook users privacy advocates and government officials in many countries have lobbed vociferous complaints that some new features or settings were privacy violations .

    许多国家的Facebook用户,隐私保护支持者及政府官员均对一些侵害个人隐私的新功能或设置 怨声载道

  • Anti-Israel sentiment in Egypt has been vociferous since the killing of5 Egyptian soldiers by Israeli forces in the aftermath of a militant attack near the border between the2 countries last month .


  • The crowds at stations were growing enormous their greetings more vociferous .

    车站上的人群越聚越多,他们欢迎和问候的 话音更加 喧嚣