wafer process

[ˈwefɚ ˈprɑsˌɛs][ˈweɪfə ˈprəuses]


  • As the feature size decreases image distortion on wafer after lithography process becomes more and more serious .

    随着特征尺寸的减小,光刻后 硅片 表面的畸变 现象也越来越严重。

  • Hundreds of micro nozzles with the diameter of 5 ~ 20 μ m are fabricated on the silicon wafer using the ICP process .

    利用微细 加工技术,在 硅片上制作了上千个直径5~20μm的微喷孔阵列。

  • Through the reliability test the NTC CUP process is suitable for thinner bond wire . So we can reduce the cost of the product which is lower driving current through wafer process change .

    通过可靠性试验的研究发现,NTC的CUP工艺,在目前情况下只适用于线径较细的焊接工艺,因而可以对一些驱动电流较低的产品进行 芯片 工艺改进,降低 芯片成本。

  • This paper describes the bulk silicon dissolved wafer process which has been employed to fabricate the micromechanical inertial instruments .

    介绍了一种用以制造微机械惯性仪表(包括微陀螺和微加速度计)的微机械体 加工 方法&体硅溶解 薄片

  • In this work A Petri net model is developed for single-arm cluster tools to describe wafer reentrant process .

    本文建立了单臂组合设备重入加工的Petri网模型,该模型可以描述 晶圆重入 加工 过程,并且能够分析得到重入 加工 过程的最优调度,以及分析了控制死锁策略。

  • Swing type multi-wire saw ( MWS ) for LED substrate is the special equipment in the LED wafer manufacturing process in semiconductor lighting industry .

    LED基 专用摇摆式多线切割机是半导体照明产业 衬底 切片的专用装备。

  • Effect of Plate Materials on Sapphire Wafer Lapping Process

    蓝宝石 衬底研磨 加工中研磨盘材质的影响

  • I understand the circuits are etched into the wafer by repeating the photolithographic process of light exposure and chemical treatment .

    --我知道这些电路是通过照相平板印刷 的曝光和化学处理蚀刻到 晶元上的。

  • Multi-wire saw ( MWS ) for solar silicon wafer is the key equipment in the solar silicon wafer manufacturing process in photovoltaic ( PV ) industry . The processing quality will directly affect the following the processing efficiency and yield .

    太阳能硅片多线切割机是太阳能光伏产业链 硅片生产 流程中的关键设备,硅片加工质量的好坏将直接影响到后续的加工效率和成品率。

  • The results indicate that the grinding dynamometer has good properties which reach the design requirements of grinding force test system . And the dynamometer is very suitable for measurement and monitoring grinding force in silicon wafer grinding process .

    实验证明磨削测力仪具有很好的静态特性和动态特性,各项性能指标都达到了硅片磨床磨削力测试系统的设计要求,非常适用于 硅片磨削 过程中磨削力的测量和监控。

  • This paper presented one single chip micro inertial measurement unit based on ordinary bulk micromachining process such as dissolved wafer process .

    论文基于普通的体硅 工艺设计实现了一个单片集成 微惯性测量组合。

  • This paper discusses the actions and necessity of wafer grinding technology . According to quality of wafer surface grinding process it studies principle of Creep-Feed and In-feed bringing forward the principle and questions for design .

    从对 晶片减薄的质量要求角度出发,论述了垂直缓进给( Creep-Feed)晶片减薄原理与垂直切深进给(In-Feed) 晶片 薄原理。提出原理设计中的原则和相关问题。

  • Therefore the microwave radiation cleaning method could be a new type of silicon wafer cleaning process . The hydrophilic silicon substrate can be prepared as a basement of self-assembled monolayers .

    从而验证了微波辐照法可以作为一种新型 基亲水化 处理方法,同时,经该方法 处理后的硅基完全可以作为制备自组装膜的基底。

  • The fabrication techniques with dissolved wafer process of sensitive element are expressed .

    叙述了敏感元件的体 溶解 薄片 制造工艺。

  • Introduces wafer bonding process technical requirements application choice and Interaction for MEMS and showing MEMS fabrication technology and application prospects .

    介绍了 晶圆键合 工艺、技术要求、应用选择以及对MEMS的作用;展示了MEMS制造技术和应用前景。

  • Sequential compensatory strategies are developed for the overflow tank wafer rinsing process which can result in a substantial reduction in ultra-pure water usage .

    本文发展出对于溢流漕 晶圆洗涤 程序之分段互补策略,可达成大幅的超纯水使用减量。

  • This type of seal can achieve no-friction and good performance seal hence it can meet the requirements of high vacuum without metal contaminate for the chamber in the wafer process .

    这种密封能实现无摩擦、性能好的密封,能最大程度满足 晶片 处理 过程中对靶室高真空度及金属颗粒的要求。

  • Optimization of Si Wafer Chemical Cleaning Process

    硅片 表面化学清洗 工艺的优化研究

  • Four inch LiNbO_3 wafer process of Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry

    东方钽业4英寸LN 晶片的研究 开发

  • In addition the development of VLSI and SoCs makes metal density problems more complicated . Traditional solution to metal density is to insert dummy fill to improve the wafer topography after CMP process .

    另一方面,甚大规模集成电路和片上系统规模的发展使得金属密度问题变得更为复杂,传统的解决方法是插入冗余金属以改善化学机械 研磨 CMP后的 芯片平坦度。

  • A cheaper solution of Na_ 2 SiO_ 3 is used instead of the conventional solution of NaOH + IPA ( isopropyl alcohol ) in the c-Si wafer etching process .

    实验探索了一种廉价的硅织构 腐蚀 技术,即单独采用Na2SiO3代替传统的氢氧化钠和异丙醇溶液,以减少价格较高的异丙醇的用量,降低成本。

  • How to Use the Thermal Saturation Method to Solve the Reflow Issue in Wafer Bumping Process

    如何以热饱和效应克服 晶圆凸块回焊制 的问题

  • The system boundary includes upstream process starting from silica extraction to the solar grade multi-crystalline silicon production midstream process involving ingots growing and wafer slicing downstream process consisting of cells fabrication and modules assembly .

    研究系统边界包括上游金属硅料和太阳能级硅料生产、中游硅锭和 硅片 生产、下游电池和组件生产等 过程

  • In wafer manufacturing process the abnormal resistance of these two materials will directly affect products ' wafer acceptance tests leading to low yield .

    在生产 过程中,这两种 互连材料的电阻异常会直接影响产品的电性能测试,导致低 率。

  • By the principle of reversal process the formula of material removal rate ( MRR ) in wafer rotation grinding process is deduced . The relationship between MRR and the grinding parameters is given .

    在反转法的原理上,建立了 硅片 旋转 磨削材料去除率的理论模型,推导了材料去除率公式,分析了磨削工艺参数与材料去除率的关系。

  • The same FE technique was used for the simulation of backside window-opening process and Si wafer back-etching process .

    利用相同的有限元技术,对X射线光刻掩模的背面开窗、Si 刻蚀 过程进行数值仿真。

  • Slicing and lapping are two basic procedures in wafer substrate process and are introduced firstly in this thesis .

    切片和研磨 工序 器件衬底片制备中的两道基本工序。本文首先介绍了这两道 工序

  • Under the circumstances that the requirement for ultra-thin silicon dicing process is becoming higher and higher water guide laser wafer dicing process can better overcome the adverse affects of traditional dicing saw as well as silicon-cutting only with laser and achieve good dicing effects .

    随着超薄晶圆切割加工工艺要求的不断提升,水导激光 晶圆切割 工艺能够比较好地克服传统划片机以及激光干切晶圆所带来的负面影响,达到良好的切割效果的特性,引起越来越多的关注。

  • Study on fabrication of micromechanical inertial instruments with bulk silicon dissolved wafer process

    采用 薄片溶解 工艺制造微机械惯性仪表的实验研究