water brain

[ˈwɔtɚ bren][ˈwɔ:tə brein]

[医] 蹒跚病

  • Relationship between CT value and brain tissue water content in brain edema

    实验性 水肿CT值和脑组织含 水量的关系

  • The dry and wet weights of other piece were weighed immediately on electronic scale and the water content of brain tissue was calculated to evaluate brain edema .

    另一份立即在电子天平上称取干、湿重,计算 组织含 水量评估脑水肿情况。

  • Method Collagenase was injected to made a rat model of caudate nucleus hemorrhage . A dry wet method was used to measure the water content of brain tissue and a xanthine oxidase method to determine SOD level in brain tissue .

    方法采用胶原酶注入诱导的大鼠尾壳核出血模型,用干湿法测定 组织含 水量,用黄嘌呤氧化酶法测定脑组织SOD水平。

  • It can improve the neurologic impairment symptoms of rat decrease the water content of brain tissue LDH and CK in serum the content of MDA increase the activity of SOD .

    可显著改善 出血大鼠神经功能缺损症状,降低 组织含 水量,降低血清中LDH,CK及MDA含量,提高SOD活性。

  • Either too much or too little water will disturb brain function .

    水分太多或太少都将使 大脑的功能产生紊乱。

  • EA along the Meridian could decrease the contents of Glu Asp Ca2 + and water in brain tissue but no significant difference in acupoint control group and non-acupoint control group compared with model control group .

    穴位对照组和非穴位对照组 组织GLU、ASP、GLY、Ca2+含量和 水量与模型组比较,均无显著性差异。

  • Conclusion : HBO preconditioning can produce neuroprotective effects on TBI at simulated high altitude which makes the water content of brain tissue drop the nerve function improve and the rCBF and the PbtiO_ ( 2 ) increase .

    结论:高压氧预适应对高原颅脑损伤具有神经保护作用,可以使rCBF和 PbtiO2升高, 组织水肿程度减轻,神经功能改善。

  • METHOD Biphasic injection method was used to make rat cerebral hemorrhage models to determine the contents of SOD NO LPO MPO Na + - K + - ATPase water content of brain tissue and neurological function ratings .

    方法采用二次注血/退针法制作大鼠脑出血模型测定 组织匀浆中SOD,NO,LPO,MPO,Na+-K+-ATPase含量及 组织 水量、神经功能缺损评分。

  • In this experiment observation on the relationship between the water content of brain in rats exposed in different altitude gradients and brain edema was made .

    观察了小鼠暴露在不同海拔梯度下 水量改变及其与脑水肿的关系。

  • They always connected water with their attitude . Design of Injection Mold for the Water Receiver Brain Box


  • The guy 's got water on the brain .

    那家伙八成 脑子 进水了。

  • The effect of immediate hyperbaric oxygen therapy on water content of brain in cerebral ischemia rats

    立即高压氧治疗对大鼠局灶性脑缺血 后脑 含量的影响

  • There was not difference of water content in brain tissue of injured hemisphere among three groups ( p0.05 ) .

    3组动物受伤侧 组织含 水量无明显差别(P0.05);

  • In global cerebral ischemic experiments we found Scutellarin significantly prolonged electroencephalogram ( EEG ) disappearing time shortened righting reflex and EEG recovering time with a concomitant decreased the water content of brain tissue .

    明显延长全脑缺血再灌注模型中缺血后脑电图的消失时间,缩短缺血再灌注 后脑电图的恢复时间和翻正反射的恢复时间,同时显著降低缺血再灌注后的 组织 含水率。

  • Pathological changes were observed with hematoxylin-eosin staining and content of water in brain was detected ;

    各时相点取材,苏木素-伊红染色观察病理改变,并进行 水量测定;

  • The enormous size of the child 's skull showed him to have water on the brain .

    这个孩子的头颅特别大,说明他有 积水

  • Cleft palate neural tube defects excessive numbers of fingersortoes congenital heart disease and water on the brain are the top five birth defects among Chinese babies the report said .

    报告中提到,唇腭裂、神经管缺损、多趾症、先天性心脏病和 积水是困扰我国新生儿的五大出生缺陷。

  • The percentages of water content in brain gray matter and white matter were determined with water analytic apparatus .

    通过水分分析仪分别测定各组 灰、白质 水分含量百分比。

  • If you lost two percent of your body weight in water your brain power and performance level may start to weaken .

    参考译文:如果你身体中的 水份减少2%,你的 头脑开始迟钝,表现力开始下降。

  • He said he had water in his brain whatever that means .

    他说过他 积水,或什麽的。

  • Methods Acute toxic encephalopathy model was copied with the consecutive static inhalation of 1 . The water content of brain tissue was measured and the blood brain barrier permeability was detected with lanthanum nitrate .

    方法用1二氯乙烷静式呼吸道急性染毒复制大鼠急性中毒性脑病模型,用硝酸镧染色法测定 组织的含 水量并检测血脑屏障的通透性;

  • This process of cellular damage causes an increase in the apparent diffusion coefficient or ADC which is a measurement used to study the distribution of water in the brain .

    这一细胞受损过程使“表观弥散系数(ADC)”升高,ADC是研究 中水 分子分布的一种测量方法。

  • Dynamic CT perfusion imaging was carried out to measure the parameters of cerebral blood flow at 1 6 24 48 and 72h in rats with blood injection and saline injection respectively . Then the water content of brain tissue was calculated .

    分别于注血/盐水后1、6、24、48及72h5个时间点对大鼠脑出血模型进行动态CT灌注成像扫描,获得脑血流参数,计算 组织 含量。

  • The index and water content of brain were decreased in rats which were pretreated with CXT ( 10 20 40mg / kg ) .

    CXT(10、20、40mg/kg)能够降低急性脑缺血大鼠 指数和 水量

  • The water content of brain tissue was much lower than that of the control group ( P 0.01 ) .

    组织含 水量明显低于对照组(P0.01)。

  • Conclusion These data suggest that chronic depression could result in brain atrophy and increase the fluidity of water in some brain areas of limbic system .

    结论提示抑郁大鼠存在脑萎缩,边缘系统各 的流动性增加。

  • Conclusion : Cranial mild-moderate hypothermia can significantly reduce the body temperature and water content of brain tissues so as to protect the ischemic brain tissues .

    结论:头部亚低温能明显降低全身温度,减轻 水肿,保护缺血的脑组织。

  • It was found that after cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in the brain tissue SOD activiy reduced and the MDA content increased showing further injuries and obvious increase of water content of brain tissue were caused by reperfusion .

    结果发现,在脑缺血并再灌流后,大鼠脑组织的SOD活性下降而MDA含量增加,证明再灌流导致缺血 组织进一步受损; 组织含 水量也显著增加。

  • Methods 200 mice exposed to various altitude gradient and various times at high altitude regions were sampling respectively to determine the intracerebral ET and NO content as well as the water content in brain tissue .

    方法将小鼠置于不同海拔梯度下和高海拔区不同时间暴露下分别测定 组织中ET和NO含量及脑 水量

  • The Effect of Caspase-3 Inhibitor on Neurocyte Apoptosis Brain Water Content and Brain NO after Rat Traumatic Brain Injury

    Caspase-3抑制剂对大鼠外伤性颅脑损伤后神经细胞凋亡、脑 水量及 NO的影响