watch chain

[wɑtʃ tʃen][wɔtʃ tʃein]


  • Grand as the watch was he sometimes liiked at it on the sly on account of the old lesther strap that he used in place of a chain .

    那只表虽然华贵,可是因为他用一根旧皮条来代替 表链,他有时只是偷偷地看一眼。

  • He wore the watch and chain looped round his neck like a medallion .

    他将 链表绕挂在脖子上,就像戴了一枚大奖章。

  • It was a gold watch chain .

    那是一条金 表链

  • His suit was of excellent cloth with a watch chain and cravat in the continental style .

    他的西装用料上乘,系着 怀表 和欧洲大陆风格的领带。

  • By1900 almost every house had a clock and nearly every well-dressed gentleman wore a watch on a Chain tucked in his vest pocket .

    到1900年,几乎每家都有一个钟,几乎每位穿着讲究的绅士都带一块 ,并用 表链连着放在马甲口袋里。

  • Does the size of the watch chain suits you well ?

    手表 的大小是否合适?

  • I have a lucky charm bracelet which is my great-grandfather 's watch chain .

    我有一个幸运手链,那是我曾祖父的 表链

  • And meanwhile they should closely watch the development and evolution in the industry grasp the favorable opportunities to change the resources advantages into enterprises ones and actively take the responsibility of managing the whole industry chain .

    同时还要密切 关注所在行业的发展和演进,把握将资源优势转化为产业优势的良好时机,主动承担起管理整个产业 的责任,这样才能获得产业 的合理结构和高效的 协同效率。

  • He felt a twitch at his watch chain .

    他感觉到有人扯了一下他的 表链

  • My watch chain was breaken .

    我的 表链坏了。

  • A watch and chain was found on the desk .

    一只 挂表在桌上找到了。

  • I detached my watch from the chain .

    我从 表链上解下 手表

  • Coolidge awoke to see an intruder go through his clothes remove a wallet and unhook a watch chain .

    柯立芝醒来发现一个不速之客正在翻寻他的衣物,掏出一个钱包,解开一条 表链

  • The gold fob watch on a chain across his broad chest has large figures he can read without spectacles .

    还有一块带 的金 怀表挂在他宽阔的胸前,表盘上的数字很大,不戴眼镜他也看得清。

  • He detached his watch from the chain .

    他把 手表表链上拆下来。

  • An adornment that hangs from a watch chain .

    在一根 链子上悬挂的装饰品。

  • It 's sad to watch an animal kill another animal but I guess it 's just the chain of life .

    动物互相残杀真是悲哀,但我想这就是 生物链吧。

  • The watch hooks on to a chain .

    挂在一根 链条上。

  • Grand as the watch was he sometimes looked at it on the sly on account of the old leather strap that he used in place of a chain .

    尽管这 华丽珍贵,因为用的是旧皮带取代表 ,他有时只偷偷地瞥上一眼。