water gas pipe

[ˈwɔtɚ ɡæs paɪp][ˈwɔ:tə ɡæs paip]


  • The oil cushion method is used to build the caverns by water for salt dome gas storages . The main operating parameters to build the caverns by water include the oil cushion the intermediate pipe and the central pipe etc.

    岩盐 储气溶建腔常采用油垫法,其造腔主要施工参数包括油垫、中间 、中心管等。

  • The factors concluded gas composition temperature pressure and water content is major factor for hydrate formation furthermore gas well production length of the pipeline and pipe diameter and so on also affects the formation of hydrates to some extent .

    气流组成、温度、压力和 水量是影响地面集输管线中水合物形成的主要因素,此外, 气井产量、管线长度、 油管直径等对水合物的形成也有一定的影响。

  • It 's structure must be air tightness no water percolation and no air leakage . Countermeasures against Gas Leakage from Bell Socket of Cast-iron Pipe after Natural Gas Conversion

    结构要求密闭,不 渗水、不漏气。天然气置换后铸铁 承插接口 漏气对策

  • Investigation on the Characteristics of the Interfacial Waves and Flooding in Air Water Countercurrent Gas Liquid Two Phase Flow in Vertical Pipe

    垂直 气液两相逆向流动中界面波特性及液泛现象研究

  • Characteristic of Soil and Water Loss in the Fifth Segment of the West-to-East Gas Transportation Pipe Engineering and Countermeasures

    西 东输第五 标段 水土流失特点及防治对策

  • In the simulation of the auxiliary machinery this paper establishes mathematic model and simulation method of the oil water gas system on the basis of fluid network model of auxiliary machinery pipe network .

    在辅助设备的仿真中,本文在辅机 管网流体网络模型的基础上,建立了油、 系统数学模型和仿真方法;

  • Fault treatment of water penetration into instrument gas pipe in a liquid-product air separation unit

    液体空分设备仪表 管道故障处理

  • The utility model is composed of a housing a water inlet pipe a gas inlet pipe a water outlet pipe a hollow sphere a check valve etc.

    其主要结构由外壳、 进水管、 进气 、出水管、空心球体、止回阀等构成。

  • Underground water pipeline and gas pipeline is one of the important raw materials in the national economy . They has been named industry blood vessel . Centrifugal ductile iron pipe is one of the technical more difficulties but the most economic .

    地下 输水管道是国民经济中重要的原材料之一,素有工业血管之称,离心球墨铸 铁管是地下 管网中技术难度较大但最为经济的品种之一。

  • An urgent shutdown fault of a liquid-product air separation unit due to water penetration into instrument gas pipe is introduced . Corresponding treatment and precautions are also proposed .

    文章介绍了一起因仪表 管道造成液体空分设备紧急停车的故障,提出了相应的处理和预防措施。