watermelon seed

[ˈwɔtɚˌmɛlən sid][ˈwɔ:təˌmelən si:d]


  • However triploid hybrid watermelon seed was mainly that tetraploid as female parent cross the normal diploid as male parent to obtain .

    而三倍体 西瓜的杂交 种子主要是通过以四倍体为母本,正常二倍体为父本进行杂交获得的, 因此获得四倍体 西瓜是三倍体无 西瓜育种的关键。

  • The results showed that the extracts of root stem and leaf of watermelon have some inhibiting effects on seed germination and enzyme activities of seedlings such as germination rate root length embryonal axis length root activity SOD . POD and PPO activities .

    西瓜植株残体(根、茎、叶)的水浸提液能显著抑制 西瓜 种子发芽和幼苗生长,降低根系活力,抑制西瓜幼苗体内SOD酶活性,提高了PPO、POD酶活性。

  • Growth of Watermelon Seedlings under three light intensities were investigated on four cultivars with different seed sizes .

    摘要以 种子大小不同的4个品种为试验材料,研究了 西瓜幼苗在不同光照条件下的生长状况。

  • Effect of Different Materials Priming on Seed Germination and Seedlings ' Physiological Characteristics of Watermelon Seed

    不同引发剂处理对 西瓜 种子萌发及幼苗生理特性的影响

  • The result of experimentation showed that the effect of hydro-priming on triploid watermelon seed vigor and seeding growth significantly lower than towel priming and perlite priming .

    试验结果表明,水浸泡引发对三倍体 西瓜 种子活力和幼苗生长的影响效果显著低于毛巾引发和珍珠岩引发。

  • The result showed that the treatment with from lower temperature to higher can improve the germination of watermelon seed but the opposite is not .

    试验结果表明,从低温到高温的变温处理,可提高 西瓜 种子的发芽率,反之则不能;

  • The results indicated that the benzoic acid and ρ - hydroxybenzoic acid had autotoxicity effects on watermelon seed germination and seedling growth .

    表明苯甲酸、对-羟基苯甲酸对 西瓜 种子发芽和幼苗生长均具有自毒作用。

  • A watermelon seed remover relates to a tool capable of removing watermelon seeds sanitarily and conveniently .

    一种 西瓜器,涉及一种可以卫生方便的去除西瓜瓤的工具。

  • The Effect of Different Storage - time on Watermelon Seed Viability

    贮存时间对 西瓜 种子活力的影响

  • Ultrastructure of protein bodies and lipid bodies in cotyledon of watermelon during seed development and germination

    西瓜 种子发育和萌发过程中子叶细胞超微结构的变化

  • When we were little kids they told lies like If you swallow a watermelon seed it will grow inside your stomach .

    当我们还是年幼孩童时,她们会糊弄我们说如果你把 西瓜 吞下去,它就会在你的肚子里生根发芽。

  • Bottlegourd and summer squash were the best stocks for watermelon with high compatibility followed by black seed squash winter squash and pumpkin .

    试验结果表明, 西瓜与葫芦和西葫芦的嫁接成活率最高,其次为黑 南瓜、笋瓜和中国南瓜。

  • To evaluate the allelopathy effects of benzoic acid and ρ - hydroxybenzoic acid on watermelon the effects of benzoic acid and ρ - hydroxybenzoic acid on watermelon seed germination and seedling growth were studied by seed soaking seed-bud soaking and seedling irrigation .

    为探明苯甲酸、对-羟基苯甲酸对西瓜的化感作用,采用浸种、浸芽和浇灌幼苗的方法分别研究了苯甲酸、对-羟基苯甲酸对 西瓜 种子发芽和幼苗生长的影响。

  • The results of this study were as follows . 1 . Towel priming and perlite priming enhanced triploid watermelon seed germination energy germination rate germination index and vigor index .

    取得以下结论:1、毛巾和珍珠岩引发可以提高三倍体 西瓜 种子发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数。

  • A Study on Root Diseases of Watermelon and Seed Watermelon


  • Studies on Antioxidant Effect of Watermelon Extracts in Perilla Seed Oil

    西瓜提取物对 紫苏油抗氧化作用的研究

  • The effects of water extract of watermelon peel on seed germination and seedling growth were investigated .

    研究了 西瓜皮水浸提液对 西瓜 种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。

  • Instead of conventional crops like tomatoes cucumber and watermelon * the centre would plant profitable crops like strawberries flowers and hybrid seed aimed for export to Western markets .

    该中心并不种植土豆、黄瓜和 西瓜等传统农作物,而是种植草莓、鲜花和杂交 作物等经济作物,目标是出口到西方市场。

  • The watermelon seed remover mainly solves the problem that the removal of watermelon seeds is troublesome and insanitary for making a watermelon fruit tray .

    主要解决制作西瓜果盘去除 西瓜 时麻烦且不卫生的问题。

  • Effects of Benzoic Acid and ρ - Hydroxybenzoic Acid on Watermelon Seed Germination and Seedling Growth

    苯甲酸和对-羟基苯甲酸对 西瓜 种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响

  • The results showed that the water extract of watermelon peel had some inhibiting effects on seed germination and seedling growth ;

    结果表明, 西瓜皮水浸提液对 西瓜 种子的发芽率和幼苗生长均有不同程度的抑制作用;

  • Low germination rate and seedling emergence is critical problems in production of triploid watermelon seed .

    三倍体 西瓜发芽率低、田间 出苗 低等问题是 西瓜生产亟待解决的技术问题。

  • Water extracts from residues of the watermelon roots stems and leaves inhibited seed germination root elongation and root activities .

    西瓜根、茎、叶的水浸液对 种子的发芽率、根长、根系活力有抑制作用。