


  • The Integrated Analysis Assessment and Decision-making System of the Flood and Waterlog Disaster in Shantou City Based on GIS

    基于GIS的汕头市 洪涝灾害分析、评估和决策综合系统

  • A new method is provided to study waterlog . 5 .


  • The Simulation Analysis For The Severe Rainstorm And Waterlog And Flood In Liuzhou On June 20

    2005年6月20日柳州市大暴雨 渍涝 灾害模拟分析

  • A study of waterlog forecast method based on GIS in Liaoning region

    基于GIS的辽宁地区 预报方法研究

  • This year 's waterlog disaster made the crop unharvestable .

    今年的 洪涝灾害,造成粮食颗粒无收。

  • On the Rule of Historical Flood Waterlog in Shaanxi

    陕西历史 水涝 灾害 发生规律研究

  • After waterlog * ( 2 ) External application of NO can improve activity of defence enzymes .

    后外施NO可提高 樱桃 根系保护酶活性。

  • This paper has studied basic characters of agricultural waterlog in Jianghan plain and restricted influence to agriculture with waterlog .

    该文分析了江汉平原农业 洪涝 灾害的基本特征及洪灾对农业生产的制约影响;

  • As a powerful tool for handling spatial information GIS plays an important role in the analysis and the prevention of urban waterlog disaster .

    GIS作为一种空间信息处理的强大工具,在城市 内涝灾害的分析和预防中起了重要的作用。

  • Floods and waterlog caused a direct economic loss of63.5 billion yuan down by23.1 percent and left a death roll of686 down by41.3 percent .

    全年因洪涝 灾害造成直接经济损失635亿元,下降23.1%;死亡686人,下降41.3%。

  • It has analyzed structural contradictions and most problems of agriculture in Jianghan plain under flood and waterlog and put forward the basic adjustive thoughts of regional agricultural structures .

    指出 江汉平原农业生产存在的结构性矛盾和主要问题,提出该区域农业结构调整的基本思路。

  • The Application of GIS Model in the Analysis Evaluation and Countermeasure of Urban Waterlog Disaster

    GIS模型在城市 内涝灾害分析、评估和对策中的应用

  • The Basic Principles and Methods of Remote Sensing Application to the Identification of Waterlog Damage


  • Urban flood and waterlog disaster ( UFWD ) is a familiar comprehensive urban disaster .


  • A Preliminary Survey on Waterlog of Northern Anhui Province during Qing Dynasty & Concerning the Problem of Dividing Historical Waterlog Degrees

    清代皖北地区 洪涝 灾害初步研究&兼及历史洪涝灾害等级划分的问题

  • Soil erosion and disasters of flood and waterlog ground degeneration resulting from it have become the limiting factors for harmony developments in karst areas .

    土壤侵蚀及其导致的土地退化、 洪涝灾害已成为影响喀斯特地区协调发展的制约因素。

  • Calculating design drainage discharge have important significance for water safety and derating economic losses of waterlog in the polder areas .

    圩区设计排涝流量计算,对圩区的水安全,有效减免 涝灾经济损失有着重要意义。

  • Natural disasters such as drought waterlog water loss and soil erosion and silt deposit etc.

    旱、 涝灾、水土流失、泥沙淤积等自然灾害频繁, 直接 危害 人类 生命财产

  • Analysis and Improvement Suggestion for Waterlog Cause in Areas of Hohhot City

    呼和浩特市城区 积水原因分析及改善建议

  • A Study on the Neural Networks Assessment Model of Flood and Waterlog Disaster Based on GIS

    基于GIS的BP神经网络 洪涝灾害评估模型研究

  • To ease the loss caused by flood or waterlog the departments of all levels spent a great quantity of human resources financial resources and material resources in the research of basin 's treatment and the measures of flood control and disaster reduction and got some achievement .

    为了减轻 洪涝灾害的损失,流域内的各级政府 先后投入了大量的人力、财力和物力,用于流域治理和防洪减灾措施的研究,并取得了一些初步成果。

  • Waterlog has became one of the most important factors which affect the development of economy of this region .


  • The optimization for the regional design criteria for waterlogging control is put forward in this paper based on risk analysis of waterlog losses and by minimizing the sum of the engineering cost and the super standard waterlog losses as the objective function .

    将风险分析方法 引入 排涝损失计算,以治涝费用与超标准涝灾损失之和最小为目标函数,提出了地区排涝设计标准的优选方法。

  • Based on different periods ′ physiognomy hydro-meteorological losses of floods and waterlog and construction projects situation in the Liaohe River Basin we calculated and estimated the economic benefits of waterlog control synthetically .

    根据辽河流域各历史时期的地形地貌、水文气象、洪涝 灾情、水利工程建设状况等条件,通过综合分析论证,对该流域治涝系统工程减免水涝灾害的经济效益进行计算与评价。

  • Impact and Adaptation to Climate Change on Drought and Waterlog in Huaihe Region

    气候变化对安徽省淮河区域 旱涝 灾害的影响及适应 对策

  • Analysis and prediction of flood and waterlog in plum rain and flood season in Zhejiang Province

    浙江省梅汛期 洪涝 灾情分析和预测

  • The thesis focuses on how to use GIS to build urban waterlog analysis model evaluation model and countermeasure model .

    本文重点讨论了如何利用GIS模型技术构建城市 内涝 灾害分析模型、评估模型和对策模型。

  • Analysis and Evaluation of Waterlog Control Benefits in Liaohe River Basin Flood Control System

    辽河流域防洪体系 效益分析与评价

  • Flood and Waterlog and Rainwater Hydrological Cycle Rehabilitation during Urbanization

    城市化进程中的洪涝 灾害与雨水水文循环修复