


  • The study took two sets of rats both of who were subjected to an environment that simulated weightlessness .

    实验设置了两组老鼠,都放置于模拟 失重的环境中。

  • They 've been experimenting with weightlessness .

    他们一直在进行 失重的实验。

  • Scientists always knew it would not be easy for humans to work in the weightlessness of space .

    科学家们历来清楚,人在太空 失重 状态 工作绝非易事。

  • It also tested the effect of weightlessness on living creatures .

    飞行还试验了 失重对生物的影响。

  • Objective To study the effects of simulated weightlessness on learning and memory capability of the brain .

    目的研究 尾部 悬吊模拟 失重对脑学习记忆能力的影响。

  • Medical tests found that the human body becomes used to weightlessness after about forty days in space .

    医学检查发现,在太空生活大约40天后,人体就可以 适应 失重 状态

  • The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness

    那些宇航员正在进行一系列实验,以更多地了解身体如何适应 失重 状态

  • Yes but weightlessness and zero gravity are two different things .

    是的,但 失重和零重力是两件不同的事。

  • You have to pay a price for this half a second of weightlessness .

    半秒钟的 失重 状态,可是有代价的。

  • Conclusion four weeks of stimulated weightlessness can lead to osteoporosis in acantha and feurar but has no distinct effect on mandible .

    结论4周模拟 失重可以引起脊椎骨股骨的骨质疏松,但是对下颌骨没有明显的影响。

  • When a sportsman rises high into the air and an astronaut travels around the orbit they will be in weightlessness .

    运动员的腾空和宇航员在轨道上的飞行都是处于 失重 状态

  • AIM : To observe the morphological changes of vestibular organs and to detect the calcium content of otoconia in rats after simulated weightlessness .

    目的:模拟 失重 状态 观察大鼠前庭器官形态学改变和测量耳石中的钙含量。

  • Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness .

    宇航员在飞行中得适应 失重 状态

  • For this project a new residence and state function room for the Irish Prime Minister the objective was to create a weightlessness freedom from the stress of public life .

    对于这个项目,一个新的居住和爱尔兰总理状态函数空间,其目标是创建一个 失重 状态,从公共生活压力的自由。

  • Myocardial Apoptosis Induced by Simulated Weightlessness in Rats

    模拟 失重对大鼠心肌细胞凋亡影响的实验研究

  • The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness .

    太空人很快就习惯了 失重 状态

  • Explain the short-term and long-term physiological consequences of weightlessness .

    解释长期和短期 状态 的生理学影响。

  • Effects of simulated weightlessness on cell proliferation and cell cycle of cell line SGC-7901 and HFE-145

    回转器模拟 失重对SGC-7901、HFE-145细胞增殖和周期的影响

  • This course aims to introduce students to a quantitative approach to studying the problems of physiological adaptation to weightlessness .

    这门课程的目的是让学生了解一些研究 状态 生理适应性问题的方法。

  • The astronauts will soon get used to the condition of weightlessness .

    那些太空人不久就会习惯于 重力 状态

  • Effects of Conditioned Medium of Osteocytes Subjected to Simulated Weightlessness on Activity of Osteoblasts

    模拟 失重骨细胞条件培养基对成骨细胞活性的影响

  • Could people live in the weightlessness of space for that long ?

    人类在太空 失重 条件 能不能生存那样长的时间呢?

  • Objective To observe the effects of simulated weightlessness on the nutritional state and contents of serum lipids in human .

    目的探讨模拟 失重对机体膳食摄入营养状况和血脂含量的影响。

  • Passengers will get about five minutes of weightlessness and then glide back down to landing .

    乘客们将获得 年夜约五分钟的 失踪 状况,然后飞船滑翔向下直到着陆。

  • This proved that planned physical activity can prevent the bad effects of weightlessness .

    这证明,有计划的体育锻炼可以防止 失重人体的不良影响。

  • Astronauts quite often find that weightlessness makes them feel sick .

    宇航员相当经常地感到 失重使他们觉得恶心。

  • For the first time a rocket unit was fired under weightlessness .

    这是火箭单元首次在 失重 状态下点火。

  • Space radiation kills us ; weightlessness weakens us ; isolation makes us melancholy .

    太空的辐射能让我们失去生命, 失重 环境让我们身体虚弱,与世隔绝的 状态让我们感到忧郁。