


  • Personally I would welcome such a policy imperative with wide-open arms .

    我个人 张开双臂欢迎这种必要的政策目标。

  • Unlike the young student in the mother 's class the doors to the world are wide-open to this young lady and she was filled with enthusiasm .

    和母亲班级的年轻学生不同,通向世界的大门已经 完全向这位年轻的女士打开。

  • And then without stirring without even moving her head she began to stare all about her with wide-open eyes and a joyous air and she said nothing more .

    于是她不动弹,不摇头, 只用她一 了的眼睛向四处望,神情愉快,不再说话了。

  • He hesitates at times when he has a good wide-open shot .

    有时当他拥有很好的 外线 空挡时他也会犹豫。

  • Melman : White sandy beaches cleverly simulated natural environment wide-open enclosures .

    白色的沙滩,巧妙的模拟的自然环境, 开阔的。

  • Z3CF three normally open solenoid valve with Enlight wide-open and closed three flow ;

    Z3CF三位常开电磁阀,具有微启, 全开和关闭三种流量;

  • No longer could Edmond look into those wide-open eyes which had seemed to be penetrating the mysteries of death ;

    他再也看不到那一 大大的,仿佛死 看见的眼睛了;

  • The phenomenology-hermeneutic consider that the understanding role of teachers is a wide-open state .

    现象学&解释学认为教师理解者角色是一种 敞开的状态。

  • Scientific management and a wide-open posture have made Dalian Port increasingly prosperous .

    科学的管理, 开放的姿态,使发展中的大连港熠熠生辉。

  • Essentially this is a wide-open access model .

    它基本上是一种在 很大 程度开放的访问模型。

  • As I read Jidi Majia 's poetry I experience the perspective of an indigenous belief system with its windows thrown wide-open to the modern world .

    吉狄马加的诗作中,我感受到了一种少数民族独有的信念体系的风景,而这 风景的窗户对于当下的世界是 开放的。

  • A little round stripy-blue fish slowly wiggled its way right in front of my face with black wide-open eyes and naturally pursed mouth as if he didn 't notice there was a big monster watching him .

    一只圆圆的、带蓝色条纹的小鱼在我脸正前方缓缓摇着尾巴,黑色眼睛 滚圆,嘴巴自然闭合,就好像它根本就没注意到有一个庞然大物正盯着它。

  • With Yao Ming out of the picture China represents a wide-open market .

    在姚明 逐渐淡出 之后,中国表现出了 广阔的市场前景。

  • They all seemed depressed ; and Hauser had brought an old spelling-book with gnawed edges which he held wide-open on his knee with his great spectacles askew .

    所有这些人都显得很忧伤; 奥泽尔老人还带了一本边角都已破损的旧识字课本,摊放在膝头上,课本上横放着他那副大眼镜。

  • The Kiyosato winter world takes place in the wide-open snow field in front of the seisenryo hotel in kiyosato .

    以清里的饭店清泉寮前面开阔的 雪原为“清里冬天的世界”的举办会场。

  • He left the window wide-open .

    他让 窗子

  • The nose is darkly pigmented preferably black with large wide-open nostrils .

    鼻子呈暗黑色,黑色 最佳。鼻孔大而 完全 敞开

  • Traditionally powwows were held on wide-open spaces and lasted for days .

    传统上而言, 波沃庆典是会在宽广的空地上连续举办好几天。

  • Schemas for XML grammars however leave a lot of room for creativity : they are low-level wide-open schemas for which you ll find an almost unlimited number of valid instance documents .

    然而xml文法的模式却给 用户保留了相当 的创造空间。它们是 相当 开放的底层模式,对这些模式,您可以找到的合法实例文档 可能不计其数。

  • We drove across mile upon mile of wide-open space .

    我们一路行驶在 旷野中。

  • In May 1943 his airplane crashed into the wide-open Pacific .

    1943年5月,他的飞机 坠入了太平洋。

  • No longer could Edmond look into those wide-open eyes which had seemed to be penetrating the mysteries of death ; no longer could he clasp the hand which had done so much to make his existence blessed .

    他再也看不到那一 大大的,仿佛死 看见的眼睛了;他再也不能紧握那只曾为他揭开事实真相的灵巧的手了。

  • ZDF-Z1 / 1 multi-function solenoid valve combination with wide-open open small open wide-open four flow .

    ZDF&Z1/1组合多功能电磁阀具有 全开、大开、小开、全开四种流量。

  • When Sue awoke from an hour 's sleep the next morning she found Johnsy with dull wide-open eyes staring at the drawn green shade .

    第二天早晨, 苏艾睡了一个小时醒来的时候,看到琼珊 着无神的眼睛,凝视着放下 的绿窗帘。

  • The first thing one noticed about him was the look of his large wide-open eyes .

    人们首先注意到的就是他 双目 圆睁的神情。

  • Yea forsooth replied the bond-servant staring with wide-open eyes at the scarlet letter which being a new-comer in the country he had never before seen .

    “是的,在家,”那家奴一边回答,一边 眼睛瞪着那红字,他来到这地方只有几年,以前还从未见过那标记。

  • Inhale through your nose then exhale slowly through a wide-open mouth .

    通过鼻子吸气,然后用 长大的嘴慢慢 呼气

  • But Natasha was not asleep her wide-open eyes gazed straight before her out of her pale face .

    但是娜塔莎没有入睡,她 那苍白脸上的 凝滞的眼睛 正视 前方

  • But not all of his jumpers were wide-open shots that just wouldn 't go down .

    但并不是他所有的跳投都是 空挡,这是不 允许的。

  • A wide-open space bright and clean a hall larger by far than the Great Hall with that clear domed glass ceiling . It was quite empty .

    大片 辽阔的空间,明亮、干净,一个比大礼堂大得多的大厅,上面是那个明净的玻璃圆顶。