writ of habeas corpus

[法] 人身保护状

  • System of writ of habeas corpus is a useful remedy 's system for personal tights of citizens .

    摘要 保护 保护公民 自由权利的司法救济制度。

  • The applicants the people receiving the writ of habeas corpus and the admissible agencies form its basic framework . It is very important to clear the habeas corpus ' format and suspension cases in habeas corpus system .

    申请人、受令人、受理机构三方构成人 保护 制度的基本框架。人身保护令的格式及其中止情形等是人身保护令制度中的重要问题。

  • The writ of habeas corpus is called the Great writ in the common law countries .

    保护 在英美法国家被誉为大自由 令状

  • Or does it suggest that the judiciary is politicised ready to violate the presumption of innocence and tear up the writ of habeas corpus ?

    又或者此事表明司法部门已被政治化,准备违背无罪推定的原则,撕毁 权利 文书吗?

  • Writ of habeas corpus from the view of constitutionalism They have also generally established a system of habeas corpus and relevant rules concerning basic civil rights connected with arrest search detention etc.

    普遍确立了人 保护 制度以及对逮捕、搜查、扣押等与公民基本权益有关的强制措施的司法审查与控制制度,对其具体规定和作法予以介绍。

  • In UK and the US the writ of habeas corpus is a major legal instrument for the judicial relief of liberty .

    保护 制度则是英美国 家人 自由权 保护的主要司法救济手段。

  • Research on the Writ of Habeas Corpus from the Main Perspective of Procedural Justice

    程序正义主视角下的 保护 制度研究

  • He was not allowed to appeal against the decision and the court rejected his application for a writ of habeas corpus .

    法院不允许他因不服这一决定而上诉,而且法庭驳回了他 要求 保护 的申请。

  • Unified anti domestic violence law a writ of habeas corpus judicial separation system all give us experience and guide the direction of anti domestic violence currently .

    统一的反家暴法、 保护 、司法别居制度等都给我们提供了经验,为现时我国反家暴指引了方向。