


  • This paper introduces a GPS / single gyro yaw value fusion algorithm for marine application .

    研究一种应用于船舶的GPS/单陀螺 航向融合算法。

  • The planes yaw and tilt as they enter the cloud .

    那几架飞机进入云层时 发生 偏航倾斜。

  • Performance Analysis and Research of Yaw Bearing in the Wind Turbine with Horizontal Axis

    水平轴风力发电机 偏航轴承的性能分析与研究

  • Engineering Test Method for Motor Vehicle Yaw Rate and Sideslip Angle Based on GPS Technology

    基于GPS的汽车 角速度和侧偏角工程测试方法

  • Stability control ; Virtual prototyping ; Cornering ; Yaw ; Winter test ;

    稳定性控制;虚拟样机;侧偏; ;冬季试验;

  • Identical autopilots are used to control the pitch and yaw motions if the missile has two planes of symmetry .

    如果导弹有两个对称面,则使用相同的自动驾驶仪控制俯仰和 偏航运动。

  • Combined with the analysis and calculation some prevention measures about flashover caused by windage yaw are put forward .

    最后从设计和运行两方面提出了防治风 闪络的措施。

  • He spun the steering-wheel so that we yawed from side to side .

    急速 打着 舵轮,把我们 的。

  • The rudder controls yaw exactly like the rudder on a boat .

    方向舵控制 偏航就想船上的方向舵一样。

  • Effects of yaw rate feedback control law on handling and stabilities of automobiles with Steer-by-Wire are researched .

    研究了 速度反馈控制律对线控转向汽车操纵稳定性的影响。

  • The method of controlling vehicle braking stability by active yaw moment is proposed .

    提出了利用 力矩控制汽车在对开路面制动稳定性的方法。

  • This braking system has the control function of yaw brake and main shaft brake and can meet the condition of low-temperature .

    该系统具有 偏航刹车和主轴刹车的控制功能,能满足低温工作要求。

  • Research on the Influence of Loads of Variable Propeller and Yaw of Blade Bearing of the Wind Turbine

    变桨和 偏航 运动对风力发电机桨叶轴承载荷的影响

  • The S-IVB stage has its single engine gimbaled in pitch and yaw .

    S-IVB级有一个单独摆动发动机来作俯仰和 偏航

  • Integrated Vehicle Control of Four Wheel Steering and Direct Yaw Moment Control

    直接 力矩与四轮转向集成控制研究

  • This information can then be used to calculate the Pitch and Yaw Stability Derivatives .

    这个参数可以用来计算飞机仰角和 偏航 加速 中稳定 微调 能力

  • Simulation results show that this controller can control ship rolling and yaw very well and reduce sway as much as possible .

    仿真结果表明: 联合控制器能够很好的抑制船舶的 摇和 ,并能尽可能的减小横荡。

  • This also indicates some damping nature of caster angle with respect to yaw rate overshoot .

    同时说明主销后倾角对 速度超调量有阻尼作用。

  • ATTITUDE The relative orientation of the airplane with respect to pitch roll and yaw .

    飞机姿态,飞机与俯仰,坡度,和 偏航有关的相对方向。

  • The Study of Modeling and Control Algorithm for Vehicle Yaw Stability Control System

    车辆 稳定控制系统建模及控制方法研究

  • Wind mill generator unit hydraulic brake system can realize the functions of yaw brake control and main shaft brake control .

    风力发电机组刹车液压系统具有主轴刹车控制和 偏航刹车控制的功能。

  • Study on feedback control of yaw angle rate based on active front steering

    基于主动前轮转向 角速度反馈控制的研究

  • The Research and Design of the Wind Power Generation Yaw Control System in Agriculture

    农用风力发电 偏航控制系统的研究与设计

  • The genetic algorithm calculates the optimal regenerative braking torque and the optimal EHB torque for the given inputs of the desired yaw moment and road friction coefficient .

    根据已知输入的所要求的偏转转矩和道路摩擦系数,用该通常算法计算出最佳能量回收制动转矩和最佳的 EHB转矩。

  • As the plane climbed to 370 feet it started yawing

    飞机攀升到370英尺时,开始 偏航

  • A method of controlling vehicle braking stability on bisectional road by yaw moment was proposed .

    基于直接 力矩控制方法,设计了一种前馈&反馈补偿控制的车辆稳定性控制器。

  • Moveable panels on wings and tail for movement of airplane on pitch roll and yaw axes .

    机翼和机尾上的可动面板,用以操纵飞机俯仰,坡度,和 偏航运动。

  • A method and system based on compensation for beam drift are put forward in order to measure pitch and yaw errors .

    提出了一种 带有光线漂移补偿的测量 导轨俯仰角误差、 误差的方法及系统。

  • A coordinated control scheme of4WS and active suspension based on yaw rate tracking is proposed which distributes the control force between front and rear active suspensions and hen .

    提出了基于 率跟踪控制的4WS和主动悬架的协调控制方法,对前后轴主动悬架控制力进行了分配,提高了大 侧向加速度时的 响应。