




  • They will very likely try to wriggle out of the armistice terms .

    他们很可能设法 不实施停战协定的条款。

  • Don 't let Tom wriggle out of helping you .

    不要让汤姆 借故不帮你。

  • Bauman wriggled into the damp coverall .

    鲍曼 身子穿上潮湿的工作服。

  • Effective contingency provision at the start of a project allows for some wriggle room .

    在项目之初拨备有效的意外准备金,会给项目留出了一些 余地

  • His snakelike staff actually seemed to wriggle in sympathy .

    他那根蛇状拐杖看上去似乎在 扭动以示赞同。

  • When solitude occupies my whole mind even the rotational speed of a second hand turns into a sluggish wriggle .

    当孤独占据了我的全部时,就连秒钟的转速也成了一种慵懒的 蠕动

  • The Government has tried to wriggle out of any responsibility for providing childcare for working parents .

    政府试图 推脱为在职父母提供儿童保育服务的责任。

  • He whimpered as he tried desperately to wriggle free himself from the pot but without luck remaining with his head inside like a headless dog .

    它边呜咽,边拼命地 扭动 身体,试图把管子弄掉,但没有任何进展,它的头还是死死地卡在里面,像个无头狗。

  • He had to wriggle his way out .

    他得 身子 了出来。

  • He desperately tried to wriggle out of his shorts .

    他拼命 扭动,试图 脱掉短裤。

  • With a wriggle she managed to crawl through the gap .

    身子 一扭,设法爬出了缝隙。

  • They were fidgeting and wriggling in their seats

    他们在座位上焦躁不安, 扭去

  • He clutched the child tightly as she again tried to wriggle free

    孩子一扭 一扭 又想 挣脱,他紧紧地抓住了她。

  • You can always wriggle into a sweater if you 're not warm enough .

    如果你感到不够暖和,随时可以 上一件 套头衫

  • The babies are wriggling on their tummies

    婴儿们趴 扭去

  • Wriggle pump filling system is convenient to clean sterilize .

    灌装系统为 蠕动泵、清洁、消毒方便、生产稳定。

  • Most pupils wriggle as soon as they become bored .

    大部分学生一觉得厌烦,就会 扭动 身子

  • He got through the hole with a wriggle .

    扭动 身子从洞口 出去

  • They managed to wriggle through the thick hedge .

    他们 设法 过了厚厚的树篱。

  • The agreement allows Yahoo to wriggle out after five years if certain targets are not met .

    该协议规定,假如5年后某些目标没有达到,雅虎可以 退出

  • You can wriggle around all you like but you will have to listen .

    你可以 打马虎眼,但是有的话 的确 值得一听。

  • She pulled off her shoes and stockings and wriggled her toes .

    她脱下 鞋袜活动 活动脚趾头。

  • I 'll see him wriggle like a worm on a hook !

    我要让他象 的蚂蚁!

  • Children wriggle themselves when they are bored .

    小孩子感到厌烦时就会 扭动他们的 身体

  • We had to wriggle under the fence .

    我们只得在篱笆下 蜿蜒 前进

  • Small children wriggle in their seats when they are bored .

    小孩子们感到厌烦时,就会在座位上 扭动

  • I can 't manage to wriggle out of accompanying my parents to europe .

    我父母亲要我陪他们去欧洲,我想 摆脱也摆脱不掉。

  • It 's your turn to take the dog for a walk don 't try to wriggle out of it .

    轮到你把狗带 出去遛一遛了&别想 逃避不做。

  • I am a crocodile and I wriggle my hips .

    我是一只 鳄鱼,我转动我的