


  • She is trying to knit the old wool into carpet .

    她在尽力把这些旧 毛线 成地毯。

  • He doesn 't like wearing wool next his skin .

    他不喜欢贴身穿 的衣服。

  • The women prepared spun and dyed the wool

    女人们处理羊毛,纺 羊毛并给 羊毛染色。

  • This wool stapler who is wearing woolen scarf is woolgathering .

    这个戴着 羊毛围巾的羊毛商心不在焉的。

  • Stop trying to pull the wool over my eyes ! What were you two fighting about just now ?


  • Natural fabrics like silk and wool are better insulators than synthetics .

    丝绸和 羊毛之类的纯天然织物比合成纤维的保暖性更好。

  • Silk was used with wool for contrast .

    丝绸和 毛料用在一起以形成对比。

  • My sweater is made of wool .

    我的毛衣是用 羊毛 的。

  • This wool possesses high resilience and tensile strength .

    这种 弹性大,拉力强。

  • He 's in the wool business .

    他做 羊毛买卖。

  • Washing wool in hot water will make it shrink .

    毛线 热水洗会抽缩。

  • Mother is knitting wool into a sweater .

    母亲正把 毛线 成套衫。

  • He thinks by all his fast talking and flattery he can pull the wool over her eyes but she isn 't deceived .

    他认为像这样花言巧语加上奉承就可以 蒙蔽她,但她没有受骗。

  • Michelle will also spin a customer 's wool fleece to specification at a cost of $ 2.25 an ounce .

    米歇尔也会按顾客的要求为其纺 羊毛 ,每盎司收费2.25美元。

  • Rough cotton and felted wool boiled flannel .

    粗棉布和 羊毛毡,煮过的法兰绒。

  • Wool traps your body heat keeping the chill at bay


  • Such extraction modifies the whole cell-membrance network throughout the wool fiber .

    这种萃取改变了整个 纤维中所有细胞膜的网状结构。

  • Her ball of knitting wool fell on to the floor .

    她织衣服的 毛线 掉到了地板上。

  • Nothing can compare with wool for warmth .

    就保暖 性能来说,没有什么东西能跟 羊毛相比。

  • Wool body suits will retain their vogue next autumn .


  • Wool usually damages if washed in hot water .

    羊毛 热水洗往往会受到损伤。

  • His wool shirt always itches him .

    他的 羊毛内衣总是使他发痒。

  • This wool knits up well .

    这种 毛线很适合编织。

  • tufts of wool torn from sheep by bushes and brambles .

    被矮丛林与荆棘粘下来的簇簇 羊毛

  • A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind

    一件薄薄的 羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。

  • Clothes made of wool do not require washing after every wearing .


  • Autumn is a lively season for the wool market .

    秋天是 织品畅销的季节。

  • Wool is so scratchy that it irritates the skin .


  • The carpets are made in wool and nylon .

    这些地毯是用 毛料和尼龙制成的。

  • She was wearing wool slacks and a paisley smock .

    她穿着 羊毛宽松裤和涡旋花纹宽袍。