This centralized maintenance proves to be effective in raising working efficiency saving funds and cultivating qualified personnel .
仪器设备集中维修模式不失为一种提高 工作 效率、约经费、利于人才培养的好方法。
The machine 's working efficiency is10 % more compared with its counterparts in China .
机器的 工作 效率是10%以上相比,与其对应在中国。
An equivalent fuel consumption model based on the overall working efficiency was built using a new adaptive control strategy .
在自适应控制策略的基础上建立了基于 工作 效率的等效油耗模型。
We have set up an advanced operational system to achieve high working efficiency by the adoption of a scientific management mode and the founding of ERP system and the internal administrative system .
公司运用科学的管理模式,建立了ERP系统和内部办公系统,打造了先进的业务流程,具有较高的 工作 效率。
At the same time improve the people 's computer interaction and communication improve the working efficiency .
同时,电脑增进了人们的互动和交流,提高了人们的 工作 效率。
Effective mixing high working efficiency convenient operation .
混合效果好, 工作 效率高,操作方便。
From the foundation we are improving the working efficiency and quality of service by advanced technology and scientific management .
自公司成立以来,一直致力于以先进的技术和科学的管理来提高 工作 效率和服务质量。
ECG auto-analysis techniques with computer can reduce doctors workloads and increase working efficiency .
使用计算机对ECG信号进行分析和处理能够减少医生的工作量,提高医生的 工作 效率。
Pedal control increases working efficiency .
踏板控制可提高 工作 效率。
Conclusion The management level in radiology department is enhanced and the working efficiency is increased .
结论:提高了科室的管理水平和 工作 效率。
This system has been experimented in practical business work it is helpful for promoting working efficiency .
本系统已在实际业务工作中投入使用,有助于提高 工作 效率。
We must raise our working efficiency .
我们必须提高 工作 效率。
The site application showed that the system realized the automation of process management in the full life cycle of mining drawings and improved the working efficiency .
现场应用表明,该系统实现了矿图全生命周期流程管理的自动化,提高了 办公 效率。
The platform makes full use of information technology to improve the working efficiency and save costs and plays a positive role in the ordinary course of business .
平台充分利用信息技术提高了 办公 效率和节约了开支,在防雷日常业务中起到了积极作用。
To improve the working efficiency and lessen the intensity of labor we have improved our design to conform to the world market .
为了提高 工作 效率,降低劳动强度,我们改进了设计,达到了世界标准。
The result studying is indicated that the system can raise working efficiency greatly economize human resources improve the management level in University greatly .
其研究结果表明,使用该系统可以大大提高 工作 效率,节省人力资源,提高高校行政管理的管理水平。
Statistical results show that working efficiency in writing the nursing records increased by75 % as compared with manual work .
该程序运行半年,经初步统计,应用计算机书写护理病历, 工作 效率提高了75%。
Development of this system is in order to standardize equipment management and raise working efficiency .
该系统的开发是为了规范设备管理、提高 工作 效率。
The system is simple in operation quick in calculation high in working efficiency .
本系统操作简便,计算速度快, 工作 效率高。
The improvement of working efficiency of NC lathe based on the Intelligence Control System is studied in this paper .
本文从数控车床智能控制系统的研究 着手,对如何提高数控车床的 加工 效率进行了研究。
The workload of medical workers is reduced and the working efficiency is increased .
减少了医护人员的工作量,提高了 工作 效率。
Enhanced the cone through the mold structure 's improvement the components qualified rate reduced the production cost raised the working efficiency has obtained the good economic efficiency .
通过模具结构的改进提高了“锥体”零件的合格率,降低了生产成本,提高了 工作 效率,取得了良好的经济效益。
The steady automatic tangent line function has improved working efficiency .
稳定的自动切线功能提高了 工作 效率。
The successful application of numerical-controlling remanufacture has significantly reduced capital imput saved resource consumption reduced environmental pollution and raised working efficiency .
机床数控化再制造的成功应用,降低了资金投入,节省了资源消耗,减少了环境污染,提高了 工作 效率。
Based on the safe principle the high lifting speed of the mast improves working efficiency .
门架的高起升速度,在充分保障安全的前提下,大大提高了 工作 效率。
Through this it not only guarantees the performance but also raises working efficiency greatly and shortens the production cycle .
既保证了产品的质量,还大大地提高了 制造 生产率,缩短了产品更新的周期。
The new method having been widely used abroad can increase the working efficiency .
这个新方法,即在国外广泛运用的方法,会提高 工作 效率。
Can work under pressure high working efficiency and strong sense of responsibility .
能够承受工作压力, 工作 效率高,责任心强。
Night construction condition has been improved to raise working efficiency and speed .
改变了夜间施工环境大大提高了 施工 进度和精度。
美[ˈwə:kɪŋ ɪˈfɪʃənsi]英[ˈwɜ:kɪŋ iˈfiʃənsi]