The double attributes of water right determine that the government still plays an important role in establishment of modern water property system and its specific work includes allocation of the initial water property organization of water property trading improvement of water laws etc.
水权的双重属性决定了政府在建立现代水权制度的过程中仍要扮演重要角色,其具体 工作包括 分配初始水权,组织水权交易,完善水法体系,以及宣传水权知识等其他配套工作。
This paper has work out allocation in forestry ecosystem forestry industrial system and ecological culture system . In addition we bring forward some feasible measures in finances science and technology talented person and so on . Here are some important conclusions . 1 .
本文 研究出了 五类地区在林业生态体系、林业产业体系、林业生态文化体系的不同 布局,还提出财政、金融、科技、人才等方面相应的保障措施,现列举几个重要结论。
On a good horse properly Caoxian Zhaoma Wooden Arts Factory work well for the allocation of your wine wine the icing on the cake .
好马配好鞍,曹县昭玛木艺为您的葡萄酒 配上 做工精良的酒盒,锦上添花。
Moreover provinces and cities such as Guangdong Shanghai etc. are also implementing this kind of experimental work in housing allocation system reform .
此外,广东、上海等省市也在进行这类住房 分配制度改革试点 工作。
Emitter threatening grade evaluation is a particular subject in electronic countermeasures . It is the foundational work in jam resources allocation and assistant decision making .
辐射源威胁等级判定是电子对抗领域的一个重要 研究课题,干扰资源 分配、干扰辅助决策都以等级判定作为基础。
By completing GC work as a tax against allocation it 's possible to have uneven distribution of GC pauses and as such reduce the level of determinism in the GC behaviour .
完成GC 工作对 分配来说是个负担,GC暂停很可能是不均匀分配的,这样降低了GC行为的确定性。
Work out the post personnel allocation make the plan of recruiting organize implementation of such work as the interview recruiting etc.
编制岗位 定编,制定招聘计划,组织实施面试、招聘等工作。
To solve the problem of tracking collision in the work of station resources allocation a model of optimal resource allocation is given based on the general principle of resource allocation and the rule of optimization . The solution and steps are presented using genetic algorithm .
针对测站级测控资源 分配中存在的测控 任务冲突问题,根据资源分配的一般原则及最优准则,建立资源分配优化模型,利用遗传算法给出该模型的求解方法及步骤。
Considerations For Work Out of Allocation Standard of Health Resource
制订卫生资源 配置标准应考虑的问题
The work loading allocation method is not only suitable for semi-conductor industry but also workable in other manufactory model to help the factory management HC more efficiently .
本以 工作量为基础的人力 配置方案不仅适用于半导体制造业,也同样有助于提高其他行业的工厂人力管理效能。
As application threads allocate objects they will occasionally be asked to do a small amount of GC work before their allocation is fulfilled .
当应用程序线程分配对象时,系统偶尔会要求它们在完成 分配工作之前执行少量GC 工作。
Want to build multivariate salary to distribute system mix distribution according to work namely by allocation of factor of production union rises hold to distribution according to work to give priority to body a variety of systems that distribute means to coexist .
要建立多元的工资分配体制,即把按 劳分配和按生产要素 分配结合起来,坚持按劳分配为主体多种分配方式并存的制度。
Based on the different conditions of inflow rates this paper selects the appropriate typical year firstly . According to the principle of water balance this work analyzes the allocation of supply and demand balance .
然后按照不同来水保证率条件选择相应的典型年,根据水量平衡原理对预选方案 进行年内 分配供需平衡分析。
Secondly based on that work mathematical model of thrust allocation is built and the optimization objectives of algorithm and various constraints are proposed according to the actual needs of the system .
本文首先介绍了多全回转推进器的推力 分配策略和遗传算法理论,在此基础上,建立了推力 分配的数学模型,并根据实际系统的需要给出了优化算法的优化目标及各种约束条件。
Here we will introduce a new method using work loading allocation with the Goal Programming Model by shiftily which improves the accuracy by eliminate the impact of the demand variation and worker absenteeism .
因此,本文将介绍一种新的方法,它基于线性规划模型并以 班次 工作量为依据,消除因产量需求变化和人员出勤的影响提高预测准确性。
Sinopec Sales Co. LTD. North China as a regional company in petroleum product circulation enterprises that undertakes work like allocation and transportation in North China for many years is an important part in domestic oil logistics chain .
中国石化销售有限公司华北分公司是成品油流通企业中的大区公司,多年来一直承担着中国石化华北地区成品油的 配置、调运等 工作,是国内成品油物流运行链条中的重要一环。
Thus it is of substantial importance to study on the impact of industrial structure transformation on work force allocation and to make relevant suggestions in order to realize the dual purposes of industrial structure upgrade and work force allocation .
因此,研究产业结构的变化对 劳动力 配置所产生的影响并提出相应的建议,以实现产业结构优化升级和劳动力资源优化配置的双重目标,是具有十分重要意义的。
Model for joint optimization of path transportation intensity and earth-rock work allocation of rockfill dam
堆石坝 土石方 调配与道路运输强度的联合优化模型
In Shanghai 62.4 % of the residents currently still have housing still under work unit allocation .
恢复原居单位租住权上海百分之六十二点四的居民现有住房仍属 单位 分房。
There is no agreed and ordered set of work steps allocation of skills definition of interim results or metrics for production to guide the work of the staff .
没有指导员工工作的约定且订购的 工作步骤集、技术 分配、中间结果定义,或生产量度。
Through an analysis of the internal resources allocation and development in Chinese colleges this paper clarifies the guiding lines core content and major work in internal resources allocation and development in colleges .
对我国大学内部资源配置和发展 工作进行了分析,明确了做好大学内部资源 配置和发展 工作的指导思想、核心内容和重点 工作;
It allows managed threads to continue their work including memory allocation but with some limitations described below .
这些托管线程依然可以继续 运行并申请内存 空间,但是会有一些限制,具体限制会在后面解释。
Optimal Allocation of Work in Production System Equipment Allocation Model of Production Line on Port
生产系统的能力最优配置 件杂货码头装卸 作业线后方机械 配置模型的研究
Conclusion In view of insufficient nursing resource and unbalanced work allocation in ICU of grass-root hospital the job system of arranging nursing staff shift reasonably represents a patient centered service tenet which improves effectiveness in department management .
结论根据基层医院ICU人力资源不足、 工作量 分配不均衡的特点,合理安排护理人员班次的排班方式,体现了以病人为中心的服务宗旨,提高了科室管理效率。
In terms of work allocation the architecture can again help us to identify areas that require particular skills and therefore particular resources ( people ) to which work can be allocated .
在 工作 分配方面,体系架构可以再次帮助我们识别出需要分配特定技能和资源的区域。
The prediction of network traffic flow is a problem of great significance in the research work of resource allocation and congestion control .
在高速网络资源 分配与拥塞控制 研究中,网络业务流量的预报是一个具有重要意义的课题。
With the help of the clear object and mechanism of the collaboration the resource providers can work together to optimize the resources allocation .
通过向资源提供者之间引入明确的协同机制和共同的协作目标,来促使其共同 完成 事务协调过程中的资源 预 分配 问题。
Bower is probably best known for his weighty and sober work on strategy and resource allocation .
保尔在策略及资源 分配方面的重量级严谨 论著可能最为知名。
Among this engineering work flow and effective allocation of project human resources are the important aspects in corporate management and project management and an important approach to upgrade corporate management level as well .
其中设计 工作 的 工作流程和项目人力资源的有效 配置是公司管理和项目管理中的一个重要内容,也是提高公司管理水平的重要途径。
[经] 工作分配