


  • The issue of womenfolk in unauthorized religions and Taoism in the Ming and Qing dynasties

    试论明清道教与民间宗教中的 女性问题

  • The Literary Criticism of Antipathic Words on Hegemonic Words & On Tolstoy 's Viewpoint of womenfolk

    反叛话语对霸权话语的文学批评&兼论 托尔斯泰的妇女观

  • They emigrated to the towns with their womenfolk .

    他们带着 妇女 一起迁移到了城镇。

  • The first part of this thesis covers the womenfolk in Hua'er including the influences of natural environment and social environment upon the womenfolk living in areas where Hua'er is popular .

    上编,花儿中的 女性,包含了自然环境和人文环境对花儿流行地女性的影响、 花儿中女性形象的特征两部分内容。

  • Today is a special day for womenfolk as the day is celebrated as woman 's day across the world .

    今天是一个特殊的 日子,因为今天是世界妇女节。

  • Instead womenfolk take a series of lovers throughout their lives and the children of these walking marriages remain in their mothers'homes under a matriarch 's supervision .

    摩梭人从不结婚,摩梭 妇女一生中会找许多情人,通过“ 走婚”而生育的孩子跟随母亲生活,所有母亲都要接受女族长的监管。

  • In this article the author focuses on the consciousnesses of root seeking humanity consciousness populace consciousness and womenfolk consciousness .

    本文主要论述了意识 倾向 变化 民族寻根意识、人性意识、平民意识、 女性意识。

  • TV advertisements began to change with the women whether in the traditional fields aiming at womenfolk or in the rising domain of the women 's consumption .

    无论是在传统上以 女性主要 诉求 对象的领域,还是在女性消费的新兴领域,电视广告都已经开始随女人而变。

  • TV Advertisements & Modern Townie Womenfolk

    电视广告与现代都市 女性

  • Men never notice anything in a house run by their womenfolk .

    男人们从不留意 女人 打理