Lei Feng always thrifty had saved this sum from his allowances .
u96f7u950bu4e00u5411u8282u7701uff0c u8fd9u7b14 u94b1u662fu4ed6u4eceu6d25u8d34u4e2du7701u4e0bu6765u7684u3002
Well to sum up what is the message that you are trying to get across ?
u90a3u4e48uff0c u6982u62ec u6765u8bf4uff0cu4f60u60f3u8981u4f20u8fbeu7684u4fe1u606fu5230u5e95u662fu4ec0u4e48uff1f
Fields 's will bequeathed his wife Hattie and son Claude the sum of twenty thousand dollars
The Chinese Red Cross contributed a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled .
u4e2du56fdu7ea2u5341u5b57u4f1au6177u6168u6350u8d60u4e00 u7b14 u5de8u6b3eu4ee5u6551u6d4eu6b8bu75beu4ebau3002
John 's aunt died suddenly and left him a surprisingly large sum
u7ea6u7ff0u7684u5a76u5a76u7a81u7136u53bbu4e16u4e86uff0cu7559u7ed9u4ed6u4e00 u7b14u5de8u989du8d22u4ea7u3002
It 'll cost them the princely sum of seventy-five pounds .
u8fd9u5c06u82b1u8d39u4ed6u4eec75u82f1u9551 u5de8u6b3eu3002
Large sums of money were lost
u635fu5931u4e86 u5927u7b14u94b1u8d22u3002
The sum of evidence points to the crime resting on them
In sum the two countries are now true economic partners
Nothing about this sum has come to light
u5173u4e8eu8fd9u7b14 u94b1u4ebau4eecu4e00u65e0u6240u77e5u3002
Will you please sum up the main ideas of this article ?
u8bf7u628au8fd9u7bc7u6587u7ae0u7684u5927u610f u5f52u7eb3u4e00u4e0bu3002
To whom shall I debit this sum ?
u6b64 u6b3eu5e94u8bb0u5165u8c01u7684u8d26u6237u7684u501fu65b9uff1f
We have already seen the sum total of his attributes .
u6211u4eecu5df2u7ecfu89c1u8bc6u4e86 u4ed6u6240u6709u7684u90a3u70b9u513fu54c1u8d28u3002
' Public opinion ' is only the sum of the views of thousands of people like yourself
u201cu8206u8bbau201du53eau662f u6240u6709u50cfu4f60u4e00u6837u7684u6210u5343u4e0au4e07u4ebau7684u610fu89c1u7684 u603bu548c u3002
Even the relatively modest sum of u00a3 50 now seems beyond his reach .
u73b0u5728u5373u4f7fu662fu76f8u5bf9u6765u8bf4u5e76u4e0du7b97u591au76845u4e07u82f1u9551u5bf9u4ed6u6765u8bf4u4e5fu662f u9065u4e0du53efu53cau7684u3002
You pay regular premiums and in return the insurance company will pay out a lump sum .
u4f60u5b9au671fu652fu4ed8u4fddu9669u8d39uff0cu800cu4fddu9669u516cu53f8u5219u4f1au4e00u6b21u6027u7ed9u4f60u4e00 u7b14 u94b1u4f5cu4e3au56deu62a5u3002
King George of England gave the huge sum of uffe1 1450 for a single stamp .
u82f1u56fdu7684u4e54u6cbbu738bu4ec5u4ec5u4e3au4e86u4e70u4e00u679au90aeu7968u5c31u82b11450u82f1u78c5 u5de8u6b3eu3002
As individual members ' solo careers have proved each band was greater than the sum of its parts .
u6210u5458 u5355u98deu540eu7684u53d1u5c55u8bc1u660euff0cu6bcfu4e2au4e50u961fu7684u6210u5458u53eau6709u7ec4u5408u5728 u4e00u8d77u624du80fdu521bu9020u51fau66f4u5927u7684u6210u529fu3002
To sum up the plan falls into seven categories .
u8be5u9879u8ba1u5212 u7efcu8ba1u6709u4e03u4e2au65b9u9762u3002
It is a situation in sum devoid of logic .
I can 't do my sums .
u6211u7b97u4e0d u51fau6765u3002
u00a3 5 was a considerable sum in those days and particularly when set against the maximum wage .
u5728u5f53u65f65u82f1u9551u662fu76f8u5f53u5927u7684u4e00 u7b14 u6570u76eeuff0cu7279u522bu662fu548cu6700u9ad8u5de5u8d44u76f8u6bd4u3002
A remittance of a large sum is required .
u8981u6c42u4e00u7b14u5927 u6570u989du7684u6c47u6b3eu3002
He had sought to obtain payment of a sum which he had claimed was owed to him .
u4ed6u58f0u79f0u522bu4ebau6b20u4ed6u4e00 u7b14 u94b1uff0cu4ed6u5728u60f3u65b9u8bbeu6cd5u8ba8u8981u56deu6765u3002
To sum up : We welcome the statement of the Government and appreciate its willingness and commitment to work cooperatively with us .
u6700u540euff0cu6211u4eec u6b23u7136u63a5u53d7u653fu5e9cu7684u58f0u660euff0cu5e76u611fu8c22u5176u613fu540cu6211u4eecu5408u4f5cu7684u610fu613fu548cu627fu8bfau3002
That small room contained the sum total of the family 's possessions
u90a3u4e2au5c0fu623fu95f4u653eu7740u8fd9u5bb6u4ebau7684u5168u90e8 u5bb6u5f53u3002
You owe a certain person a sum of money
u4f60u6b20u67d0u4ebau4e00 u7b14u94b1u3002
Has it in its 30 years added much to the sum of human happiness ?
30u5e74u6765uff0cu5b83u4e3au4ebau7c7bu5e26u6765u4e86u66f4u591a u5e78u798fu5417uff1f
The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees .
u4e09u89d2u5f62u5185u89d2 u603bu548cu4e3a180u5ea6u3002
He is saving a sum of money to buy a home for his family .
u4ed6u6b63u79efu84c4u4e00 u7b14u94b1u4ee5u4fbfu4e70u4e00u5e62u4f4fu5b85u4f9bu5168u5bb6u5c45u4f4fu3002
vt.& vi.归纳总计总结,概括