sum peak

[sʌm pik][sʌm pi:k]

[化] 和峰,相加峰

  • The sum of the photopeak and the first escape peak was selected as a characteristic energy window using BGO detector in the spectrum processing while the sum of the photopeak the first and the second escape peaks was selected using NaI ( Tl ) detector .

    u5728u8c31u5904u7406u8fc7u7a0bu4e2d BGOu63a2u6d4bu5668u9009u62e9u5149u7535u5cf0u548cu7b2cu4e00u9003u9038 u5cf0u7684u548cu4f5cu4e3au7279u5f81u80fdu7a97uff0cu800cNaIuff08Tluff09u63a2u6d4bu5668u4ee5u5149u7535u5cf0u548cu7b2cu4e00u3001u7b2cu4e8cu9003u9038u5cf0u7684u548cu4f5cu4e3au7279u5f81u80fdu7a97u3002

  • It was proved that the sum of living bacteria was on the peak after being cultured for 8 hours .

    u7ed3u679cu8868u660euff0cu7ec6u83ccu57f9u517bu81f38hu65f6uff0cu6d3bu83cc u6570 u6700u9ad8u3002

  • Then make sure that you specify a tmpfs upper-bound that 's slightly less than the sum of all free swap and free RAM during these peak usage times .

    u7136u540euff0cu786eu4fddu6307u5b9au7684tmpfsu4e0au9650u7a0du5c0fu4e8eu6240u6709u8fd9u4e9b u9ad8u5cf0u4f7fu7528u65f6u95f4u5185u7a7au95f2u4ea4u6362u5206u533au548cu7a7au95f2RAMu7684 u603bu548cu3002

  • Through the cone - the micro-plate electrode structure of the collection and analysis with light intensity of discharge we sum the discharge light by a single peak and multiple peak current of alternating strong and weak law and duty laws .

    u901au8fc7u5bf9u9525u5f62&u5e73u677fu7535u6781u7ed3u6784u7684u5faeu653eu7535u5149u5f3au7684u91c7u96c6u5206u6790uff0cu5f97u5230u4e86u653e u7535u5149u7535u6d41 u5355u5cf0u4e0eu591au5cf0u5f3au5f31u4ea4u66ffu53d8u5316u89c4u5f8bu4e0eu5360u7a7au6bd4u89c4u5f8bu3002